Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sabbath lessons

Good morning,

It's a start of a new week and already the Lord has taught me a valuable lesson. We had a wonderful day together yesterday. The cows were in the fence when Robert and I drove the 3 miles up north to check on them--that's always a plus! Then we got cleaned up and enjoyed our leftover roast, potatoes, and carrots. Pastor Davis had another tremendously thought-provoking sermon on pursuing the truth in our lives and then sharing it through testimonies to others.

I rested then while the children set up the Settlers of Catan board. This is a game that everybody loves to play during the winter months but we hardly ever play it in the Summer. Jacob had been begging to play it for several Sabbaths now so, being it was raining, we decided to go for it. The company who makes the game is called RAINY DAY GAMES so we tease that we can only play it when it is raining.

This is a complex thinking game and, after my illness in 2006, my head used to hurt so badly that I just couldn't take playing it. It was so great yesterday, then, to be able to match my wits with the rest of the great thinkers in this household as the rain fell softly to the thirsty ground all around us.

Here's a shocker for you--I ACTUALLY WON THE GAME. Here's the lesson that the Lord taught me through pondering the game this morning. You see, I realize now that I actually had the capability of winning the game several rounds before this. Robert, Lord bless his loving husbandly heart, said when I was wondering out loud what to do next, "I guess I'd build a settlement over there by those camels."

DAH, DAH, AND DOUBLE DAH!!!!!!! You see, I had in my hand the cards to build the settlement with, which instantly won me the game. NOW WHY COULDN'T I HAVE SEEN THAT?

So now the life lesson which holds tremendous appeal to my mind this morning is this. How many times has the Lord placed within my reach the solution to the problems which torment my mind? How many times could I simply look at a problem in another light and know instantly what I am to do about it? How many times has God himself sat on the sidelines of the game of my life cringing, "Why doesn't she see that I have put the answer to this problem right under her nose?" HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.

It sure does make me ponder more closely the concept that the song writer was trying to convey in OPEN MY EYES, LORD................................ Perhaps the Lord is speaking to you too through my sharing of this concept. If so, I would love to hear how He used this lesson to benefit your life and those who love you! Please feel free to share here all of the blessings with which the Lord blesses your life!!!!!!!!!!! One of the purposes of my blog is to give people hope that God does care about us and if willing to help us with our problems if we only give Him the chance. :)

On to the newest project in the Bornemann household which is a giant swing set. It can only be worked on in our spare time which truly is quite spare these days. It's only because these small rains make haying imposable that progress is being made on our swing set. This isn't just any old swing set--this is a Robert-sized swing set. :)

When we moved here we envisioned a park across the driveway. It's taken us 3 plantings to get a good stand of grass going but, now that this is a reality, it's on to the swing set. We all love to swing around here so Robert decided 6 years ago when we moved here, that this would be a swing set for adults too. Here are the pictures of the progress so far. The holes were dug last week on the day after a rainy day. Robert is marking the spots for the telephone polls which he'll sink into the ground 6 feet.

Here Robert is using the tractor and post hole digger to start the process. They had to build a special bit to go on the end of the 4 foot digger to get down the 6 feet he figures is necessary to ground the thing to withstand our North Dakota winds AND 6 people swinging at once.
One of the holes.

This morning after chores, while Cora and I are blogging and Andrew is working on the Prairie Days video he's assembling for the Dagleys, I became aware that progress was being made outside on this project. I went out to take pictures and found Robert and Jacob talking about the holes that need to be drilled in the telephone poles at the proper spots for the swing locations.
Here Robert and Jacob are marking the places where they will drill.

Right now, as I write, just across the driveway Jacob is starting to "Reem out" one of the holes. This means that some of the dirt has fallen back in the holes and so must be dug out by hand so that the poles will set in flush when they drop them in the holes with the loader tractor.
Here Robert is doing the same thing. It does make one feel a little lazy to ponder that they are working hard outside while I sit here and type away. However everyone here knows that writing is my therapy. It makes me feel so good to get something out in the open if it's bothering me. On the other hand, if I feel that I have something to share that could really bless others, it just eats at me until I do so. Whether it blesses someone else or not, I leave up to the Lord.

That's all of the pictures for now on that subject as that's all that's been accomplished so far. I'll keep posting as the project progresses. In the meantime I'm including this picture of my sweetie when he isn't working. Isn't he handsome? I've loved this man for 30 years now this past May. I was 20 when we met and he was 22. We got married when I was 22 and he 24 on October 10, 1980. Where does the time go?
Best get to work helping Cora make lunch. It smell likes the pancakes are on the griddle already. What a wonderful daughter she is!!!!!!!!
Keep reading for, as Mr. Victor Storkel says, "Readers control the world." Then he adds, "And writers control the readers." I encourage all of you Christians again to start your very own blog as it truly is a way to get the word and ways of God out there in the public sphere. Will you at least think about it? :)
Love as always,

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