Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Class was GREAT!

I have a ton of things to do today but, I know that if I don't write quickly about my class, it may not get done for a month, if then.  I decided to handle the class and the trip separately. 

This is my instructor, Ange, who WROTE the "BodyTalk for Animals" course with Dr. Veltheim.  She is a Tellington Touch instructor which is a method to calm animals.  I'm going to buy the book about TTouch on Amazon because it's a simple way of calming any animal which is a good way to start sessions.  Yes, we did hit it off great as we both love BodyTalk AND animals!
 I guess I waited too long to bring up taking a class picture as some of the class members had left by this time.  I was surprised that it's not a tradition in Montana BT classes to get a group picture after class as I had just assumed that it would be done.  There were 17 of us together for 2 1/2 days and it was GREAT!!!!  It's amazing how being an animal lover can be very bonding!  These are those who I caught before they headed out for other parts of the country.
It's the only time this year that the class will be taught in the States and it's being taught only 2 other places in the world so I am soooooo very grateful to have had the chance to go.  Tory is in the front kneeling and she is the class coordinator.  We had 3 practitioners there from ND but the other 2 were from the Fargo area.  One for sure I think will be a life-long friend as we both love the Lord so much!

We arrived at the Red Willow Learning Center 15 minutes before we needed to arrive so I'd call that quite amazing on that long of a trip.  Robert checked us in to the hotel while I had my first segment of the class on Friday night.  This was all lecture as was Saturday. 

We learned how to know when animals are getting stressed out and how to calm them.  We learned about how to do sessions on animals; how to bring balance to the entire family by working on an animal (really my main reason in wanting to go); and the legal issues involved in working on animals. 

On Sunday we worked in groups of 3 on 4 different animal.  We had to each do the 3 steps in a session to get familiar with each one in detail and then for the forth one we got to pick which role we wanted.  The 3 duties were: get the information about the dog using the intake form; do the session; and watch the animal during the session to look for shifts as they occurred.

 It was the most intriguing animal experience of my life!  In fact, it's been hard for me not to run up to the cattle herd immediately today but duties have kept me from it so far.  It IS on my list for this afternoon, though, as I am aching to apply what I learned to our very own livestock. 

Now, listen to what the Lord has lined up for me on Sabbath--we're going to go to the Bismarck ZOO!!  OH BOY!!!!!!!!

I'd best get to work but I'll post about my visit with my brother and his wife and the rest of our trip later. 



1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I look forward to hearing more about what you learned. It's sounds like you had a great trip. Glad you made it there and back safely.

Endurance brings JOY?

 Good morning everyone,     How are you doing today?     I am loving writing again!  It's such good therapy for me to put my thoughts in...