I love this video about keeping the Sabbath at home. As much as I love singing in the choir or teaching children about the Lord or being convicted in my spirit about some new concept that the Lord laid on the pastor's heart, keeping the Sabbath at home with my family is oh so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that you can begin to grasp how much this means to me by listening to these deep thoughts.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Late notice
Hi everyone,
I've never posted from my iPod before so this definitel will be short. It's just that time has slipped away from me. I
said to the boys at supper that it's probably too late for this but they said that they disagreed.
Anyway, our friend Chris is hosting an Appleseed at his place this weekend.
The boys decided to stay home because the Keister family is leaving us early next week. We're having a farewell party for them on Sabbath. We all think that the Appleseed project is great but we cannot have our friends leave us without one more day together! It
Makes my heart ache to think of
No more tea parties with Sarah!
Well, if you'd like to get in on the last Appleseed shoot of the year in ND, you'll need to register at the site which is listed on my sidebar. This is a great program which teaches us the value of freedom and how to preserve it! If you can't attend, then please keep the shoot in your prayers. Please keep the Keister family in your prayers and us too as we learn to let them go!
I've never posted from my iPod before so this definitel will be short. It's just that time has slipped away from me. I
said to the boys at supper that it's probably too late for this but they said that they disagreed.
Anyway, our friend Chris is hosting an Appleseed at his place this weekend.
The boys decided to stay home because the Keister family is leaving us early next week. We're having a farewell party for them on Sabbath. We all think that the Appleseed project is great but we cannot have our friends leave us without one more day together! It
Makes my heart ache to think of
No more tea parties with Sarah!
Well, if you'd like to get in on the last Appleseed shoot of the year in ND, you'll need to register at the site which is listed on my sidebar. This is a great program which teaches us the value of freedom and how to preserve it! If you can't attend, then please keep the shoot in your prayers. Please keep the Keister family in your prayers and us too as we learn to let them go!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A wonderful trip
Canada was beautiful this time of year. The leaves were just lovely everywhere and it felt much like home to me until I saw this gas station sign, and this highway sign with Canada on top. All of the speed limit signs are in the metric system which surprised me the first time that I saw the speed limit was 100.
Many of the stores have names like KING, QUEEN, PRINCE, and PRINCESS as I captured in this "Princess Auto" sign.
Elizabeth just loved this rounded building in Winnipeg.
Here is my dear friend with her daughter and grandson in our classroom. When it was all over I realized that I did not take any other pictures of our classroom for some odd reason. It was a nice hotel and everyone was very friendly and helpful.
On Sunday at break, Elizabeth came in all excited to show me a picture. She had taken an up-close photo of this sign which you can see says, "Kintyre Street." We knew that our hotel was located on Portage Avenue but did not realize that it's intersecting street was Kintyre Street.
We just HAD to get a picture of me under the pole. I said to Elizabeth, "That just goes to show that, no matter where you are, you can always be at home." When she ended the AT HOME with me, I teared up with joy.
The class was fantastic--that's all I can say. As the instructor spoke, and explained the new techniques, I kept thinking of different people whom I work with that this could help--including me. You may recall that the reason I went into BodyTalk in the first place was to save my life and my never-ending pursuit of good health will never leave me I am sure. That's why it's so exciting to keep gaining in my knowledge of how the human body works.
I'll speak more on the different techniques as I learn them better. Suffice it to say that most of the class was lecture time. I kept hoping that we'd get time to practice the techniques, like we do in the earlier modules, but there was just so much to cover. After all, I have the rest of my life to perfect my use of the new techniques.
On Sunday night, after eating out of my cooler for 3 days, I was eager to get out and eat a warm meal. The class coordinator recommended the restaurant that we went to and I was so glad. I can honestly say that I have never had a finer waiter--we all just loved him!!!!!!!
Several of the ladies ordered ribs--the house speciality. When Willy came with the ribs, he asked the ladies if they wanted bibs and they thought he was joking but he was NOT. I asked him if he minded my taking a picture of him tying on Sandra's bib, but he didn't, hence this shot. I truly think that this was the most pleasant meal of my life, even though I stuck to GAPS. I had a wonderful Ceaser salad with sliced chicken breasts and said, "Hold the croutons" which they did.
Melissa and Sandra were my 2 roommates and we got along fabulously.
Here are Elizabeth and Esther with their bibs on. If you look closely, you can see baby Joseph too.
After supper, Elizabeth showed us a wonderful wool hat that she treated herself to. Being she was a monitor (one who had taken the class before), she spent some of her time in shopping for little Joseph and she found this wonderful, "Dream-come-true" hat. I was so happy with her as she has "Always wanted" a wool hat and finally she got her wish.
This is what our hotel looked like when we got back to it after our fabulous meal after class was over.
Early the next morning, we packed up the vans and headed out of Winnipeg. I caught a few pictures of it's loveliness.
There were hanging basket s of petunias EVERYWHERE! I wondered how they kept them from freezing.
Here's my chauffeur. :)
There was a sweet little town that we went through called, Holland. This real windmill was on it's outskirts.
How would you like to do your shopping in THE GROCERY BOX? Eli and I both thought that this was such a cute name for a grocery store.
This is the last photo that I have of Canada. It was so lovely with it's Fall colors. Driving in the hills all decked out for a gay party reminded me of that drive 5 years ago through the Turtle Mountains with our mutual friend, Paulette. My how time flies.
It was a treat to visit my dear friend, Carol B after we left the Hansons in Rolla. Then I dropped Melissa off at her house north of Rugby; got gas in Rugby; and made the roughly 3 hour journey with ease. I was so excited to have learned so much that can help so many people and I was floating on a cloud.
It's been fascinating to have these new links come up in my sessions. I am so thankful to my family to cover things for me here while I was away! Thanks guys!!!
PS. I'll write about our border crossings later as I am tired and I have an early client tomorrow morning.
Many of the stores have names like KING, QUEEN, PRINCE, and PRINCESS as I captured in this "Princess Auto" sign.
Elizabeth just loved this rounded building in Winnipeg.
Here is my dear friend with her daughter and grandson in our classroom. When it was all over I realized that I did not take any other pictures of our classroom for some odd reason. It was a nice hotel and everyone was very friendly and helpful.
On Sunday at break, Elizabeth came in all excited to show me a picture. She had taken an up-close photo of this sign which you can see says, "Kintyre Street." We knew that our hotel was located on Portage Avenue but did not realize that it's intersecting street was Kintyre Street.
We just HAD to get a picture of me under the pole. I said to Elizabeth, "That just goes to show that, no matter where you are, you can always be at home." When she ended the AT HOME with me, I teared up with joy.
The class was fantastic--that's all I can say. As the instructor spoke, and explained the new techniques, I kept thinking of different people whom I work with that this could help--including me. You may recall that the reason I went into BodyTalk in the first place was to save my life and my never-ending pursuit of good health will never leave me I am sure. That's why it's so exciting to keep gaining in my knowledge of how the human body works.
I'll speak more on the different techniques as I learn them better. Suffice it to say that most of the class was lecture time. I kept hoping that we'd get time to practice the techniques, like we do in the earlier modules, but there was just so much to cover. After all, I have the rest of my life to perfect my use of the new techniques.
On Sunday night, after eating out of my cooler for 3 days, I was eager to get out and eat a warm meal. The class coordinator recommended the restaurant that we went to and I was so glad. I can honestly say that I have never had a finer waiter--we all just loved him!!!!!!!
Several of the ladies ordered ribs--the house speciality. When Willy came with the ribs, he asked the ladies if they wanted bibs and they thought he was joking but he was NOT. I asked him if he minded my taking a picture of him tying on Sandra's bib, but he didn't, hence this shot. I truly think that this was the most pleasant meal of my life, even though I stuck to GAPS. I had a wonderful Ceaser salad with sliced chicken breasts and said, "Hold the croutons" which they did.
Melissa and Sandra were my 2 roommates and we got along fabulously.
Here are Elizabeth and Esther with their bibs on. If you look closely, you can see baby Joseph too.
After supper, Elizabeth showed us a wonderful wool hat that she treated herself to. Being she was a monitor (one who had taken the class before), she spent some of her time in shopping for little Joseph and she found this wonderful, "Dream-come-true" hat. I was so happy with her as she has "Always wanted" a wool hat and finally she got her wish.
This is what our hotel looked like when we got back to it after our fabulous meal after class was over.
Early the next morning, we packed up the vans and headed out of Winnipeg. I caught a few pictures of it's loveliness.
There were hanging basket s of petunias EVERYWHERE! I wondered how they kept them from freezing.
Here's my chauffeur. :)
There was a sweet little town that we went through called, Holland. This real windmill was on it's outskirts.
How would you like to do your shopping in THE GROCERY BOX? Eli and I both thought that this was such a cute name for a grocery store.
This is the last photo that I have of Canada. It was so lovely with it's Fall colors. Driving in the hills all decked out for a gay party reminded me of that drive 5 years ago through the Turtle Mountains with our mutual friend, Paulette. My how time flies.
It was a treat to visit my dear friend, Carol B after we left the Hansons in Rolla. Then I dropped Melissa off at her house north of Rugby; got gas in Rugby; and made the roughly 3 hour journey with ease. I was so excited to have learned so much that can help so many people and I was floating on a cloud.
It's been fascinating to have these new links come up in my sessions. I am so thankful to my family to cover things for me here while I was away! Thanks guys!!!
PS. I'll write about our border crossings later as I am tired and I have an early client tomorrow morning.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Module 6
Well I'm off for Winnipeg this morning. Please keep me in your prayers as I travel and learn new information. Did you ever notice how learning is HARD WORK? Also please cover the class with your prayers as we have had some opposition to it already.
I banged up my finger yesterday trying to fix the disc. Let's put it this way, the disc still is NOT fixed and neither is my finger. I am a little disappointed that I didn't get the field finished but God always has a reason.
I'm excited to say that I noticed this morning that my waistline is definitely shrinking and I'm not even on the full GAPS program yet. I urge everyone to listen to the posts of Dr. McBride's wonderful GAPS program. I am taking along my broth, lots of protein foods, and some frozen goat's milk. I think I'll be OK as Elizabeth said last night that she and Esther are taking their food along too.
Best get everything packed up and in the car. OH I AM SOOO EXCITED to be able to spend 3 days with BodyTalkers again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To those whom I'll miss seeing at Harvest of Thanks tomorrow, I truly regret missing the day. However, God has called me to take this class so here's a hug for all of you that I will miss seeing.
Love to all God's people!
PS. Elizabeth told me last night that there are 33 people taking the class so it will be a big one!
I banged up my finger yesterday trying to fix the disc. Let's put it this way, the disc still is NOT fixed and neither is my finger. I am a little disappointed that I didn't get the field finished but God always has a reason.
I'm excited to say that I noticed this morning that my waistline is definitely shrinking and I'm not even on the full GAPS program yet. I urge everyone to listen to the posts of Dr. McBride's wonderful GAPS program. I am taking along my broth, lots of protein foods, and some frozen goat's milk. I think I'll be OK as Elizabeth said last night that she and Esther are taking their food along too.
Best get everything packed up and in the car. OH I AM SOOO EXCITED to be able to spend 3 days with BodyTalkers again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To those whom I'll miss seeing at Harvest of Thanks tomorrow, I truly regret missing the day. However, God has called me to take this class so here's a hug for all of you that I will miss seeing.
Love to all God's people!
PS. Elizabeth told me last night that there are 33 people taking the class so it will be a big one!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Link that could change your life
Here's the link to learn more about the GAPS diet: http://gaps.me/. I decided to post it separately so it's more noticeable.
Hope it helps!
Hope it helps!
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride Part 6
Here it is, folks! This is the conclusion of the interview which has changed many lives already. Once again, if you're joining me late, please go back a few posts until you find the beginning of this very important interview.
I have decided to plunge into GAPS when I get back from class next week. In the meantime, I've been slowly changing my thinking about grains being "Indispensable" or even "Wonderful." What is wonderful about a nearly 54 year upset stomach?
At noon I ate a bowl of beef broth as taught in the GAPS diet. I also ate about a cup and a half of our small zucchini and crookneck squash sauteed in butter. For desert I had a couple of the coconut balls that we found the recipe for in INTERNAL BLISS. It is sooooooo wonderful to have less churning and I KNOW that I'm on the right track. PLEASE consider making a study of the GAPS diet if you, or someone you love, has chronic stomach upset AND brain dysfunction of any type. It's amazing how the 2 are linked.
Well, I have much to do but I am happy to say that I started packing as my clean things came out of the laundry. I do believe that this is the earliest I have ever packed so maybe the GAPS diet is already helping my thinking too? I just can't stand that feeling of not being able to decide what to do.
Well, I can tell that it's time to make supper. I had 2 clients today, one brand new one. Tomorrow I'm getting a brand new dog client so life is very busy and I just LOVE it!!!!!!!! Early Friday morning, I'll be heading for the Scott and Elizabeth H. home and then I'll jump into their van and we'll be off for Winnipeg together for Module 6 or the BodyTalk protocol system!!!!
As always, I appreciate your prayers for safety for myself and my family as we do the work of the Lord. Not everybody is actually excited about the work that we're doing but then, WE ALL GET OUR REWARDS IN DUE SEASON!
May God bless the faithful,
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride Part 5
Hang on folks--there are only 2 more parts to this interview. I hope, though, that you are finding this as captivating as I am. I am so greatly encouraged, as I read in GUT AND PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME, that my constant upset stomach will someday be a thing of the past.
Please be in prayer for us. Last week, when I was really mad at the goats for breaking down the electric fence AGAIN, I told the children, "I am selling ALL of the goats."
I reasoned that, now that I have the GAPS diet, I no longer need the goat's milk to help calm my digestive system. "I can get along fine with cow's milk," I told Jacob and he, who has never been a great goat lover said, "GOOD!"
Then, last night when I brought it up to the entire family that I am thinking of selling all of the goats and start drinking Sally's milk, Andrew snickered.
I asked, "What's so funny?"
Robert chuckled then and said, "He was just telling me that he is thinking about selling Sally."
"OH NO," I groaned, "we can't be entirely without milk."
As I just listened to part 4 of this interview, I became absolutely CERTAIN that we will not be selling all of our milk producing animals around here. My goodness, lacto-fermented dairy products are some of the BEST things to help heal a sick gut. Now, which ones to keep and which ones to sell? THAT IS THE QUESTION!
Love to all of you truth seekers out there,
PS. Have I told you how heavy my heart is to be loosing my friend, Sarah K? They have accepted the call to a church in South Carolina where there are more home schooling families in the church. Although I'm happy for them, I will soooooooooooooo miss Sarah. Why did I think of this now, you might ask? Because it is Sarah who told me about GAPS. What a wonderful gift to share with a friend--thank you Sarah dear!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride Part 4
Have any of you gotten to thinking about your gut and/or your children's guts by what you've heard so far? This is really SOOOOOOOOO very important so I hope that you'll invest the hour to listen to this interview. Remember to go back a few posts to see the beginning of the interview if you're joining me today.
Yesterday I saw clients in my Bismarck office. In between sessions, I started reading GUT AND PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME. To be honest it is quite shocking to realize how many mental/emotional problems start in the digestive system.
I would like to encourage all of you to order the gaps cookbook, INTERNAL BLISS. You can get it on Amazon.com for about $12. The best way to start working into GAPS is to start eating a few GAPS items each day. Then go to one complete GAPS meal a day. Then make 2 of your meals each day be made up of GAPS foods. Soon you're at all 3 meals GAPS foods and you're feeling better--at least that's what everyone tells of in the books.
So far we've made the apple and walnut desert. Jacob was gobbling it up and I said, "Did you realize that that's a "GAPS" dessert?"
He said, "Nope, but if all GAPS food is this good, I'm for it."
For supper tonight Cora made the biscuits and it was hard to sample only one before the feast. I will just say that I am greatly encouraged by what I've read. It helps me understand why I have been so weak and sickly all my life with the standard German diet being bread 3 times a day plus potatoes twice a day. NO WONDER I WAS SO WEAK AND SICKLY!!!
I wish you all a blessed Sabbath rest as I bundle up to go and milk Sally. BRRRRRR--it's cold outside today. We even have our electric heater running today.
Love to all,
PS. Oh, I remember what else I was going to tell you. Today I went to the bank and bought some of the Canadian funds that I'll need for the trip. I'll need to get the rest of it in Bismarck before I leave ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! My bank didn't have enough for what I'll need for Module 6 in Winnipeg. The money is so pretty that I'll try to post pictures of it tomorrow.
Yesterday I saw clients in my Bismarck office. In between sessions, I started reading GUT AND PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME. To be honest it is quite shocking to realize how many mental/emotional problems start in the digestive system.
I would like to encourage all of you to order the gaps cookbook, INTERNAL BLISS. You can get it on Amazon.com for about $12. The best way to start working into GAPS is to start eating a few GAPS items each day. Then go to one complete GAPS meal a day. Then make 2 of your meals each day be made up of GAPS foods. Soon you're at all 3 meals GAPS foods and you're feeling better--at least that's what everyone tells of in the books.
So far we've made the apple and walnut desert. Jacob was gobbling it up and I said, "Did you realize that that's a "GAPS" dessert?"
He said, "Nope, but if all GAPS food is this good, I'm for it."
For supper tonight Cora made the biscuits and it was hard to sample only one before the feast. I will just say that I am greatly encouraged by what I've read. It helps me understand why I have been so weak and sickly all my life with the standard German diet being bread 3 times a day plus potatoes twice a day. NO WONDER I WAS SO WEAK AND SICKLY!!!
I wish you all a blessed Sabbath rest as I bundle up to go and milk Sally. BRRRRRR--it's cold outside today. We even have our electric heater running today.
Love to all,
PS. Oh, I remember what else I was going to tell you. Today I went to the bank and bought some of the Canadian funds that I'll need for the trip. I'll need to get the rest of it in Bismarck before I leave ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! My bank didn't have enough for what I'll need for Module 6 in Winnipeg. The money is so pretty that I'll try to post pictures of it tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride Part 3
I'm alone for chores again tonight so I don't have much time. I just listened to part 3 as I ate my chef salad for supper. Once again, I find myself amazed that an unhealthy digestive system can cause so many serious health problems for people. Praise God for this answer which is rather simple to implement. Dr. McBride says that thousands of people buy her book; heal their families; and write to thank her without ever needing her professional services. I call that God-given.
My prayer is that if you have a child with autism, dyspraxia; ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia and numerous other "Mild" problems like diabetes, epilepsy....., that you will take the time to listen to this interview along with me. Then buy Dr. McBride's book, GUT AND PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME and start to heal your family too.
Out to the pasture to fetch Sally,
My prayer is that if you have a child with autism, dyspraxia; ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia and numerous other "Mild" problems like diabetes, epilepsy....., that you will take the time to listen to this interview along with me. Then buy Dr. McBride's book, GUT AND PSYCHOLOGY SYNDROME and start to heal your family too.
Out to the pasture to fetch Sally,
I'm appalled
Truly, it takes a lot to totally disgust me, but I am appalled. Years ago, when I learned that creative spelling was being introduced into the South Dakota school system, I wondered what would be the outcome.
Over the years, I've seen signs of it's making head ways into our written language. Usually my children and I just shake our heads and laugh over some of the poor writing on billboards, or in advertisements, and especially in the superintendent's reports in our local newspaper.
I have tried to become less critical over the years, but this is just too much! I received this email in my inbox this morning. Andrew usually has some of his revamped computers for sale and I usually can read the replies that come in response to his ads. However, this one was the worst--so far.
It especially hit me hard in light of Cora's recent post where the young man demonstrated how far our daily English usage has swerved from the written word. Now, I THINK I know what he is trying to say, but let's see if you can figure it out.
Any guesses?
Over the years, I've seen signs of it's making head ways into our written language. Usually my children and I just shake our heads and laugh over some of the poor writing on billboards, or in advertisements, and especially in the superintendent's reports in our local newspaper.
I have tried to become less critical over the years, but this is just too much! I received this email in my inbox this morning. Andrew usually has some of his revamped computers for sale and I usually can read the replies that come in response to his ads. However, this one was the worst--so far.
It especially hit me hard in light of Cora's recent post where the young man demonstrated how far our daily English usage has swerved from the written word. Now, I THINK I know what he is trying to say, but let's see if you can figure it out.
Any guesses?
aight i can do that... iam give ya a call in a lil while.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride Part 2
Hi everyone,
The more that I read and listen to Dr. McBride, the more I understand why I was sickly all my life. The things I ate or didn't eat, made my gut sickly and hence I was sickly all my life. I pray that all who are to find their way to GAPS, will do so at their own time and pace. I'm just planting seeds for you all to ponder. With that in mind, here's part 2 of Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr. McBride.
The more that I read and listen to Dr. McBride, the more I understand why I was sickly all my life. The things I ate or didn't eat, made my gut sickly and hence I was sickly all my life. I pray that all who are to find their way to GAPS, will do so at their own time and pace. I'm just planting seeds for you all to ponder. With that in mind, here's part 2 of Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr. McBride.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Surely you all must know the great respect that I have for Dr. Mercola. Why, I hardly ever buy anything without checking what Dr. Mercola has to say about it first.
Further, you must know by now that I am committed to the pursuit of my total wellness. This seems now to mean that I am going on the GAPS diet. It's only natural for me, then, to see what Dr. Mercola has to say about it. Listen along with me now to see if GAPS is for you too. I pray that all of my readers will commit to changing their unhealthy habits to healthy ones--one step at a time. My highest goal is for all of us to get well together. Then, together, we can and WILL heal our world!
Further, you must know by now that I am committed to the pursuit of my total wellness. This seems now to mean that I am going on the GAPS diet. It's only natural for me, then, to see what Dr. Mercola has to say about it. Listen along with me now to see if GAPS is for you too. I pray that all of my readers will commit to changing their unhealthy habits to healthy ones--one step at a time. My highest goal is for all of us to get well together. Then, together, we can and WILL heal our world!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Focus on which?
In the past 2 days I've had a perfectly wonderful experience and a perfectly terrible experience. I decided to start with the terrible one (although it happened after the wonderful one) because I want to leave you with the wonderful experience running through your brain after you leave my little spot in cyberspace. I'm hoping that you'll focus on the wonderful one but the terrible one has it's lessons to learn from too.
I'm sure that by now you are aware that I am pondering switching to the GAPS diet. I haven't read all the information that I have here yet, but I am convinced that this diet WILL heal not only my gut but everything else that remains to be healed. Here is a video from the founder of the GAPS diet. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride used this diet to heal her son of autism solely through the process of healing his gut. Please take a moment to listen to her thoughts on how the gut gets sick in the first place.
Now, I will say that I have been pretty convinced that this is the way that I want to go with my eating for the next 2 or 3 years until my gut heals. I already have been avoiding grains/starches for the past month that I was preparing for and then implementing the Master Cleanse. However, the other night I got home from Bismarck around 10:00 and I didn't have time to fix anything grain-less just then. The guys just got home from the field and they were HUNGRY too!
I put a pizza in the oven and thoroughly enjoyed the first wheat I'd had in over a month. I had exactly one piece of pizza plus a forth of my second piece that I cut up and shared with the guys. I know that most of you couldn't care less what I eat, but there are those out there who are pondering going on GAPS too so I share this experience for their sake.
In less than 8 hours I was so miserable that I could hardly get out of bed yesterday morning. I ached as badly as the worst day of tractor driving will produce. Worse still, was the depression that hung over me. I couldn't care less that it was Preparation day with much to be done to prepare for Sabbath. Poor Cora had to drag me out of bed at 9:30 and harp at me all day to keep me realizing that there was work to be done!
Now, in retrospect, here is the most interesting phenomenon which I observed while in the state of wheat intoxication. When I looked in the mirror yesterday morning, my heart just sank. I looked to myself as if I weighed in at 500 pounds. When I weighed myself I had indeed gained 3 pounds over night. However, my perception of my body was as though it had quadrupled from the ingestion of 1 and 1/2 slices of pizza. This was after a couple of weeks of feeling quite pleased with the way my body was slimming down on the Master Cleanse.
There is no doubt in my mind, after this experience, that Dr. McBride IS right. Having an unhealthy gut can deeply affect us not only physically but emotionally as well. In fact here is a list of symptoms that can be caused by an unhealthy gut.
These are the main physical symptoms of gut dysbiosis:Chrohns, colitis, diverticulitis, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, chronic diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, non-anaphalactic allergies, asthma, gas, bloating, psoriasis, diarrhea, constipation, colic, reflux, vomiting, heartburn, dyspraxia, urinary and fecal incontinence, malnutrition, tummy pains, stool abnormalities, and symptoms of autism.
Emotionally the body responds to grains negatively when having this condition in these ways: depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder; schizophrenia, attention deficit (with or without hyperactivity) disorder; anxiety, night wakings, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, feeding difficulties (including picky eating), and hyperactivity.
The main point to get here is that an imbalance of gut flora can cause any or all of the above. The good news is that, by following the GAPS diet, countless people have had ALL of their symptoms disappear.
Once I could think a little again, I wondered something that you may also be wondering. Now, I have eaten TONS of wheat all my life. We Germans have wheat at LEAST 3 times a day. In addition, most Germans that I know also have potatoes or rice with their meal which also can throw people off as starches may all be contributors to this unhealthy gut condition which affects so many of us. Now, being I have eaten wheat all of my life, how could one and 1/4 pieces of pizza throw me into such agony, both physically and emotionally, as I suffered from all day yesterday?
I found the answer to that question in the GAPS GUIDE on page 57. The question asked was, "Why after starting GAPS, do I react to foods that I didn't react to pre-GAPS?
The answer was: "More than likely, you were reacting to them previously and just didn't notice. While consuming our trigger foods regularly, our bodies typically display low-grade issues (headache, joint pain, sadness, fatigue...). When we give the body a sufficient break from trigger foods, then reintroduce them, we often experience an INTENSE, obvious, acute reaction (migraine, rashes, depression...). One has actually been reacting all along, but with chronic ingestion, the body is so pummeled it can't even get up the gumption to scream at you anymore."
The good news, then, about how rotten I was feeling yesterday is that I can see that my body IS now strong enough to scream at me, "Don't eat any more wheat/grains/starches until your gut is healed." Believe me, I DID GET THE MESSAGE YESTERDAY!!!!!!!
My prayer, in sharing this with you, is to inspire you to check out the GAPS diet if you hear your story echoing in mine. That's why I decided to share the series of videos that Dr. McBride has on You Tube for you to listen to. If you don't want to wait that long to listen to them all, feel free to search them out for yourself. GO FOR IT AND MORE POWER TO YOU!
Now for the wonderful story that I promised to leave you with. I smile every time I think of how God brought me a new client this past Thursday. I wasn't sure what to do when Denise didn't show up at 5:00; 5:15; or 5:30. Being I had my nose in the GAPS GUIDE, I kept reading and waited another 15 minutes telling myself that I'd leave if she hadn't come by 6:00.
About a quarter to 6:00, a lovely middle aged woman came to the door and I let her in. She apologized for being late stating that her new boss called a meeting that she could not get out of. She had forgotten to write down my cell number and I had forgotten to write down hers, so we were even.
I liked Denise right away. Getting into the session a little further, I realized that Denise is a lot like me in many ways. I wasn't surprised, then, when she shared that she had a childhood very similar to mine.
I was doing Reiki on her shoulder injury when it came out and I said, "I seem to draw women like you to me as it's not something that is intimidating to me to talk about."
Denise said, "I KNOW that I was drawn to you. That door just wouldn't leave me alone." With just a little prodding, Denise told me this story of God's leading in her life.
Being Denise works directly across the street from my office, when she leaves her parking lot she is looking right at my building. I can't recall now how many days she said that her eyes were drawn to the door to my office building. "Finally," she said, "I just knew that I HAD to go in there to check it out."
Denise told me how, one day after work, she excitedly entered the door that had been calling her (of course it was the Lord who had been telling her to go through that door). Denise said, "I paused by the massage therapists door but did not feel that this was where the Lord was leading me."
I got excited as Denise described how she went up the steps to the upper level and was drawn to my door. She said that her heart was beating with excitement knowing that she would get the help that she needed in that room. Denise immediately wrote down my name and number; called me; and had her first session with me on Thursday.
I praised God then (and have every time that I think about it) for leading Denise to me that day? Oh yes, and what were the results of our hour and a half spent together? Denise summarized for me after the session was finished, "Well, my head feels more clear; my back hardly hurts at all; my shoulder hurts about a forth of what it's been hurting me for decades; and the lump in my throat seems to be about half the size it was when I came in here." WOW!
BodyTalk + radionics sessions work miracles and I praise God for bringing them to me. How I long for the whole world to experience this healing for themselves. Now I know, though, that I don't have to do a thing and God Himself will bring folks to me at just the right time for them. Say, do you think that makes Him my secretary? or perhaps my PR man? One thing is sure, I'm glad that He has a sense of humor. ;)
Happy Sabbath everyone. I'm off to read more of the GAPS Guide and then on to the REAL manuscript on the topic: Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. On the front cover there's a sign post with arrows pointing to dyspraxia, autism, A.D.D, dyslexia, A.D.H.D.,
depression, and schizophrenia. To think that all of those very serious issues can be caused by what we're eating....
Here's to health at whatever the cost--even no more wheat!
I'm sure that by now you are aware that I am pondering switching to the GAPS diet. I haven't read all the information that I have here yet, but I am convinced that this diet WILL heal not only my gut but everything else that remains to be healed. Here is a video from the founder of the GAPS diet. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride used this diet to heal her son of autism solely through the process of healing his gut. Please take a moment to listen to her thoughts on how the gut gets sick in the first place.
Now, I will say that I have been pretty convinced that this is the way that I want to go with my eating for the next 2 or 3 years until my gut heals. I already have been avoiding grains/starches for the past month that I was preparing for and then implementing the Master Cleanse. However, the other night I got home from Bismarck around 10:00 and I didn't have time to fix anything grain-less just then. The guys just got home from the field and they were HUNGRY too!
I put a pizza in the oven and thoroughly enjoyed the first wheat I'd had in over a month. I had exactly one piece of pizza plus a forth of my second piece that I cut up and shared with the guys. I know that most of you couldn't care less what I eat, but there are those out there who are pondering going on GAPS too so I share this experience for their sake.
In less than 8 hours I was so miserable that I could hardly get out of bed yesterday morning. I ached as badly as the worst day of tractor driving will produce. Worse still, was the depression that hung over me. I couldn't care less that it was Preparation day with much to be done to prepare for Sabbath. Poor Cora had to drag me out of bed at 9:30 and harp at me all day to keep me realizing that there was work to be done!
Now, in retrospect, here is the most interesting phenomenon which I observed while in the state of wheat intoxication. When I looked in the mirror yesterday morning, my heart just sank. I looked to myself as if I weighed in at 500 pounds. When I weighed myself I had indeed gained 3 pounds over night. However, my perception of my body was as though it had quadrupled from the ingestion of 1 and 1/2 slices of pizza. This was after a couple of weeks of feeling quite pleased with the way my body was slimming down on the Master Cleanse.
There is no doubt in my mind, after this experience, that Dr. McBride IS right. Having an unhealthy gut can deeply affect us not only physically but emotionally as well. In fact here is a list of symptoms that can be caused by an unhealthy gut.
These are the main physical symptoms of gut dysbiosis:Chrohns, colitis, diverticulitis, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, chronic diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, non-anaphalactic allergies, asthma, gas, bloating, psoriasis, diarrhea, constipation, colic, reflux, vomiting, heartburn, dyspraxia, urinary and fecal incontinence, malnutrition, tummy pains, stool abnormalities, and symptoms of autism.
Emotionally the body responds to grains negatively when having this condition in these ways: depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder; schizophrenia, attention deficit (with or without hyperactivity) disorder; anxiety, night wakings, behavioral problems, learning disabilities, feeding difficulties (including picky eating), and hyperactivity.
The main point to get here is that an imbalance of gut flora can cause any or all of the above. The good news is that, by following the GAPS diet, countless people have had ALL of their symptoms disappear.
Once I could think a little again, I wondered something that you may also be wondering. Now, I have eaten TONS of wheat all my life. We Germans have wheat at LEAST 3 times a day. In addition, most Germans that I know also have potatoes or rice with their meal which also can throw people off as starches may all be contributors to this unhealthy gut condition which affects so many of us. Now, being I have eaten wheat all of my life, how could one and 1/4 pieces of pizza throw me into such agony, both physically and emotionally, as I suffered from all day yesterday?
I found the answer to that question in the GAPS GUIDE on page 57. The question asked was, "Why after starting GAPS, do I react to foods that I didn't react to pre-GAPS?
The answer was: "More than likely, you were reacting to them previously and just didn't notice. While consuming our trigger foods regularly, our bodies typically display low-grade issues (headache, joint pain, sadness, fatigue...). When we give the body a sufficient break from trigger foods, then reintroduce them, we often experience an INTENSE, obvious, acute reaction (migraine, rashes, depression...). One has actually been reacting all along, but with chronic ingestion, the body is so pummeled it can't even get up the gumption to scream at you anymore."
The good news, then, about how rotten I was feeling yesterday is that I can see that my body IS now strong enough to scream at me, "Don't eat any more wheat/grains/starches until your gut is healed." Believe me, I DID GET THE MESSAGE YESTERDAY!!!!!!!
My prayer, in sharing this with you, is to inspire you to check out the GAPS diet if you hear your story echoing in mine. That's why I decided to share the series of videos that Dr. McBride has on You Tube for you to listen to. If you don't want to wait that long to listen to them all, feel free to search them out for yourself. GO FOR IT AND MORE POWER TO YOU!
Now for the wonderful story that I promised to leave you with. I smile every time I think of how God brought me a new client this past Thursday. I wasn't sure what to do when Denise didn't show up at 5:00; 5:15; or 5:30. Being I had my nose in the GAPS GUIDE, I kept reading and waited another 15 minutes telling myself that I'd leave if she hadn't come by 6:00.
About a quarter to 6:00, a lovely middle aged woman came to the door and I let her in. She apologized for being late stating that her new boss called a meeting that she could not get out of. She had forgotten to write down my cell number and I had forgotten to write down hers, so we were even.
I liked Denise right away. Getting into the session a little further, I realized that Denise is a lot like me in many ways. I wasn't surprised, then, when she shared that she had a childhood very similar to mine.
I was doing Reiki on her shoulder injury when it came out and I said, "I seem to draw women like you to me as it's not something that is intimidating to me to talk about."
Denise said, "I KNOW that I was drawn to you. That door just wouldn't leave me alone." With just a little prodding, Denise told me this story of God's leading in her life.
Being Denise works directly across the street from my office, when she leaves her parking lot she is looking right at my building. I can't recall now how many days she said that her eyes were drawn to the door to my office building. "Finally," she said, "I just knew that I HAD to go in there to check it out."
Denise told me how, one day after work, she excitedly entered the door that had been calling her (of course it was the Lord who had been telling her to go through that door). Denise said, "I paused by the massage therapists door but did not feel that this was where the Lord was leading me."
I got excited as Denise described how she went up the steps to the upper level and was drawn to my door. She said that her heart was beating with excitement knowing that she would get the help that she needed in that room. Denise immediately wrote down my name and number; called me; and had her first session with me on Thursday.
I praised God then (and have every time that I think about it) for leading Denise to me that day? Oh yes, and what were the results of our hour and a half spent together? Denise summarized for me after the session was finished, "Well, my head feels more clear; my back hardly hurts at all; my shoulder hurts about a forth of what it's been hurting me for decades; and the lump in my throat seems to be about half the size it was when I came in here." WOW!
BodyTalk + radionics sessions work miracles and I praise God for bringing them to me. How I long for the whole world to experience this healing for themselves. Now I know, though, that I don't have to do a thing and God Himself will bring folks to me at just the right time for them. Say, do you think that makes Him my secretary? or perhaps my PR man? One thing is sure, I'm glad that He has a sense of humor. ;)
Happy Sabbath everyone. I'm off to read more of the GAPS Guide and then on to the REAL manuscript on the topic: Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. On the front cover there's a sign post with arrows pointing to dyspraxia, autism, A.D.D, dyslexia, A.D.H.D.,
depression, and schizophrenia. To think that all of those very serious issues can be caused by what we're eating....
Here's to health at whatever the cost--even no more wheat!
Monday, September 5, 2011
A money miracle
WOW--I was the happy reciepient of a money miracle today! I was just praying about how to pay for Module 6 coming up in 3 weeks. Then I received an email from Ed K. stating that one of our radionics class members just ordered the deluxe version of the WorkStation. Even with the discount she got for being in the class, my commission will be almost $700! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that there is never a reason to worry but Robert had just told me that the time has come for me to start discing all of the acres that we planted this year. He is combining and the boys are finishing the haying. Last year I worked almost a month going over the 400 acres as it's a slow process. This morning, then, I had wondered to the Lord, "Now how will I ever get in enough sessions to pay for Module 6?" Literally within seconds of that thought I received the following email from Ed. Ed was excited and I share his words as I feel better about horn tooting if someone else toots mine rather than doing it myself.
Good news! (A fellow class member) got in touch with us last week to place an order for a Workstation instrument with an upgrade to a 6 plate phase array! I am very pleased and proud of this development, and you should be to! This means that all of the folks that completed the class either already owned or decided to buy a Kelly instrument - another example of how our class was a rousing success!
Praise the Lord for this marvelous provision for me! Three cheers for the Lord--hip hip horray; hip hip horray; HIP HIP HORRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Back to more sessions,
I know that there is never a reason to worry but Robert had just told me that the time has come for me to start discing all of the acres that we planted this year. He is combining and the boys are finishing the haying. Last year I worked almost a month going over the 400 acres as it's a slow process. This morning, then, I had wondered to the Lord, "Now how will I ever get in enough sessions to pay for Module 6?" Literally within seconds of that thought I received the following email from Ed. Ed was excited and I share his words as I feel better about horn tooting if someone else toots mine rather than doing it myself.
Good news! (A fellow class member) got in touch with us last week to place an order for a Workstation instrument with an upgrade to a 6 plate phase array! I am very pleased and proud of this development, and you should be to! This means that all of the folks that completed the class either already owned or decided to buy a Kelly instrument - another example of how our class was a rousing success!
Praise the Lord for this marvelous provision for me! Three cheers for the Lord--hip hip horray; hip hip horray; HIP HIP HORRAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Back to more sessions,
Sunday, September 4, 2011
The GAPS diet
Sarah said last week, "Did you ever think of going on the GAPS diet to help to heal your digestive system?"
I replied, "What's the GAPS diet?"
She said, "You know, I was telling you about it the last time that we spoke."
I questioned, "Do you mean the one that gets rid of autism?"
She wisely answered my question, "Yes, BUT it does so much more than that. There are all sorts of problems that disappear when on the GAPS diet." Sarah then proceeded to quickly explain how the diet works; what can be accomplished with it; and how it helped her digestive system when she was in a crisis a few years back.
It got me thinking and since then I have ordered the book, "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" along with the companion book, "GAPS GUIDE." Since they arrived on Friday, you can be assured that I have my nose in the guide every spare moment.
I know that I have tried, "All sorts of things" to try to get well. Although total wellness has so far eluded me, I am so much stronger than I ever thought I could be after how totally debilitated I was in 2006. Still, even though I have done 6 long Master Cleanses, my abdomen continues to normally look as though I'm 5 months pregnant. When I eat wheat, by nighttime I often look like I'm ready to pop a baby out any minute. It is sooooooooo exasperating.
So, I'm going to try the GAPS diet. What can it hurt? If anyone out there has had any experiences with the GAPS diet, I would appreciate your sharing it with all of us here.
Well, we're off to my in law's anniversary party in Mandan with the whole family. It's been so long since Cora has seen her grandparent's as she's been working here lately when we see them. It will be nice to all be together but I know that they guys are getting antsy to get to combining. Oh well, we have no idea how many anniversaries they will have yet so we will go and join their party.
Have a great week,
I replied, "What's the GAPS diet?"
She said, "You know, I was telling you about it the last time that we spoke."
I questioned, "Do you mean the one that gets rid of autism?"
She wisely answered my question, "Yes, BUT it does so much more than that. There are all sorts of problems that disappear when on the GAPS diet." Sarah then proceeded to quickly explain how the diet works; what can be accomplished with it; and how it helped her digestive system when she was in a crisis a few years back.
It got me thinking and since then I have ordered the book, "Gut and Psychology Syndrome" along with the companion book, "GAPS GUIDE." Since they arrived on Friday, you can be assured that I have my nose in the guide every spare moment.
I know that I have tried, "All sorts of things" to try to get well. Although total wellness has so far eluded me, I am so much stronger than I ever thought I could be after how totally debilitated I was in 2006. Still, even though I have done 6 long Master Cleanses, my abdomen continues to normally look as though I'm 5 months pregnant. When I eat wheat, by nighttime I often look like I'm ready to pop a baby out any minute. It is sooooooooo exasperating.
So, I'm going to try the GAPS diet. What can it hurt? If anyone out there has had any experiences with the GAPS diet, I would appreciate your sharing it with all of us here.
Well, we're off to my in law's anniversary party in Mandan with the whole family. It's been so long since Cora has seen her grandparent's as she's been working here lately when we see them. It will be nice to all be together but I know that they guys are getting antsy to get to combining. Oh well, we have no idea how many anniversaries they will have yet so we will go and join their party.
Have a great week,
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