Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Mercury: a common enemy

Autoimmune disorders[edit]

Dental amalgam has been found to be a frequent contributor to oral lichenoid lesions[21] and is possibly a variable associated with an increased risk of other autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, thyroiditis and eczema.[22]

Tomorrow is a BIG day in my life.  I'm going to get the visible mercury fillings removed from my mouth for the above reason.  Please pray for me!  

I have hopes that this procedure will make a remarkable improvement in the MS that thinks it has a right to live in my body.  I'm enclosing a slide show on MS for those of you who are unfamiliar with how dreadful of a disease it is to live with.  OH TO BE ABLE TO WALK WITHOUT LIMPING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Musical fun!

Cora just shared this with me and I just HAVE to share it with you!

 Happy today!!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The perfect family

As those of you who REALLY know me can tell, I so DESPARATELY want to be PERFECT!!  This drive for perfection has helped me in many ways but, to be perfectly blunt, it has nearly killed me more than once!!!

I so love my family, though, and they know it and this is probably my greatest source of joy in life!  What is REALLY funny is that, just as I have learned a bit about dealing with imperfections in myself and my family, THEN God gave me this poem.

I dedicate this to all of you out there who want to have the perfect family!  This is how to do it!

How To Create The Perfect Family

Monday, December 1, 2014

Missing dad on his first birthday after his death

My dad loved 4 part harmony and he taught me to value it highly also.  Today dad would have turned 85 and I'm missing him like I never thought I would.  I offer this collection of men singing praises to God just like my dad did most of his life.  I hope that you enjoy it as much as I am.

A bulldog

You may think that bulldogs are beautiful.  I just saw a site that swore up and down that they are but I have never thought so.  Maybe it's because, when I'd look at my sad expression in the mirror while growing up, I looked too much like this!  I mean what was there to be happy about????

Now, as I searched for a photo to depict my endless search for good health, I thought of this image.  I cannot count the times that I gave up at the end of a long day of reading and pondering and experimenting.  I can't even imagine how many times I prayed that death would come during the night so that I wouldn't have to face another day of endless, constant, never-ending pain.

Physical pain; emotional pain; mental pain; spiritual pain; familial pain; Earth-concerns pain; farmer related pain; child raising pain; home schooling pain; lost another baby pain; gardening failures pain; big, fat, pig pain; failure at business pain; failure with my health pain; never-ending, ever-growing, wishing-I-was-dead PAIN!!!!

I firmly believe that, if I were not madly in love with the God of the Bible who brought me through EVERY pain that I have had to endure, I would have shot my brains out countless times already.  I really have lost track of the times that He talked me out of it--or out-and-out prevented it.  I only know that He was ALWAYS there to help me see some small glimmer of hope that tomorrow may bring to my weary body/mind. 

Recently my King chose to answer my countless questions for how to heal my thyroid (which affects almost every aspect of health) in a marvelous way.  It's called, "THY HYPOTHYROIDISM REVOLULTION."  Please do not Google Tom Brimeyer and read what a quack he is.  Of course the medical community is doomed to close their minds to the true answers that God gives His people through independent researchers who aren't bound to close their minds to the real answers many people in pain are searching desperately for. 

Instead I urge you to listen to this video and see if it doesn't make sense to you as it did to me.  Then dig into this health program like a bull dog.  Read it all and start just one part of it and see if you don't feel a little better.  Start drinking orange juice with gelatin added and see if your bowels start working on their own for the first time in decades.  Do it at night and see if you start sleeping better.  Cut out grains calmly as you add in healing broths to help heal the gut.  Cut out foods that are harming your thyroid and start to have more energy. 

Learn all about this amazing new approach to healing the thyroid here!  I have found it to be well worth my time and money to study Tom's approach.   http://www.hypothyroidismrevolution.com/

GO ON.  Let the bulldog in you try once again to find the answers to your many health challenges that most likely are linked to poor thyroid/liver function.  What have you got to loose but a grumpy expression.

Here's to US survivors!  I am so proud of us and I am positive that God is pleased to!!!



    File:Female English Bulldog.jpg 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Not much hope

Today there is not much hope in my heart.  I keep messing things up!  Ever feel that way? 

Trying to be thankful for who I am!


Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's discovery

Every time I feel led to write here, I ask the Lord what He would have me to share with His people. This morning I felt led to go to Youtube and search for lily pond.  This is what I found.  It made me miss sweet Summer all over again.  When will I ever learn to love the Fall season????

Happy Sabbath beloved friends!


Monday, October 27, 2014


PLEASE pray for me today!  I don't know what is holding up my Stemtech order but the pain is INTENSE today.  This song is a great comfort as I try to find some way to bear this never-ending pain of MSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Just reminiscing

HAHA Robert was just teasing me about getting my dad's little Massey tractor stuck more than 35 years ago.  I was describing it to the children when Jacob told me that there is a song about tractors like that.  Here it is!  Dad's was red not grey but, if you watch carefully, you'll see one just like it right after this one.

Oh yes, happy Sabbath everyone!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How I wish

How I wish that I had $1,300 just laying around doing nothing because I KNOW what I would do with it.  I would loooooooooove to take Andrea Beaman's "Healing your Thyroid" class!!  Instead, I will order one of her DVDs and get started healing my thyroid in that way.  You can too by learning  Andrea's methods at her website here: http://www.andreabeaman.com.

Even though I only found Andrea last week, I already love her!!!  She has given me hope that, WHEN my thyroid is healed, the excess weight (and all of the other ugly parts of my life) will be a thing of the past. 

And now, meet Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wavering faith?

Is your faith wavering today?  WATCH THIS VIDEO!  Boy, mine sure wavered yesterday.  Just ask Cora if you think I'm exaggerating!  God took that stress and uncertainty, though, and MOVED me to make changes in my life and today I FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!

I like when Lisa said, "It's not when you're up that you're the biggest winner.  It's when you're down and you GET BACK UP AGAIN!!!" 

You can do it!!!  If I can, anyone can!  After incest; farming in a desert; repeated miscarriages; home schooling my 3 children when I could hardly get out of bed; recurring cancer; shingles twice; and finally MS--if I can get back up and keep searching for ways to CONQUER THE ENDLESS PAIN, then YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! 

First get down on your knees and beg God to give you the help that you're needing then get BACK UP and see how He will move mountains for YOU.  WHY?  Because He loves you like His own child.  Chew on that for a little while and see if you don't get up and wrap your arms around someone who is worse off than you are!



Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Ugly Duckling

My all time favorite children's story (other than Bible stories) is "The Ugly Duckling."  I watched this version with Cora's little charges this morning.  It STILL gives me a thrill to see what happens to us when we finally get in touch with the "Right" ones for us.  My mom used to say, "Chin up" when someone would stomp on my feelings.  It's still good advice!


Sunday, October 12, 2014

He's right!!!

As I was clicking away on my computer, knowing that my 3 children were clicking on theirs, God led me to this.  WOW  HE'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

What salvation's done for me!

This song touched my heart just now as my home emptied out and a wave of longing for the years when the children were small swept over me.  Cora is off babysitting.  The boys are down in Kintyre picking up pallets to burn this Winter.  Robert is off on another day of grain cleaning and I have no more students in my school to teach!!!!!!!!!!  What a terrible emptiness I was feeling until my loving Heavenly Father directed me to listen to this song.

I BEG you to take 5 minutes to really listen to these words.  Is this the life you live?  Are YOU forgiven of all your sins?  If not, just talk to Jesus and tell Him that you're sorry for hurting Him.  Yes, every time you exclude this perfect one who died on the cross so that you can know peace, YOU HURT HIM!!!!!!!!!!  What's more, you hurt His incredibly loving Father who gave His son so that we CAN be forgiven of all of our sins!!!

All you have to do is tell them that you're sorry and that you want them in your life to set you free from all the shame that you're carrying around!  Do it NOW!  Join the millions of us around the globe who can sing this right along with the Booth Brothers.  "What Salvation's done for Me," CAN be your story when you open your heart to Jesus/Yeshua.  Just say, "YES" to Jesus NOW!!!

I invite you to truly listen to the words of this song, along with me, and let them lead you to the peace they just brought me!  NO MORE SHAME!!!!!!!!!!  Amen?

Lots of love,



                                         By the Booth Brothers

I used to feel so lonesome--never had a friend.  Always looking out for Number ONE!  Didn't know where I was going--didn't care where I had been.  The life I lived had me on the run.

One day Jesus found me and took my sin away.  He showed me what I thought I'd never see.  He put me in His family and He's with me to this day.  Let me tell you what salvation's done for me.

I used to be a blind man but now my vision's clear.  Mercy came and drove the shame from me.  There's peace of mind with Jesus that drives out everything.  I'm stronger than I thought I'd ever be.

I can't tell you why He loves me as bad as I had been.  Why I'm worthy of this life of victory.  No, I'm not a scholar, just a sinner saved by grace but I can tell you what salvation's done for me.

One day when life is over, I'll go to my reward for Heaven waits for those who've been set free.  With saints from all the ages in the presence of our Lord.  This is what salvation's done for me.

I used to be a blind man but now my vision's clear.  Mercy came and drove the shame from me!  NO MORE SHAME!  This peace of mine with Jesus drives out every fear.  I'm stronger than I thought I'd ever be.

I can't tell you why He loves me as bad as I had been or why I'm worthy of this life of victory.  No, I'm not a scholar, just a sinner saved by grace, but I can tell you what salvation's done for me. 


Thank you, Lord!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Radical changes

I knew, as I held my dying father's hands this Spring, I KNEW that his death would bring radical changes to my life.  The good, the bad, and the ugly of those changes all seemed terrifying at the thought of him not being in the world to help me know what to do. 

I have prayed more earnestly than I recall ever praying before about ANYTHING (except to get well), that I would know how to spend my inheritance wisely.  I have cried out to God for wisdom to know what to do with it so that every penny spent would please HIM!!!

I have picked out a brand new house, and then kissed it GOODBYE, and finally after weeks of crying I slowly became neutral.  After all, what in the world would I know what to do with a brand new house.  Right?  Me who has lived pinching pennies very tightly most of my life!!!

I have pushed the money away in my mind not wanting to make anyone jealous or seem like my parents seemed to others.  I have screamed out to God for the proper way to go gracefully into a higher income bracket.  This Summer I have read more about how to be at peace with a lot of money than I ever even knew was written. 

It all helped a little but this helped a LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!  I will always cherish those who work!  I will always cherish those who do the "Dirty" jobs in life.  I will always do my best to take care of myself so that others won't have to do my dirty work!  I honor those of you who went to work today to support your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that this lesson will stick with me forever.  I sincerely hope that I have tempted you enough to take the next 17 minutes of your life and learn what makes this millionaire GREAT in my opinion!

God bless you all!!!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another rich blessing from Pastor Prince

                                          Don’t Let Your Past Rob You

Philippians 3:13–14
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Are you living a life of regrets thinking, “If only…”? “If only I had that college education…If only I had married the right girl…If only I had taken up the other job…If only I had not made that stupid mistake…”

Is your past robbing you of the joy of today? Then forget your past!

You might say, “But Pastor Prince, you do not know what I have done in the past!”

Consider Paul. If the devil had anything to bring against Paul, it would be reminders of how he had persecuted the early church and caused the deaths of many, including Stephen, the first Christian martyr.

Paul had done horrendous things that were hard for him to forget. But he had such a revelation of God’s awesome forgiveness that he could say, “forgetting those things which are behind…I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”.

Beloved, God has forgiven you of all your sins. He has completely forgiven you and declared, “Your sins and lawless deeds, I will remember no more.” (Hebrews 10:17)

Like Paul, you can forget your past, the wrongs you have done and the hurts you have caused others or been through yourself. God can take the tears of yesterday and transform them into the miracles of tomorrow. He can restore to you in all abundance what you have lost. He can cause all things, even the painful events of your past, to work together for your good. (Romans 8:28)

God’s Word says, “The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:8) His glory will cover your past. Wherever you go, His glory covers your past. It is no longer the same past that you know of because His glory has descended on it. Your past is past. It has been wiped out. It is gone! So don’t let your past rob you of today’s joy any longer!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Jogging in a jug

Guess what I did today?  NO, you will never guess.  Well, maybe if you read the title of this post but does it mean anything to you?

Anyway, Cora and I have been digging in our natural health books for tips on dealing with MS and she found a tip in my book, MIRACLE FOOD CURES FROM THE BIBLE.  I haven't thought of that book in years but it had some very encouraging things to say about consuming apple cider vinegar (the side effect of which is weight loss) to help bring down the inflammation that MS causes.

This got me thinking about a product I bought years ago whose primary ingredient was apple cider vinegar.  It was called, "Jogging in a Jug."  SOOOOOOOOO I went online to see if they still make it when what to my wondering eyes did appear but about 10 recipes with which to make it myself.  YIPEEEEEEEEE!

Well, after an hour or so studying them all, I settled on this one because it uses more apple juice than any of the others of which I have a great abundance.  Also, it was the one that called for the least amount of grape juice of which I have hardly any. 

I made up a double batch and got started right away.  You would have to know me, and the amount of pain that I have, to grasp why I took a double dose right off the bat.  YUP and now my belly isn't none too happy so I DON'T recommend that. 

However, it does feel like my knees are hurting a little bit less.  In other words, on a pain scale from 1 to 10, the pain in my legs fell from 1,200,000 to about 1,000,900.  Now that's not nothing to snort at, as Robert would say, so I decided to share the recipe with you.  Just remember to stick with the recommended dosage and I'm sure you'll do fine.  ;)

Also, the recipe doesn't mention it, but I keep this refrigerated because I used my home made juices without preservatives.  Perhaps the vinegar would prevent them from spoiling but I'm not taking any chances. 

Glug, glug, glug your way to health right along with me!!!  LOL



64 oz. apple juice less 1 1/2 c. juice
3/4 c. apple cider vinegar
1/2 c. grape juice
Mix. Drink 1/4 cup daily.

Monday, September 15, 2014

A wonderful discovery

Recently a friend told us that this series is on youtube and we were delighted as we watched the DVDs several years ago!  I share the first segment with hopes that it will encourage everyone to begin to ponder the 4th commandment as they do all of the others.  After all, God DID say to remember it.

Rich blessings,


Sunday, September 14, 2014

You've got it all, girl!

Hi everyone,

I'm not out at the range this morning because I need to soak after shooting all day yesterday.  That, plus the first frost coming this morning, sent me out to water down my flowers; Cora's citrus plants; and the entire garden.  Did you know that, on the mornings of a light frost, you can prevent the loss of your plants by lightly watering them before the sun hits the plants?  Well, it's true but it's NOT very pleasant to be out watering on a frigid LATE SUMMER morning when you'd rather stay in your toasty warm bed!!!

Anyway, I decided to write quickly this morning because of something that was said to me last night as I grilled the burgers for supper with a new shooting buddy.

Here I've been feeling sorry for myself because of the MS and because we won't be able to buy the new house we had picked out after all.  Our house is sooo old and sooo in need of much work, which would cost a lot of money, so we had decided to purchase a brand, new modular home with my inheritance called the Sunken Watson. 

Anyway, hobbling around gets old so I was a pretty shocked last night when my new friend said to me, "You've got it all, girl!" 

"What do you mean?" I stammered.

"You got it all," she said again as she gestured at our farm with her arm.

I let it go at that but got to pondering on this as we ate supper together in the shop.  Here I saw friends from several states who came together to learn what makes America great and how to preserve it!!!  Our oldest shooter was 69 years old and the youngest 21.  We had male and female shooters.  There are tall and short shooters.  We have thin and pudgy shooters but all shooters have one thing in common--we LOVE America with it's more freedoms than any other country has EVER enjoyed!!

Here then is a list of things that I think may fit into my friends', "You got it all, girl," category.  In other words, her words made me grateful for all of these things this morning.  Now, these aren't all the things that I am grateful for but, by looking at my life through my friends' eyes, I see new blessings that I most likely would not have seen had she not said that I have got it ALL!

1.  I'm an American.

2.  I'm a farmer and live in the country.

3.  I have a loving husband (she is divorced).

4.  I have 3 incredible children.

5.  I know how to shoot & have my own private range to do it in complete with flags & an outhouse.

6.  I know how to garden and have space for a large one

7.  I have a nice, large yard

8.  I have my own playground--volleyball court; massive swing set; teeter totter; and swimming pool

9.  I have a house to live in which keeps me warm, safe, and dry

10.  I have lots of pretty plants to cheer me and give me a fresh supply of Oxygen

11.  I have a grill to add that wonderful flavor to our burgers.

12.  I have burgers.

13.  I have friends to eat my burgers with.

14.  The last to come to mind, of course, is that I'm a part of the Appleseed program!

The list could go on and on down to the clothing that I was wearing and the rifle I shot and the ammo that I shot in it and the blanket I was lying on and the hay bales that held up the targets and the targets and the Appleseed program and the Appleseed instructors and my sling and my glasses and my ear protection and my memory that most of the time remembered where everything was at and where it was to go.

 The point is that one chooses their attitude constantly!  I can either be glum because I'm hurting or I have to spend another Winter in this old house or that certain people were not able to attend the shoot and they are being missed OR I can choose to think the opposite.

Look at how God chased the rain away and sent us the sunshine that many of us were praying for.  Look at the new folks who showed up for an Appleseed shoot that never attended one before.  Look at how much LESS pain I have now that I'm on the Stemtech products and doing my Kyroback than I had at the last shoot!!!  Look at the man who flew from Georgia to be our shoot boss and bless us with his wisdom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW!!!  I really DO have it all!!!

Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!


PS  Now I'm going to go take a soak in my whirlpool which is NOT a new blessing but I am even more thankful as I ponder the many ways that I "Have it all!"

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Last 2014 ND Appleseed this weekend at the Bornemann farm

Hey everybody,

If YOU are wondering what YOU can do to help YOUR country, then YOU need to come to OUR place this weekend!  We're holding the last Appleseed of the year here in North Dakota and YOU will miss out on a LOT if you miss this opportunity!!!

If that did nothing for your sense of patriotism, then don't bother watching this very short video, because nothing will.  Then when we live under a dictator, you can kick yourself all you want, but it will be too late!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

If there IS some sense of responsibility to our country out there in cyberspace, then I urge everyone to go to www.appleseedinfo.org to learn more and to register for this shoot by clicking on North Dakota!  I figure that, if I can shoot with MS, there aren't too many excuses that seem relevant at this time with our country in great peril!

See YOU on the firing line!!!


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Prayers not cares

Oh how I LOVE Pastor Prince!!!  This morning I worked with a client who has had headaches for YEARS.  As I worked through the session, I suddenly felt led to pray for her (although I begin every BodyTalk session I do with a word of prayer) and the Lord began to heal her at a VERY deep level!!!  Then He showed me some reflexology tools to help release the tension in her head! 

I praise God for this devotional! It was the reminder that I needed today not to keep on worrying over her (or my other ill clients) but rather to keep praying for them earnestly and expect miracles of healing in their lives!  God can do ANYTHING that we ask Him to do and He does it in His special way!  I urge you to read this story and become inspired to ask God for ALL of the answers that you are needing in your life!

God bless,


                                            Turn Your Cares Into Prayers

Philippians 4:6
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
My friend, God doesn’t want you to be fearful, fretful or anxious. Instead, He wants you to “be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God”.

So when you have a care or worry, straightaway, turn that care or worry into prayer. That is supplication. And when you are troubled by a care or worry that you don’t know how to pray for, pray in the Spirit or tongues. And in the midst of that prayer, thank God that He is already your healing, provision, good success and victory. That, my friend, is thanksgiving.

“Pastor Prince, if I am worried about something, how long should I pray?”

Keep on praying. Pray in the Spirit until the worry lifts or dissipates, “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:7)

This was what one of our church members did when he found himself anxiously trying to access some important data in his USB flash drive. After a whole day at it with no results, he finally stopped himself from being anxious and instead, turned his worry into prayer, asking the Lord to settle it for him. As he prayed in tongues, he was also thankfully repeating in his heart that having the Holy Spirit—the Helper—with him was to his advantage. (John 16:7)

Later that evening, using his wife’s computer, he succeeded in accessing the data in his flash drive after a few attempts. He quickly backed up the data. It was only when subsequent attempts to use the flash drive on his wife’s computer failed did it suddenly dawn on him that God had “resurrected” his flash drive that one time, just for him to recover his data!

Beloved, I believe that we would all worry a lot less and enjoy our lives a lot more if only we realized this truth: Our Abba Father is so strong that there is nothing He cannot do, and He is so loving that there is nothing He will not do for us!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A deep thinker

I've been cleaning out my book cabinet today and "Just happened" to find an old poetry book of my mother's.  Seeing as I love most poetry, I thought I'd see if I could find something to feed my soul a bit.  When the book fell open to a poem called, "Little things" I was intrigued and read it.  OH WOW.  I'll share it with you now and you can decide for yourself if it's "Little things" of which the author Adam Ochsner writes in his book WESTERN POEMS AND OTHERS.  I can certainly tell that Mr. Ochsner is a deep thinker.  ENJOY!

                                                         LITTLE THINGS
                                                        by Adam Ochsner

A little help from many hands
Has fed the starved in many lands;
A little smile from a passing friend
Will help the soul with trouble bent.

A little pride as friends we meet,
Without a smile, too proud to greet;
Tends them to hate and turn away
And make us rue the act some day.

A little work as on we roam,
Through life, ere long, will make a home;
A little turn for crooked ways,
So soon will bring on sorry days.

So little things in life are great,
In making friends or causing hate;
So little turns of right or wrong,
Make life a sad or happy song!

Do you see why I loved it?  Do you see why I am eager to stick my nose into this old book some more?  I think I know what I'm going to take with to family camp to read in my "Spare" time.  Usually I don't have any spare time at camp as there are so many wonderful people to visit with.  However, I am in the habit of having a book with me at all times for those, "Just in case" moments! 

I have a feeling that you'll all be seeing more poetry here soon!

God bless and hugs and all the rest,


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"My" inheritance

Hi everyone,

I haven't written here in a while seeing as it's Summer and I am VERY busy with the garden; with clients; and with enjoying our new swimming pool!  The real problem, though, I think is that since I'm on Facebook, I've gotten lazy.  I even slopped through an email the other day and it shook me up.  "Whatever happened to "Real" writing," I scolded myself and made the necessary corrections to the letter to make it proper.

No, this isn't meant to be a post about sloppy writing but rather about how the Lord is working in my heart this Summer.  You see, as I sat in my dad's attorney's office the day after his funeral, I heard the words that it would be AT LEAST 4 months until we learn the amount that I would inherit.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to wait 4 months to learn if there's anything left after dad's 3 years in the nursing home?  My dear husband and 2 of my brothers know how hard it is.  Whenever I catch myself getting stressed over this, I talk to one of them.  One time my youngest brother actually called me to talk about money.  How can this be?  Doesn't he recall that money is the biggest taboo subject in our family????????????

All of this waiting has done a good work in my heart and that's why I'm writing.  As I ponder the differences between becoming wealthy or just "Plodding along" as we are now, I have somehow become EXTREMELY grateful for all that I have.  I have come to see all that was given to me by my parents and long for the chance to thank them for it. 

All of this has made me SUPER grateful to Robert for his supporting me so well these past nearly 34 years.  I keep thanking him over and over for his hard work and this morning we sat down and talked about how the junk yard paid him in cash instead of a check.  I am amazed now that I could have gone through 56 years of life and done all that I could to NEVER talk about money.  Money, what a dirty word it was to me--a tool to hurt others with.  YUK--who would ever want any????

All of this contemplation has made me realize something else about my parents.  I realize that they truly DID give me a pearl of great price when they taught me to love music!  I don't know why I couldn't see it before this.  I guess growing up in a musical family was something that I thought everyone did but I know now that's not true.  Now I see that my mom putting in her will that she wanted me to have her music and her books truly WAS her biggest blessing to me!!!  How warm it made my heart to see that dad had that in his will too!!!

WHY?  They have 4 children, why didn't they split these between us 4 too?  I think it's because they knew that I was the only one who would truly love them!!  They both taught me, song by song--practice session by practice session--that there is true joy in serving the Lord by sharing one's musical gifts!  How could I ever thank them for this???????????

What I am saying is that, as the 4 months of waiting draw to a close, I have come to see that I already HAVE my parent's greatest gift to me!!!  To be able to sing praises to my King with a pure heart of joy IS an unspeakable joy to me and they are the ones who gave it to me!!!!!!!!  Thank you, God, for blessing me with musical parents and a musical gift of my own.  Please help me to use it in a way that would please YOU always!

Now I want to share a song with you that the Lord just shared with me.  I can see in it, how He is indeed preparing me for a time when I have more money than I have now.  How could I ever be happy to have more money while others all around me are hurting if I don't use it to help them?  Yes, I want a bigger house but I want it to be a house where anyone feels welcome--where everyone can come to seek refuge from the storms of life. 

I pray that this will open your heart to see the people all around you who are needing YOU to bless them!  God blesses us so that, through all that God has given to us, we can bless others.  Amen?  This is NOT meant to be a condemnation for past opportunities missed but, as it says towards the end of the song, an awareness of the 22nd time he sends someone into our life with needs that we have the answers to.

It COULD be money that they are needing but maybe it could be someone to babysit to give a new mom a break.  It could be someone to read to an older person.  Someone may need their lawn mowed or the snow pushed or groceries picked up OR it's just entirely possible that someone is needing to hear a special song sung just for them.  As I wrote that last part, I wondered where this is leading me to.  I've joked for years that I should cut a CD but maybe He wants me to cut out the kidding and start the blessing????????????

In the meantime, I share this incredible song to bless all of us with the knowledge that God's people are here to bless others.  It is my greatest prayer that this post will bless someone out there who is feeling all alone right now.  May my words and the words of this song bless your heart with peace, dear friends!!!

God bless,


Friday, August 15, 2014

Fight From Victory, Not For Victory

I LOVE this devotional this morning as I deal with one of the most wretched healing crisises I have ever had!  It's been an immensely tough week so I REALLY needed this reminder today!  I covet your prayers as I discard all of the negative thinking that I have believed in my whole lifetime!  WOW--was I EVER wrong!!!

I pray that this blesses all you who are struggling to gain victory in your lives today.  Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) already WON ALL the battles that we face when he died on the cross for us.  We just have to believe it!

God bless all who are searching for truth as the deer panteth for water,


God does not need you to defeat the devil today. Jesus has already done it and given you the victory. (Colossians 2:15, Romans 8:37) Your part is to enforce the victory by simply standing your ground, which is victory ground. In other words, you “fight” from victory ground by standing. You don’t fight for victory.

In Ephesians 6:10–18, the passage on spiritual warfare, the word “wrestle” appears only once (verse 12), while the word “stand” appears four times—“stand against the wiles of the devil”, “withstand in the evil day”, “having done all, to stand”, “Stand therefore”. (Verses 11, 13–14) Four times the Holy Spirit tells us to stand. Yet, many Christians are focusing on wrestling their way to victory!

My friend, you are already on victory ground. You already have everything in Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:21, 23) You are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3). The devil knows this. And that is why his tactic is to deceive you and make you think that you don’t have the victory.

So when he attacks you by saying, “Look at that small sum in your bank account! How are you going to pay the bills?” stand your ground. Declare, “I am not trying to be rich. I am already blessed in Christ!” It doesn’t matter how much you have in the bank. You are richly supplied because you are in Christ. And as the need arises, the supply will be there if you believe it.

It is the same with healing. The devil will try to attack you with symptoms in your body. He will try to put pain in your body, and make you feel weak here and there, so that you think that you are still sick. He is trying to make you believe that you don’t have your healing. That is the time to be conscious of Jesus’ finished work and declare, “I am not trying to get healed, I am healed! I am standing on the victory ground which Jesus has given me!”

Beloved, it makes a world of difference when you fight from victory and not for victory!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Are YOU the tallest tree in your world?

I know that I've shared this powerfully encouraging song before but I share it again for all of those who serve God who are discouraged today.  This song has comforted me at times when nothing else could. 

As I asked, "Why, God, why would you put me through something this terrible?"  Now I understand WHY.  I pray that this helps you to understand the testing that you're going through at this time.

Keep looking, reaching, and stretching UP to HIM no matter what the world throws at you.  By being who you are, you can lift others to HIM who has all of the answers for each and every one of us!

God bless,


Sunday, July 27, 2014

Very high tech!

Being on Stemtech products this past month has been awesome.  I can just feel the life coming back into my body as my damaged nerves begin to heal!!!  This video tells the story of how it is harvested from a beautiful place on God's Earth!  WOW

Friday, July 25, 2014

Every cry is heard by the Father

Happy Sabbath everyone.  If your heart is heavy tonight, I pray that this song will comfort you.

Love to all,


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Valley of Roses

It's been really hard here lately!  Even though the Stemtech and Kyroback are starting to make major dents in the pain/burning/tingling/numbness/and muscle jerks of MS, it's hard to wait to get totally well!!!  Sometimes I think that it's harder to be patient AFTER the improvements have begun than before.  A little bit of relief is soooooooooo wonderful that I want MOOORRRRRRREEEEEEE!  I WANT TO BE WELL NOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!

That's why the story that I'm about to share with you means so very much to me.  Yesterday, while giving a client a phone session, his mom shared this wonderful story with me.  She said that, as a young woman, she had been on a mission trip and found it not as delightful as she had anticipated.  An older, wiser woman shared this story with her and I am so thankful that she shared it with me.  This is my version and I pray that it blesses all of you who are facing a lot of thorns today!

God bless,


Life is like this.  When we are born we are on the top of a very tall mountain.  Our death lies at the top of another very tall mountain very far away.  In the immense valley which lies between these 2 huge mountains are beautiful roses.  In fact, the whole valley is filled to overflowing with roses that look and smell so stunningly beautiful that we can hardly wait to get started on our journey.

As we begin our life, we are filled with excitement at being alive and we see only the beauty of the roses calling us forward into the valley.  We go forward with great anticipation of how wonderful it will be to live in that valley.  We are in high spirits just knowing that life amongst such beautiful roses can be nothing but wonderful.

However, and there seems to always be a however, as we get deeper into the valley we discover that there are giant thorns attached to the rose plants.  The thorns pull at our clothing and tear our skin and cause us pain.

We find huge boulders that we must go around or over or blast apart to get through somehow.  We find mud that nearly chokes us when we fall on our faces and there is always the knowledge that quicksand may suck us under at any moment. 

There are insects which bite and sting and suck our life's blood.  On top of that, there are others in the valley who say unkind things as they push past us to get to the top of the mountain first with the most rose petals in their pockets.  They may stop just long enough to take our treasures that we've been collecting as we go on our way leaving us even more miserable than before. 

Others may actually try to run us into the thorns on purpose just because they are like that.  The only way to keep going, with that kind in our area, is to forgive them and begin to pray that God will work in their hearts to change them into caring human beings.

Some of these others are kind and travel along with us, helping us when we stumble, but they are few and their paths leave ours all too soon leaving us alone again to try to find our way.

Once in awhile, when we think to look up, we can see the lovely roses just above our heads.  During these moments, we sit quietly just taking in their beauty and being thankful to God for blessing us with the roses!  Soon, however, life forces us to be off again.

Week after week; month after month; year after year; decade after decade we slowly plod through the mud, or the hard cracked earth depending on rainfall, towards our destination.  We learn gradually to proceed more slowly--pausing more often to look at the roses instead of the thorns.

One day after learning to lean on the Father of all, we come out of the valley.  Very slowly now, we climb the mountain of our death.  VERRY slowly we approach the end of our life.  Very slowly we approach that moment that we have dreamed of as "Reaching our reward."

As we wearily make the last few days journey to the very pinnacle of the mountain, we ponder why God was so very cruel to give us such a difficult journey.  We start to think about facing Him and, instead of head held high with confidence, our shoulders slump forward wearily from the journey. 
"Why?" we wonder did He give me such an awful journey?

Then, just as we reach the top, we slowly turn around to take one last look at the valley and our heart thrills at what we see.  There, from that tall vantage point, we can see the valley filled to overflowing with gorgeous roses just like we saw at the beginning of our life.

That was when we understood something that our young minds never could have grasped.  The valley of roses was beautiful ALL THE TIME!!!!!  God's world was beautiful all along!  The roses didn't change at all!  They were always there--we just couldn't see them when we focused on all of the problems of life. 

Look up then, dear reader.  God is there with His beauty and promises all along the journey--even when it doesn't seem like it!  Look up and let His beauty sink into your being and then proceed towards the other mountain called Heaven!  The journey, dear friends, is meant to be delightful!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

My newest discovery PLUS an invitation

As you know, if you've read here long, I have been plagued with many serious health issues most of my life--the worst being shingles on the brain 8 years ago. 

God Himself has sustained me with many wonderful foods, natural products, and techniques.  However, I have continued my search for a regimen that brings me totally into a state of wellness and good health that I have only heard about. 

Each new discovery brought me a little bit closer to abundance of energy; strength; and clarity of mind but still I lack something.  This elusive "Something" has kept me reading everything that I felt led to read; talking to everyone who seemed healthy about what they were doing and eating and drinking; and praying for God to eventually lead me to the missing puzzle pieces. 

Two weeks ago I saw a client in my office who shared with me about something that helped a friend of hers who was on her deathbed.  I called her friend the next day and learned about this company called Stemtech. 

 What I heard made me very excited so I started reading all that I could about the products and am VERY impressed with what I have learned.

Stemtech makes products which help the bones release our own stem cells which then go into the bloodstream.  They somehow hop off the bloodstream and start growing wherever the body is broken down and in need of repair.  I learned that stem cells can convert to ANY kind of cell the body is needing so they can go to work repairing damage in ANY cells.  TALK ABOUT A MIRACLE!!!

I share this video along with an invitation.  Tomorrow night, July 15, 2014 the man who shared Stemtech with the lady who shared it with me will be sharing these incredible products in Bismarck, ND.  If you are near there, please email me and I will send you the details of the meeting location and time.  linkstohealing@gmail.com

I am confident that you will want to learn about these products.  I have never met someone who had 28 diagnosed diseases that his body healed with a product until NOW.  I am sure that you will be just as impressed as I am with these products and the integrity of the company.  Happy viewing and have a great week!


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How StemEnhance works to promote healing

I just watched this video by the doctor who discovered StemEnhance. I urge you to take a few minutes to watch how this product promotes wellness.

I don't want to bore you with an advertisement but I believe this product can help many of my readers. I want to share with you as I go along so I will say that today I took my very first StemEnhance tablet. I'm taking my up-line's advice and starting out slowly to avoid an uncomfortable detox reaction. NO THANK YOU!

Looking forward to feeling better!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

My newest hope

Recently a friend who was dying told me about her recovery with this product.  As I await my first order, I have been learning more about the product and about Stemtech.  I'm sure that you will find this worth your time to watch as I did!

Sleep well now!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Governing my own affairs

I'm sure that all of my readers know by now how very patriotic I am.  By this I mean how much I love the United States of America which has opened it's doors to the homeless and destitute since it's beginnings. 

How well I recall the stories my parents told of their parents coming to this country from Russia and from Germany to follow their hopes of free land in Dakota territory.  I recall that my great-grandparents got here in the middle of Winter.  I can still see my dad's face as he told the story that his father told him about his parents turning their wagon upside down and LIVING on the prairie in the MIDDLE OF WINTER as there was no wood to be had to build a house when they arrived here. 
Later, when the ground thawed, they cut the sod from the prairie and built a house from it and thought that they were RICH!!!

I come from a long line of people who governed their own affairs well.  Most farmers naturally learn how to work the land; raise animals; AND run their families and households well.  I am very proud to be from a people who know how to survive under the worst of conditions! 

At this time of the year, when our country celebrates it's birthday, I am even MORE patriotic than normal.  That's probably why this hit me especially hard!!!  You see, while we have been working to preserve our freedom by learning how to sustain ourselves and NOT be a mooch on ANYBODY, our government has been OPENLY working to make us their slaves!!!

Listen to this and prepare to be insulted.  How dumb does he think we are???????  Well, you can rest assured that to my dying day I will sit at my computer and encourage everyone who will listen to govern their own affairs well so that these words are nothing but a mockery to their owner.

Happppppppppppppppppppy INDEPENDENCE Day, folks!!!

Dawn for freedom

PS.  The only all powerful Sovereign that I will ever submit wholly to is the God of the Bible--God the Father; God the Son; and God the Holy Spirit

Thursday, June 12, 2014

No lack with God

I've been listening to the program called THE ELEVEN FORGOTTEN LAWS and it's all about seeing God manifest through us.  Now this devotional said the very same thing.  Is God trying to tell me something??????

See The Abundance Within You

Luke 17:21
…For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
When you were younger, were you often scolded for not finishing all your food or leaving the lights and fan on when you left your room? Were you constantly reminded that there are people starving in the world, that electricity costs a lot of money and that money doesn’t grow on trees? Now, do you find yourself telling your child the same things?

We are naturally conscious of lack, but Jesus isn’t. Even in the midst of lack, He was always conscious of abundance. Remember the little boy’s five loaves and two fish? What did Jesus do when these were placed in His hands? Did He say, “What do you expect Me to do with so little?” No, His eyes were not on the natural, the visible, the lack. His eyes were on the kingdom of God where there is always abundance. So in His hands, the little boy’s lunch was multiplied, and 5,000 men, not counting women and children, were fed that day! (John 6:1–13)

God doesn’t want you to be conscious of the lack in your natural circumstances. He doesn’t want you to live by how much you earn or how much you have in the bank. Now, I am not encouraging you to spend foolishly beyond your means. I am saying that God wants you to be conscious of the abundance of resources in His kingdom.

“But Pastor Prince, where is that kingdom?”

As long as you have received Jesus as your Savior, that kingdom is in you!

Jesus said that “the kingdom of God is within you”. This means that the kingdom of God is not some physical place. It is within you and it is where the abundance of resources is. So if you want to experience abundance in your life, be conscious first of the abundance inside you. Then, what is inside you will become a reality on the outside.

Beloved, God doesn’t want you to be conscious of the lack you see outside you. He wants you to be conscious of the abundance within you because His kingdom is within you!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

I must simply keep believing

I'm in a hurry this morning as we have much to do before our Appleseed shoot here this coming weekend.  However, I wanted to share this with you because I was so blessed AGAIN with Pastor Prince's thoughts on how God truly sees me and YOU!

Have a great week serving the risen Savior!
                                                The Head And Not The Tail

Deuteronomy 28:13
And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath…
One of our church members saw his sales performance hit rock bottom by the middle of the year. As a result, he was ranked 320 out of the 420 financial advisers in his company.

Devastated and on the verge of giving up, he started listening to my messages and claiming God’s promises such as “the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath” and “many who are first will be last, and the last first”. (Matthew 19:30)

He committed everything to God because he believed that only God could turn things around for him. And God did just that.

By the end of that year, he was ranked second in his branch and 10th in the whole company! He qualified for a trip for two to Barcelonia, Spain, worth about S$20,000. That was not all. For the first time in his 12 years as a financial adviser, he qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table Award. Only the top six per cent of advisers in the entire industry qualify for this international award.

Beloved, when God makes you the head, you will end up on top of your circumstances. Consider the story of Joseph. (Genesis 39) Even when he was a slave, he was the head and not the tail because God prospered everything that he did.

“But Pastor Prince, when I look at my life, there are times when I am up and there are times when I am down. Yet, the Bible says that I will be above only. I don’t understand this.”

What you are going through is only temporal. Keep believing that you are above only and not beneath, even when you have hit rock bottom. It is God who always causes you to triumph in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:14) You cannot cause yourself to triumph. Only God can and He has promised in His Word that you will be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. So believe His Word in spite of your circumstances and expect to see victory!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...