Friday, August 14, 2009

Bad news; Good news; GREAT NEWS

I have only a few moments as I need to scrub the floor yet and clean the whole bathroom before sunset. Still, I thought that I'd share the news of the day as I just can't keep it in.

First of all for the bad news. Our neighbor Leo called around 4:30 and said that his wife, who is my friend Gladys, suffered from another stroke this morning. I couldn't believe it as we just talked yesterday on the phone and her lungs were sounding so much better. She had even walked out to the garden. Now Gladys is in the hospital in Bismarck again, for a different reason, and she can use your prayers.

You may recall that Gladys was just in the hospital in Bismarck for her asthma. I had visited her in the hospital at that time and she had consented to allowing me to do a BodyTalk session on her that day. She told me yesterday that it helped her so much. I hope that she'll consent to let me work on her again as BT works so good on reestablishing communication in the body and a stroke is a MAJOR shutdown of communication lines. Her left side is numb.

Well, the good news is that the Dagleys are coming for a visit tomorrow. Earlier in the day it seemed doubtful that they could come but Ben just called and said that a few of them will be able to come. Andrew needs to go over the Prairie Days DVD with them that he is putting together for them. Also, we want to have A SWING SET PARTY. The children were all mowing this morning in preparation for company, so I'm glad that they're coming. :)

Does anybody know what you officially do at a swing set dedication? All I know for sure is that I've dedicated it to the work of the Lord to bring joy into our family and those of all whom HE brings here. Here are a few pictures that I took earlier today as the children tied and burnt the ends of the ropes. Part of me was suffering as they told me that their plan was to tie the boards at different lengths so that people of different sizes can all swing at the same time. I had been seeing them all lined up perfectly exactly 34.29873 inches from the ground. I should have done my deep breathing technique, for it wasn't worth THAT much stress. After I pondered the situation a little, I came to see that their plan was "Just Perfect." Really, as if everybody in the world has the same lenghth of legs!!! :)

Here I am checking out the yellow swing. IT WORKS! :)

Now for the great news. THE LORD WORKED OUT THE FINANCING AND THE GUYS BROUGHT THE OTHER 9030 HOME AN HOUR AGO!!! You may recall, from the bale stacking pictures post, that we were trying to get another 9030. Our major crop is alfalfa and the one we had handles the hay like nothing else. NOW WE HAVE TWO!!! We traded in the fancy swather that we'd bought when we were focusing more on small grains. They're willing to finance the rest so the Bornemann men's hearts are full of joy tonight. You know what they say about the difference between the men and the boys, don't you? Let's see if I can recall it now.
The difference between the men and boys is the size and the PRICE of their toys.
Here our guys are playing with their new toy. :)

Back to cleaning.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I love the 3 lawn mowers picture! How exciting that you have company for Sabbath! I'm sure all will enjoy the new swing. Can't wait to hear about the dedication. Congratulations on the new tractor. It's a beaut!

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