I realize that weight issues are probably the most complex issues on the planet. I can recall vividly what my mom said when I told her that I was leaving Eureka and that I was also taking Cora with me. She stuck out her lower lip and said, "I suppose this means that all of the bread that I made for you, when you were growing up, means absolutely nothing to you."
Do you get it? Neither do I. The message that does come through clearly to me here is that food plays a role in EVERY event in our lives--literally every aspect of our lives!!!!! So I keep searching for a program that will help me conquer myself and I think that I found it over the weekend. Here's the link to the website if you don't want to wait until I'm finished writing to read about it: http://www.thedietsolutionprogram.com/burnfatjw.aspx?hop=m231g&av=3&es=120&ms=1&m=ad&r=aff
For $47 I got the basic program that Isabel, who is a certified nutritionist, is selling. It's quite a tough decision to know where to stop buying, once you're in the site, but I thought that I'd keep it simple as I don't have tons of time to read or listen to her awesome videos.
Anyway, Isabel has a metabolic test which convinced me, beyond a shodow of a doubt, that I am a strong protein type. I was pretty sure about this before but now I know it. The following information in her downloads was very encouraging to me. Now, not only do I know that I AM a protein type, I also know what to do about it!!!
The thing that was most shocking to me, as I read through this, is that all of the fasting and cleansing and depriving myself of food IS what has made me fat. Read on if you can relate to how "Watching your weight," has nearly driven you mad and certainly stolen much of your joy in life. If you find yourself highlighted in this description, then do yourself a favor and spend some time listening to Isabel like I did over the weekend.
Isabel also shares what a carb type or a mixed type needs to do to regain their figure too--check it out at her website. Here's to a new slender us!
Protein Types
Protein Types typically crave rich, fatty foods such as pizza, sausages, and salty roasted nuts. If you are a Protein Type, chances are that you love food. You may not feel satiated after a snack and may often feel hungry, even after eating a large meal. When you have eaten too many carbohydrates, you tend to crave sugar. And once you start eating sugary food, you want more and more and may find it difficult to stop. Sugar often causes you to feel jittery and will quickly make your energy levels drop.
Protein Types may have tried to lose weight by using extreme calorie-cutting methods, only to be unsuccessful—and feel miserable in the process. Protein Types cannot successfully lose weight by drastically decreasing calorie intake.
When Protein Types eat the wrong kind of food, they may notice energy problems—extreme fatigue or a wired “on edge” feeling. Eating often makes them feel better when they feel anxious, nervous, or shaky, but then they feel worse soon afterwards. These cycles of energy ups and downs are a definite sign of a mismatch between metabolism type and food consumption.
What Does a Protein Type Need?
Protein Types need a diet high in proteins and fats and low in carbohydrates. But think balance—not the Atkins Diet! Protein Types can eat various carbohydrates in the form of some grains, fruits, and vegetables, as long as they are adequately balanced with proteins and fats.
Because Protein Types metabolize food more quickly than other metabolism types (which is why they feel hungry all the time), heavier protein choices such as whole eggs, dark-meat poultry, beef, and dairy are essential for ideal meal planning. These foods have long been considered “unhealthy” because of their high fat content, but as you will learn in the Chapter on Fats, saturated fat is not the cause of disease; refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and hydrogenated oils are. Protein Types who do not eat heavy proteins with a high fat content will be hungry all day and struggle with their weight. Even worse, they will almost always feel fatigued and anxious.
“Must Dos” for Protein Types"
• Eat protein at every meal and with every snack. Eating only carbohydrates at a meal causes your blood sugar to spike and then drop quickly, which will leave a Protein Type feeling hungry, fatigued, and anxious as well as cause cravings for more carbohydrates shortly afterward. Eating protein—especially animal protein—at every meal and for snacks will help to control your blood sugar levels and leave you feeling satiated and steady throughout the day. Again, remember to listen to your body; pay attention to which meals and snacks leave you hungry or craving more.
Eat small meals frequently or healthy snacks between meals. Protein Types need to eat often; otherwise they’ll suffer from extremely low blood sugar levels. Going too long between meals (or snacks) also will create ravenous hunger, which in turn will cause overeating at the next meal—only to lead to lethargy and an uncomfortable feeling afterward.
• Avoid refined carbohydrates. Foods such as bread, crackers, and pastas—especially those made from wheat—can be extremely disruptive for Protein Types. Wheat breaks down into sugar faster than any other grain and causes the rapid release of large quantities of insulin. That is why sprouted whole grain bread products are the only allowable sources of bread on the Beyond Diet Program. These products are described in the Chapter on Grains.
• Avoid most fruits and fruit juices. Fruits are a wonderful, healthy food, but Protein Types need to be extra careful with their fruit selections. Some fruits are quickly converted to sugar in the bloodstream and cause extreme blood sugar fluctuations. The best fruit choices for Protein Types are apples and avo cadoes (high in fiber and low in sugar). Some people may be able to eat more of these fruits than others.

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