Monday, September 28, 2009

What a treat

Cora got us started on Vance Perry's "Quartets" last week. I love this one and I hope that you do too!


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pictures from a Wonderful Sabbath Celebration

What a wonderful day of fellowship we had yesterday at the Church of God 7th Day's church in Alfred, ND. It's called HARVEST OF THANKS and we figured out that this was our 9th year in attendance. We only missed the year that Robert was taking me up to the health center in 2006. People came from all over the state and even from South Dakota; Minnesota; and Wisconsin for the awesome day.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous and we enjoyed our trip over (which takes an hour) as Cora read a few more chapters in THE WALRUS HUNTERS right after she put the hot curlers in my hair. When we arrived, many folks were outside visiting and we were especially happy to see our friends, Lyle and Becky Miller from Streeter and the Donald Gill family from my home town-- Eureka, SD.
The choir did a super fantastic job on their song. In the front row in the green sweater is my friend, Kimberly. Her blog is called QUIET MY SOUL and is listed on my sidebar. The pastor is standing in the back row on the end. These are the altos and bases.
This is the soprano/tenor side of the choir. My dear friend, Betty Jo, played the piano and she told us later that they worked 3 months on the song--no wonder it was so uplifting. :)
This is the guest pastor who taught on how to be thankful in ALL things. The way is to realize that GOD loves us and take us through all of our trials. We ARE SO LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!
Andrew snapped this picture of me in the kitchen looking for my purse. I can't believe it, but I "Lost" my purse right before the afternoon service. My camera was in it so I didn't get to take any pictures. Thankfully Andrew had his camcorder along and he got most of the pictures that you see here. I was so thankful when I recalled that I put my purse down on the bench when we ran through WITH MY SONG with BJ right after the morning service. Sure enough, it was waiting for me up by the piano. PTL!
Cora and her friend, Monica Schlenker visiting in the kitchen after lunch.
After lunch Robert and I headed outside to take a walk before the afternoon music program.
This is how far we got as we bumped into Shirley, Harris's widow. It's been so long since we visited with her so there was much to catch up on. I even invited her to the shoot when she said that she gets lonely a lot. She said that Harris left a brand new rifle sitting there, so we'll see if she picks it up and joins us next weekend. THAT WOULD BE SOOOOO COOL!!!
Pastor making last minute arrangements with Curt S. who filled in as MC for the afternoon as Terry S. was sick.
Cora visiting with my friend, Bernette S. Years ago Bernette and I adopted each other as sisters. Neither one of us ever had a sister and neither has Cora. So we started this club called THE SISTER-LESS CLUB. I'm not sure if this was an official or unofficial meeting--it's just always nice to visit with Bernette as she's a health nut like me. :)
The men visiting right before supper. Donald Gill from Eureka is on the far left; Ron Neinhuis from Devils Lake is next; then Robert's adopted father is Elroy Schlenker; next is Andrew; and lastly my sweetie.
Sandwiches, chips, and fruit salad was on the menu for supper. We went through the line fairly early so that we could get on the road to get home for chores. Here Cora and Andrew were winding down from a wonderful day. The pastor's wife is in the background in the plum-colored dress.
We headed for home around 6:00 and we weren't a mile down the road when the Ipod was handed to me. We were sooooo close to the end of THE WALRUS HUNTERS and everyone wanted to know if Cheenbuck and Adolay would get married. I suppose I'll ruin the surprise for any of you who ever read it, but they do.
It was kind of obvious that they would almost from the beginning of the book, but it's still nice when things work out "Right". I do love seeing how God brings couples together!!! I am VERY romantic minded and have had to learn to let God lead in this department for my children and everyone in my life. I'm sure that He is quite capable of bringing people together at just the right time and in just the right place--even without MY help! :)
So after a long day away from home, we ran through chores quickly and had time to watch a Bonanza yet last night. It was as lovely a day as they come and I praise the Lord for it. Many thanks to all of you from the Alfred church who worked so hard to make the day a true blessing to our family!!!!!!!!
Shalom (which means peace in Hebrew),

From Fred--the founder of the Appleseed project

Well folks, it's only 5 days until our Appleseed Shoot this coming weekend. YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY. I just finished reading this thought on the Appleseed site under the blog. Fred has a way of inspiring people to reach their potential. Will you be one of them to listen? If so, keep reading and then take action. Go to the site under the Steele, ND listing and register to join us here to learn what we need to know to start taking back our country for God and for our future.



Applessed and You…September 15th, 2009 . by Fred

Let’s start out on a point of agreement.

Even fervent agreement.

YOU are an important person.

Yet, important as you are, you could be MUCH MORE IMPORTANT.

Like, REALLY important.

No, you haven’t been to an Appleseed. Yet.

And that’s the rub.

How do I know you haven’t been to an Appleseed?

Simple, really…

There’s 300 million Americans, and only one in 50,000 approximately has been to an Appleseed.

Not too hard, to figure you are likely one of the no-shows.

Maybe - almost certainly - it’s because you don’t know what Appleseed is.

Likely, in fact, you haven’t even heard of it (we’re trying hard to “get the word out” - but it’s slow, slow without the kind of money you need for a nationwide media blitz).

Yet this little volunteer program not ony has nation-changing potential, it has - from your point of view, what’s more important - personal-changing potential.

Yep, a volunteer program, one which takes a weekend, costs a mere 70 bucks (and for most - women, children, and military - is free), can make a new person of you.

Even, in some cases, give meaning to your life (that’s gotta be a big one) and, at the least, makes a more aware, a more serious, a more thoughtful - you!

For the price of twenty minutes on a shrink’s couch, you can become a new, better, more satisfied, more effective, more worthy person.

In fact, Appleseed can reach beyond you, to your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers, your family, your friends…even your relatives.

It’s true.

I’ve heard more stories than one about how a parent shows up with a child with whom the relationship is troubled - and in the course of working out the problems and challenges of Appleseed, a barrier is broken, and they leave, talking, communicating, even understanding each other.

Will the wonders of this unique program ever cease?

Seemingly not, as if you ask the people most involved in it, the hard-working volunteers, they’ll tell you right out - for them, Appleseed offers HOPE.

Hope, that things can be changed.

Hope, that the future is not yet written, and we can play a part, a good part, in the writing of it.

Appleseed sends another message, one which is determinative for some volunteers - and may be determinative for you, once you attend. It sends you a message, right then and there, before you leave: that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

That message can be pretty important to you.

People who show up for an Appleseed are likely to be people you don’t run into everyday.

Americans who CARE. Care about what’s coming - for them, for their country, for their kids’ future.

Americans who are CONCERNED about the future.

And Americans who aren’t gonna sit passively by, and let that dark future looming before all of us become a reality we may all have to live with - for years, if not decades; for decades, if not indefinitely - but possibly, indefinitely.

Yes, the ship may be sinking now (to use an analogy most Appleseeders use) - but it doesn’t have to sink. It can be stopped, saved, repaired, and made whole again.

But the point is, right now, it’s not being stopped, repaired - and certainly not being made whole, again.

No one is doing anything to fix it.

Yes, a few of us can protest publically - and we’re all better for it - but protest without further action is a fleeting phenomena.

And Appleseed is about permanent change in this country - for at least a generation or more. (Appleseed will try to make the change permanent, by continuing in future generations to teach those generations what they must know in order to meet the standards the founders held for every American.)

Which is why we don’t focus on elections, or getting out the vote, or anything like it.

We focus on the electorate, on making the long-term changes needed to make this country a safe place for Liberty, once again.

That’s why it’s so important for you to come to an Appleseed.

To find out for yourself.

Then too, if the program so moves you, to pitch in and help.

While you’re at it, ‘get the word out’ to all your family/relatives, friends, neighbors, co-workers - and anyone else - about this program.

The future belongs to each of us.

We have the power to change it.

But to do it, each of us has to get off the couch, and make it happen.

There’re way too few people doing that, now.

Don’t you be one of them.

Don’t you be unimportant.

When you can be important…

Posted in: Fred Has Some Thoughts

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Harvest of Thanks

Good morning,

As you could tell from Cora's post, we've been very busy around here putting up food for winter and preparing for our shoot next weekend. Andrew finished cleaning out the goat's pen yesterday and almost did in the huge manure pile in the yearling's pen. Cora finished painting the merry-go-round; Jacob painted on the teeter totter; and I compromised with myself on painting the door frame after Cora, Jacob, and I searched for the right paint over several day's time. This means that I did paint the visible portion of the frame but left the inside of the door frame until I can find some exterior paint that matches. I ended up using the paint from the dining room, as it's close in color, and my perfectionism could not have stood looking at that white paint on the cream siding that I got on it when I primed the frame. Anyway, it looks much better for now, but it's not a permanent fix.

One of the things I did yesterday was dug through more poetry books for a "Perfect" reading to share today. However, when I talked to my friend Betty Jo from church, she spoke of her willingness to look at WITH MY SONG. BJ is an excellent pianist and can pick up most songs instantly but this is pretty tough in the accompaniment. Andrew helped me get it ready to send to her and I was thrilled when she called to say that she could play it. SHE LIKES IT TOO!!! So, now what remains for me is to convince my family that WE all want to sing it over there.

After BJ said that she would play for us, it made the poem-finding easier as it could be something short and sweet. I really didn't want to walk to the front of the church to read a half minute poem and then turn around and walk back, but I just couldn't find anything longer that I really liked. So, with the hopes that I can get my family to sing WITH MY SONG with me, I easily settled on this poem. I hope that you like it too!
(Lizelia Augusta Jenkins Moorer)
Let us give thanks to God above,
Thanks for expressions of His love,
Seen in the book of nature, grand,
Taught by His love on every hand.
Let us be thankful in our hearts,
Thankful for all the truth imparts,
For the religion of our Lord,
All that is taught us in His word.
Let us be thankful for a land,
That will for such religion stand;
One that protects it by the law,
One that before it stands in awe.
Thankful for all things let us be,
Though there be woes and misery;
Lessons they bring us for our good-
Later 'twill all be understood.
Thankful for peace o'er land and sea,
Thankful for signs of liberty,
Thankful for homes, for life and health,
Pleasure and plenty, fame and wealth.
Thankful for friends and loved ones, too,
Thankful for all things, good and true,
Thankful for harvest in the fall,
Thankful to Him who gave it all.
So you see, music came to the rescue once again. Music also was my inspiration yesterday. I'm sure that you say the video that Cora put on her blog. Well, over breakfast yesterday we watched many of Mr. Perry's video clips and I got VERY excited with an idea.
I grabbed Andrew's arm and looked up in his eyes and said, "Andrew will you help ME TO DO THIS?"
He laughed and said that he thinks it can be done. Oh, how I love singing women's trio music. I have the perfect music too as I sang with a women's trio about 10 years ago called HEARTS OF PRAISE. It was a lot of fun but the hard part was getting together with people out here in the sticks to practice. Well, if I'm singing all 3 parts, I can practice any time I want to. OH I AM SO EXCITED FOR WINTER TO COME NOW AS I HAVE AT LONG LAST LEARNED OF A WAY THAT I CAN HARMONIZE WITH MYSELF!!!!!!!!! :)
Well, Cora and Andrew are in the kitchen humming 2 different songs. I got the impression that they think it would be great if all of us would harmonize together out in the barn, so I'd best get moving. I'll post pictures of our special day here later.
Happy Sabbath,

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am STILL looking for something wonderful to share at Alfred on Sabbath for Harvest of Thanks. By the way, if you want to spend a special day fellowshipping PLEASE join us there at 10:45. It's the only church in Alfred that meets on Sabbath (maybe the only church) so you can't miss it. Anyway, this is NOT the poem that I am going to share over there but I just could not resist sharing it with YOU!

Ode to Zucchini
Zucchini, oh zucchini,
It's not that I'm ungrateful.
When I think of all your vitamins,
There must be loads in every plateful.
But for days, my kitchen's been a mess,
And it's all because of you, I guess.
I'd vowed I would not waste
A single one of you.
I baked you and I fried you,
Pickled, froze, and I dried you.
I made every zucchini recipie I knew.
And now, just as I tucked the last of you
In a quaint new bread, called, "Banzini,"
My proud little boy is telling me,
"Look, Mom, I found 13 more zucchini!"
So, zucchini, oh zucchini,
Though I think you're quite terrific,
Could you, please, just try to be
A little less prolific?
By Linda Andersen

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First day of Fall

Well, I was doing pretty well today on the first day of Fall. I was so happy to be out in my garden picking produce to put up in the kitchen with my lovely daughter, Cora Beth. We made our first pickles today and everything was warm and sunny and much like the lost Summer.

After it got dark, though, I started pondering what a rotten excuse for a father I have and all the sunshine left my soul. I was telling Robert about how my dad practically worships my sister-in-law, Sharel. You'd think she was perfect or something. HE EVEN BOUGHT HER A BOX OF CHOCOLATES!!!! Not once in my entire 51 years of life, has that man bought me something just to make me feel special.

The doldrums were starting to mess with my head when the Lord came to my rescue. You see I am still looking for a reading about thankfulness to share with the Alfred church this Sabbath. I dug out my very favorite book of poetry by Helen Steiner Rice called, SOMEBODY LOVES YOU! This is the poem I felt led to read and it helped so much. I still would appreciate your prayers, though, as I try to adjust to the change of seasons. Do others of you struggle with this too?


It's a dismal, dreary morning and as I sometimes do
I feel a little dreary and kinda downcast too,
For let nobody tell you that life's a "Happy song,"
And that we just keep smiling when everything goes wrong...
For it just would not be natural to always wear a smile,
For a smile would be a, "Silly grin" if it covered up a trial...
For there are certain periods when the soul is, "Sweetly sad,"
As it contemplates the mystery of both good times and the bad.
We're not really discontented and we are never unaware,
That the good Lord up in Heaven has us always in His care,
But the soul of man is restless and it just keeps longing for
A haven that is safe and sure that will last forever more...
And as I sit here writing this a thought passes through my mind--
"Why dwell on past or future or what's ahead or gone behind?
Just follow God unquestioningly because you love Him so,
For if you trust His judgement there is nothing you need know!

I DO love the Lord so much and I DO trust His judgement, but it's just so hard sometimes to know that my mother went to her grave without loving me and my father seems intent on doing the same. How does one ever REALLY accept this without it doing great damage to oneself? HOW???????????


Guess what? Cora has sent me the traveling honest blog award that she earned. This means that I need to write 10 honest things about myself, that I feel comfortable sharing, and then pass on the reward to other worthy bloggers. I know that most people write all 10 at the same time and I suppose I should do that. However, I simply MUST share # 1 right this minute or burst.
I SIMPLY LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!! Summer is sooooooooooo wonderful. Summer is when North Dakotans can walk around in shirt sleeves like the rest of the world. Summer is when one can go swimming in the lake which is ice half the year. Summer is when you can host a picnic for your family and friends and sit on the grass and eat OUTSIDE EVEN IN NORTH DAKOTA!!! Best of all, summer is when you can grow things in the garden. OH HOW I LOVE GARDENING AND OH HOW I LOVE SUMMER!!! In honor of Summer then, I decided to share some pictures of the Bornemann family's summer of 2009.
The highlight of the summer was graduating Andrew from our home school in June.
Other highlights included visiting with friends at Prairie Days...
Teaching old-time skills at Prairie Days.... Good job, Cora!
Doing a family puppet skit at Prairie Days..... (Can you tell that we love Prairie Days?"
Selling pizza at the 4 H booth during Napoleon's 125th birthday party with our neighbors...
Buying calves at Kist in our shirt sleeves......
Putting up our swing set.....
Breathing a sigh of relief because it's up after 6 years of dreaming of that moment......
Painting the deck...
Grilling burgers on the newly painted deck....
Visiting the zoo with friends......

Attending an Appleseed Shoot......
Enjoying the joys of marriage.......
Making hay with the new square baler...
Harvesting the abundance from our garden...
Having a campfire......
AND jumping for joy that summer is here and he earned his "Dream bike" by cleaning grain...

Well, just in case any of you don't know this yet--yesterday was the last day of Summer!!!!!! ): My favorite time of the year has officially ended and the earth is saying so too. This is the time of year when I typically go into a depression for a few weeks until I've adjusted to the beauty of Fall.
However, I reckon that I could just chose to skip the depression this year. Now I have skills to help me to deal with depression. Besides all of the BodyTalk and EFT skills I now possess, I remind myself often to use the most effective tool that anyone has ever found to deal with it.
It's something that I learned from everyone's little friend, Pollyanna, who taught the world how to play the glad game. I have repeatedly proven to myself that there is no depression so deep that can't be cured with a goodly dose of THANKFULNESS. It's a good thing that this coming Sabbath is Harvest of Thanks at the Alfred church so I can aim my thoughts in that direction. I've even been asked to bring a reading for the special day. So I suppose I'll just have to pass on my usual round of first of Fall depression this year. Maybe Fall won't be so bad after all. :)

This brings me back to the theme of this post--I'm supposed to share 10 things honestly about myself. I can't imagine, if it took this long to tell you the first one, how long it'll take to tell the other 9! Keep checking here and I'll try to come up with 9 more things about me that aren't too shocking.
Oh yes, what I wanted most to say about yesterday is that I put Appleseed posters up all over Napoleon and Kintyre. It was amazing how many bulletin boards there are in these little towns! It's less than 2 weeks away now so PLEASE go to the site and register to come to our shoot. It sure will make things a lot more joyful around here if I were to know that YOU WERE PLANNING ON COMING. :) Here's the link:

Monday, September 21, 2009


Please take a few moments to read this update as to the affects of our efforts last week to get more Congressional cosponsors for the Parental Rights Amendment. It was rather appalling to me to read in this summary these words, "Another office said they agree with the Amendment in principle, but would need to hear from a large number of constituents to overcome their hesitation to amend the Constitution."

What a disgrace!!!!!!! Our leaders are sitting in Washington D.C. KNOWING what the principles are but IGNORING them unless WE THE PEOPLE put pressure on them to do the right thing!!! Well I, for one, am willing to give them enough pressure until they DO the right thing instead of just sitting around only thinking about it. My goal here is to give you all enough information to make an informed decision about how YOU want to go about putting pressure on these people to save the family as we know it. They obviously don't have enough character to do the right thing on their own. Will you help me? PLEASE!!!!!

If you need more information before you can take an active part in the battle, then PLEASE go to and read about how important this battle is. Ever since March of this year, we here have been pondering what we can do to help. I guess the most important thing, it seems to me, is to get the people informed about how the lack of the amendment will destroy the family unit as God designed it. That is NOT what I want for my children and grandchildren and I KNOW it is not what you want for yours. PLEASE help us now while there is time.

Michael Farris explained it like this. "If we would have gotten the people involved in the fight against homosexuality right away in the beginning, this thing never would have gotten out of hand. Well, the same thing is going to happen if we dilly dally around with the parental right's amendment. There will come a day where it is too late to stop the erosion of the family in America." You can hear Dr. Farris on video at the website too. I urge you seriously to take the time to listen to his thoughts on the matter!!!




First and Goal
Last week, we urged you to call Congress and to get your friends involved, and many of you have done that. We heard from one congressional office that by Thursday they were no longer taking names; they were just keeping a tally of how many phone calls they received about the Parental Rights Amendment. Another office said they agree with the Amendment in principle, but would need to hear from a large number of constituents to overcome their hesitation to amend the Constitution.
We have not seen new cosponsors added to the bills (H.J. Res. 42 and S.J. Res. 16) yet, but these and others are indications that we are very close to getting some crucial new cosponsors on board.
In football terms, this is "first and goal." That's when a team hasn't scored a touchdown yet, but they have gotten very close - and now it's time to seal the deal.
This week, we need to keep up the pressure so that we will see names added to the list of cosponsors. Just 3 or 4 Democrats are probably all we need to see many more from that party sign on - and we have reason to believe there are that many very close. That's why we're calling it "first and goal."
Now let's get that score! If you haven't already, check to see if your representatives are already cosponsors and get their contact information by clicking on your state at Then, call the Washington office of those who are not. Finally, forward this email or otherwise urge all your friends to call them, too.
If you are at work all day and can't get to our site for your congressman's and senators' contact information, feel free to call our office at 540-751-1200. We would be happy to look them up for you!
Through the media, we are only hearing about health care - and we should be hearing about that. But on Capitol Hill, they are hearing from us as well. And that has produced major progress this past week. Let us not grow weary now. A major score is in sight - let's make it happen this week!
For updates of this email online, click here.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Honoring the Practitioner

Hi all,
I have much that I'd like to share about our Sabbath together with the Dagleys yesterday but we are jumping into the new week with both feet here today. I'll try to post pictures of that quick trip later. Still I always like to write a little something every day, if possible, because it's such a wonderful therapy for me. After a lifetime of, "Keeping my mouth shut to hide the family shame," it is a real joy to just be me in my writing. You see, one of the reasons I chose to start blogging in the first place is to let off steam, before it builds up and causes me more health problems. If someone miraculously gets a blessing from my musings here, then, so much the better. May the Lord do with this blog as He pleases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I was trying to think of something to post here quickly. I remembered that late last week Elizabeth, my BodyTalk practitioner, sent these pictures of the International BodyTalk annual conference which she and Esther attended recently. She wrote that the theme for the conference was:
Yes that is, "Honoring the practitioner." As you can see in the picture below, this banner was the middle one of 7 which summarized all the main branches which make up BodyTalk. I would like to point out to you that the man sitting in the lower left hand corner of the picture is Dr. John Velthim himself. God helped Dr. Veltheim to know how to combine all of the natural healing techniques which he knew, plus some new to him, to regain his health. He had suffered for 4 years with the Epstein Bar virus, and was loosing the battle, before he designed BodyTalk. That was over a decade ago and now BodyTalk is saving lives all around the world. I praise God that I AM ONE OF THEM!!!
This is a picture of Melanie Buzek in front of the banner. Melanie was my BT instructor for Modules 1 & 2 in '07, plus the Advanced class which I took from her in 2008. In many ways, she gets just as much credit for helping to save my life as Dr. Veltheim does. If she had not come to Bismarck 2 years ago to teach Modules 1 & 2, I just know that I wouldn't be here today. Thank you, Lord, for sending Melanie my way.
It's hard to tell from a picture but I can tell you that Melanie has a brilliant mind. Melanie said that Dr. Veltheim is an abolute genius. When Melanie says this, you KNOW that the guy is SMART!!! I'm so thankful that he has the kind of heart where he doesn't feel that he has a right to keep the genuis to himself, but rather shares it with the world. I praise God that he did because age 49 is just too young to die!!!!!!!!!!!

There's one person in the BodyTalk world who is more special to me than all of the others. How can I even begin to say what Elizabeth Hanson has come to mean to me???? Not only did she teach me the Access class in June of '07, which started me on the road to healing, but she has given me some of the most life-changing sessions imaginable. Here she is posing with Melanie at the silly beach party they had at the conference. Maybe, in about 50 years or so, I'll have enough pennies saved up to go to the conference too. :)

In a way, I WAS there though. You see, there's something really neat about the HONORING THE PRACTITIONER banner. Elizabeth told me that they announced right away that the banner had a secret. Each BodyTalk practitioner, who is a member of the International BodyTalk Association has their name embedded in the banner. The names are listed alphabetically and Elizabeth said that it was a thrill to go up and find her name listed among all of those of us who are bringing this hope to the world--A RAY OF HOPE!!! Elizabeth's name was close to the "OR" in "Honor".
Not only was it awesome for Elizabeth to find her name listed, but she also found her daughter, Esther's name on the banner beside hers. Seven years ago Esther had severe autism and as of last December, she became the world's youngest CERTIFIED BodyTalk practitioner. I'm not even certified yet, although I plan to change that in November. :)
Guess what? Elizabeth said that she also found MY name there. I don't know why but I'm crying again. It just seems so miraculous that 2 years ago I was on my way out of this world. Now, through BodyTalk, I am growing stronger and happier with every BT session that I give myself or that another practitioner gives me. NOW I AM HERE TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE GET WELL!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if you look closely, you'll see my name there. I think often that God spared my life so that I can share BodyTalk with the world. :) What an awesome God we serve. AMEN? About 3 rows down from the top you can see the name. Donna M. Berger. This lady is my aunt through marriage who also would have died had God not brought BodyTalk into her life. In fact, she brought BT to North Dakota 9 years ago. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Donna. It's a wonderful life!!!!!!!!

I guess I really hadn't intended to "Go deep" with this post but it must have been meant to be. Thank you for listening and please feel free to go to the IBA website to learn more about this incredible mode of healing. Here's the link:
Hope to all,

Friday, September 18, 2009

PLEASE help us pass the Parental Right's Amendment

This just came in from We're making a dent and I urge you all to make those phone calls or email our congressmen. I'm going out to get pictures of the boys cleaning the barn which I'll post later. For now, I'll share this picture of my friend, Sarah K, and her children with me on the double swing. People like Sarah and I are the ones who God has determined should decide what is best for our children--not the state and definitely NOT THE UNITED NATIONS! PLEASE JOIN IN THE FIGHT FOR THE FAMILY AND GET INFORMED. Then let your congressmen know that you expect them to protect the family unit which God formed at creation. That is one man married to one woman raising children to serve Him so that they will continue the pattern. That is God's way, folks, and guess what? IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!


Today’s video submission is titled, “Not On Our Watch,” and the fact is, we like that theme. Will the U.S. accede to a treaty that takes away parental rights and transfers family law authority from the States to the federal government? Not on our watch. Will the Congress ignore the call for a Parental Rights Amendment and just continue business as usual? Not on our watch. Will our nation stand by and do nothing while parental rights erode in the federal court house? Not on our watch.
Of course, there is a price we agree to pay when we say, “Not on our watch.” It’s a pledge to be vigilant, a pledge to be involved, a pledge to be heard.
This week, by the thousands you have told Congress, “Not on our watch,” and they are listening. We aren’t seeing the results on our cosponsors list yet, but we are feeling the tremors. North Carolina is especially vital right now. Two Democrats there may be close to signing, and we firmly believe that if we can reach just 4 or 5 Democrats altogether, the one-party stigma will fall away from our Amendment and many more Democrats will sign on.
We at want to thank you. We are close to a breakthrough, and we would not be here without you!
Given the progress made this week, we are going to try to keep up the pressure for one more week beginning Monday. (We have also extended our membership drive and T-shirt offer through today only.)
If you haven’t done so yet, or if it has been a few days, why not take a couple of minutes and call your Congressman and Senators right now? To see if they are already cosponsors, and to get their contact information, simply find your state at Urge your Congressman to contact Rep. Hoekstra and cosponsor H.J. Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment. Urge your Senators to contact Sen. DeMint and cosponsor S.J. Res. 16.
Together we are making a difference. Will Congress ignore us and let this movement die?
Not on our watch!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Well, I just got off the phone with both of my US Senator's offices and my US Representative's office. I urged them all to support the Parental Rights Amendment. Today is a big day for pushing for this as it is the 222nd birthday of our Constitution.

I urge you to call those who represent you in Washington also. It's not so very hard. You just pick up the phone; dial the number; and say, "I would like my Senator/Representative to support the Parental Rights Amendment." All 3 of the people whom I spoke to were very polite. During the last phone call I added, "I represent 3 other voters who live in my household." He said, "OK." I wish I had thought of saying that with the Senator's offices too but I didn't. GASP--I'm not perfect!!! I guess I'll have to urge Robert, Cora, & Andrew to call in too.

For those of you living in North Dakota you can call these numbers. Senator Conrad's office # is: 202-224-2043. Senator Dorgan's office # is: 202-224-2551. Representative Pomeroy's office # is: 202-225-2611. These people are paid to hear our wishes and we MUST have our wishes be heard on this if we want our country to remain free from UN intervention. I've been writing about this ever since the home school convention so, if you need to read some more to inspire you to call, please see my posts on parental rights. Better yet, go to the Parental Rights website

The other business that I took care of today was registering us for our shoot. Alex said that he needed us to register to so that he can get an accurate headcount. This is where you can go to learn more about attending our shoot next month: We hope that many people will come and join us for this educational experience which brings history to life.

Well, I have some exciting news. Robert just came home and told me that he met a man out in the flax field while checking to see if the flax straw is ready to bale. This man is a home school father whom we met years ago at a home school graduation. He is now our neighbor's new hired man and they now live about FIVE MILES AWAY FROM US!!! I was so excited when Robert told me that he invited their family to come to our shoot too.

Robert said that Mr. R asked him where we live and Robert gave him directions. Mr. R said, "Oh you mean up by the giant swing set?" We all laughed at that. It would seem that our swing set is the talk of the neighborhood. How I look forward to many swing set parties in the future!!!!!!!! But for now, I suppose I should get to work as I have 2 sessions to do day yet. Cora's been decorating a cake so the lunch dishes aren't even finished yet!

It's not like I haven't gotten any REAL work done today. I spent an hour this morning baiting all 8 of our fly traps. When you live on a dairy, you have LOTS of flies. First I had to find the milk jug traps which are "Hidden" all around the farm as I don't exactly want them to be conspicuous. Then I went to the nearest manure pile, or the garden for those by the house, and emptied the contents of about 2,000 dead flies. You can imagine this smells real lovely. Then I went to the nearest water source; filled the jug 1/2 full with water (while holding my breath); then poured in 2 tablespoons of the most foul smelling fly bait in the world; and then tied the trap back in place. I like to tie the gallon jugs to cattle panels on the east side of railroad ties so there will be shade for the trap in the hot part of the day. That way it doesn't evaporate out the water so quickly.

When I was filling the one by the baby calf pen, I noticed that the goose's water in the swimming pool was terribly dirty. I emptied the water, while I filled fly traps ,and then washed out the pool with the hose. I scrubbed it like mad with the broom from the goat's barn and got it as clean as possible. Have you ever seen geese water that hasn't been changed for a few weeks? If so, then you'll know how gross this job is. I guess I must have been in a "Dealing with the gross stuff" mood this morning. Anyway, it took about 3 hours for the swimming pool to fill, but now the geese are happily swimming in their drinking water. Does that bother them any? Are you kidding? Geese can drink the grossest water and never get sick--I don't know how they do it. The trouble is that the goat bucks are in the pen with them and they HATE messy water. Always troubles when you're dealing with animals and we have LOTS of animals.

Now this afternoon the boys are dealing with another animal problem. They're cleaning out the barns. I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow of this delightful process. One thing that I hope to do on my blog is give city people an accurate picture of what farm life is like. It's so terribly romanticized in the movies and books. Actually much of what we do requires getting dirt, milk, mud, spoiled grain, moldy hay, and yes, manure under our fingernails. That's reality folks! Want to come and help? :)

Anyway, Andrew used the Dagley's Bobcat to push the manure out the back door while Jacob scooped it up with the 9030 (don't know which one). Jacob piled it up in the closest pasture for when the time comes to haul it out to the field next week. When the boys came in for supper, Cora gasped and turned away. Now, she's a farm girl so I wondered what the problem was. When he walked by me, I knew. My oh my did his clothes stink. I made both boys put hand towels on their chairs while they ate as if I want my dining room chairs smelling like THAT!!!!

Oh well, I still love that my life is rich and full of hard work and busy, busy, busy!!! Now, if I can figure out how to achieve that without getting stressed, I'll have it made. :)

Two interesting emails

Last night I received 2 interesting emails. The first was from Alex,our shoot boss, saying that our shoot is now on the web and we can start encouraging people to register. The second was from the Revolutionary War Veteran's Association (RWVA) who is the parent of the Appleseed Project. I wish that their emblem would have pasted but you can see it on their website:
: when you go there to register for our shoot. :) This is what they said as they advertised for us. They listed us as from Steele, because that's on the interstate, but if anyone needs directions from the south just let us know.

You are invited to the following event:
Steele, ND Appleseed - Oct 3-4, 2009
Date:Saturday, October 03, 2009 at 8:30 AM - to
Sunday, October 04, 2009 at 4:00 PM (CT)
Location:Private Land - 20 miles South of Steele, ND
5860 23rd Ave. SE Kintyre, ND 58549

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hi Everybody,
Wouldn't you know it? I've been checking the Appleseed website for a week now to see if the listing for our shoot was posted. Now today, while Andrew and I were in Bismarck, Cora called and said that it was listed!! Oh well, now I get to share the news with you all that it IS official. The Robert Bornemann family is hosting our very own Appleseed Shoot here at our farm on October 3rd and 4th!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!
I've wanted our family to do something special for the home school community for many years, but it's so hard when you milk to have enough time to put something together. Now we can host a shoot as the Appleseed people do the work. I know that this sounds awfully lazy but, anybody who has ever milked, will understand this. People who milk are NOT lazy. :)
I cannot urge you enough to join us here that weekend. It doesn't matter if you're a good shot or not--I mean that's the whole point. You can learn how to be a better shot and then go home and practice, practice, practice. Before you know it, you can have family times like we did in this picture. Maybe you all can suggest endings to this little rhyme. The family who shoots together, ____________________ together. Maybe we can come up with a new motto here. :)
So what do you have to do? Just go to the Appleseed site here: This takes you directly to the information about our shoot so that you can study up a bit. Then go to this link as soon as you are ready to register:
All women; children under age 21; and active military personel can attend free. For men the charge for both days is $70 and for one day it's $45. This is a family friendly event as you can see. It's not going to cost you an arm and a leg to get this information for your family.
I do have a favor to ask of you, though. PLEASE REGISTER THE SECOND YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN COME AS WE'RE LESS THAN 3 WEEKS AWAY NOW. The paperwork all takes time, so please register ASAP. After that, we'd appreciate you letting us know how many from your family will be attending so that we can get enough big bales to the range site.
Everyone is welcome to camp here, if you like, or there is camping and hotel space in the small towns around here. We kind of hope that folks will stick around here so that we can get in a goodly amount of fellowship. I'm pretty sure that the young men will be heading down to the Kintyre park for some volleyball at least once--certainly young ladies would be welcome too. :) Even not such young men and ladies could join together at our favorite little park and fill the Fall air with laughter. We love going down there!
So, after a busy day of BodyTalk sessions in my office in Bismarck, Andrew and I headed home quickly. We brought the Dagley's Bobcat to clean the barns out with and some lumber to repair our teeter totter. Many happy memories were shared with friends on that old board but it just isn't safe anymore. Oh, and yes, I bought some more paint.
How I love being alive and on the mend. Many thanks to you for praying for me again and I hope to see you all at our shoot.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gun control

This came in today and it confirmed my already strong beliefs that we need everybody in this country to have a gun and know how to use it. Please call your congresspeople to help stop this outrage.

September 15, 2009

Dear Concerned American,

The great pay-back has begun, and it's going to be ugly. The gun grabbers in Congress are paying back the anti-gun extremists who put them and Barack Obama in office.

Hi, this is Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia. I wish I had better news, but you and I are facing an assault on our gun rights like we've never seen before.You see, H.R. 45 is Barack Obama's gun control package, and it includes the most vile anti-gun measures he's supported over the years.It's only the first step......but it's a HUGE step.

H.R. 45 establishes a NATIONAL gun registry database of every gun and its owner -- for the whole county! Your private information and every gun you own would be in the system.But that's only if you succeed in buying a gun in the first place!And since H.R. 45 dramatically increases requirements for firearms purchases far beyond those ever proposed, you just might find youself incapable of buying a firearm once this bill takes effect.And it gets worse too.The National Association for Gun Rights has a survey ready for you to complete, but I want you to understand just how dangerous this bill is before I give you the link. Please bear with me for a moment. You see, H.R. 45 would establish a national gun registry database which would:
Increase requirements for firearms purchases, far beyond those ever proposed.
Create a national firearms registry overseen by the Federal Government.
Invoke Draconian penalties for bookkeeping errors related to the Federal Firearms Database. It gets worse though. Sarah Brady and her allies in Congress want to force you to take a written exam to prove that you are "fit" to exercise your Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. I'm outraged by this, and I know you are too.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that gun registration has historically laid the groundwork for total firearm confiscation. Citizen disarmament is the watchword of tyrants everywhere. In fact, the most brutal dictators of the last century were famous for their gun registration and confiscation schemes. But H.R. 45, Obama's National Gun Registry and Citizen Disarmament Act, is more than just a forced registration of all firearms in America. The bill also makes it increasingly difficult to buy a gun in the first place.
Taken right out of Sarah Brady's Christmas wish list, H.R. 45 includes a laundry list of new restrictions on firearms purchases. In addition to the outrageous national gun registration requirement, H.R. 45 also requires you to:
Pass a written examination to purchase a firearm.
Release your medical records -- including confidential mental health records -- to the government to get your "fitness" to own a firearm approved.
Observe a two-day waiting period before all firearms purchases.
Pay a gun tax of $25 or more on all firearm purchases. Moreover, H.R. 45 bans all private firearms sales and maximizes penalties for minor clerical errors in dealing with the national gun registry. The list goes on and on. It's enough to turn your stomach. I know I don't have to tell you, but these restrictions make a mockery of the Constitution. "The Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" might as well say: "You have no rights." If a two-day waiting period, a written exam and a gun tax aren't infringing our rights, I don't know what is!
Even the Supreme Court's recent Heller decision guaranteeing an individual's right to own a firearm doesn't hamper Barack Obama's agenda one bit.In fact, it emboldens gun grabbers to pass legislation taxing ammunition, increasing registration requirements, and drastically limiting when, how and where you can use your firearm.That's why I've decided to stand with the National Association for Gun Rights fight back against this radical scheme. They're fully committed to stopping the efforts of the gun grabbers, but they need the help of grassroots gun owners like you. With liberals calling the shots in Washington, all supporters of the Second Amendment must join together, draw a line in the sand, and fight this battle to the end. We must make this gun-grab expensive and politically painful for the enemies of freedom. If we do, they'll flinch ... and LOSE. By mobilizing hundreds of thousands of grassroots gun owners across the country, the National Association for Gun Rights can put anti-gun politicians on the hot seat. Are you opposed to national gun registration?Are you opposed to a written examination to buy a gun?Are you opposed to a new $25 gun tax?Are you opposed to a total ban on private firearm sales? If you said "Yes" to these questions, click here to fill out a special survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you. Your survey will put you squarely on the record AGAINST Barack Obama's gun control package.Stopping un-Constitutional gun control bills like H.R. 45 may be NAGR's top priority, but they need your help. Along with your signed survey, please send the National Association for Gun Rights a generous contribution to help finance this battle. You will have the opportunity to donate right after you fill out the survey.
The truth is, H.R. 45 is just the tip of the iceberg. Sarah Brady and her cohorts in Congress now have the support of a willing White House and won't stop until they've reached their ultimate goal: A virtual ban on private, individual firearm ownership. That is why NAGR simply must hear from you immediately. Please take a moment to fill out NAGR's H.R. 45 survey, and, if at all possible, send a contribution of $200, $150, $100 or maybe just $25 to help the National Association for Gun Rights fight H.R. 45 and Sarah Brady's gun control wish list. I know this is a lot to ask, but inaction could very well lead to defeat and the loss of our right to keep and bear arms. Whether you can afford $200 or a lesser amount of $50 or $25, please contribute what you can.
It's critical we do all we can.Thank you in advance for contributing your time and money towards defending our Second Amendment rights. For Freedom and Liberty,Paul BrounU.S. Congressman (R-GA)National Association for Gun Rights P.S. The anti-gun extremists who helped put Obama in power are itching for pay-back -- and here it comes.H.R. 45 is the most sweeping gun control proposal ever offered in America. And under this administration, it might just pass -- so please act today! Please join NAGR in the fight to stop this gun grab by clicking here to fill out your special H.R. 45 survey, and making a generous contribution of $200, $150, $100 or even just $25 -- immediately.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Parental Right's Amendment

Dear friends,
This just came in today so I'm passing it on to you right away. PLEASE TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! Please make that phone call to help preserve our freedoms for our children and grandchildren's sake!


Dear Champion of Parental Rights,
This Thursday marks the 222nd anniversary of the U. S. Constitution. In celebration of Constitution Week, we have scheduled a major call-in blitz to Congress urging them to cosponsor the Parental Rights Amendment – and the time to call is now.
We also encourage you to get your friends to call. Urge everyone you know to call their congressman and senators throughout the week. Get started today, and maybe even call back in a few days, just to see if they’re listening. Let's make it so they have no choice!
You may have called during our last blitz in July. Since then, though, many of you have visited your congressman or senator's office and spoken directly with them or with their staff. Now they are more ready to listen, and it is vital that we all call them again. Here’s all we ask you to do:
1. Check our lists of House cosponsors and Senate cosponsors. If your representative is already a sponsor, don’t call them! Consider mailing them a message of thanks instead.
2. If your congressman or senator is not on our list, go to our States Watch page and click on your state to find their contact information.
3. Call your congressman and ask him to sign on to cosponsor H.J. Res. 42, the Parental Rights Amendment, to protect parental rights and American and state sovereignty.
4. Call your senators and urge them to cosponsor S.J. Res. 16, the Parental Rights Amendment, to protect parental rights and American and state sovereignty.
5. Call or email friends and family and urge them to get in on this campaign as well. Let’s make this a very busy week for the Capitol switchboard!
6. Consider volunteering time to our Get-Out-the-Call campaign to encourage even more people to call Congress this week. Email Eric Lansing for more information.
Volunteers have been working for weeks toward this campaign, visiting congressional offices and town halls to call attention to these vital rights. We must not let up now! Please call first, before you close this email! It will only take a minute to see that your voice is heard.
Donate now: There are only a few days left in our membership drive ($25 or more), and only a few days left to receive two T-shirts free with your donation of $100 or more. To donate now, click here.
For updates of this email online, click here.
Remove me from this list

Shooting after decades

I have fallen behind with my writing as I have something going on with my left foot. I noticed it about a week ago and each day it has gotten more painful and swollen. Yesterday I realized that it was acting like it did about 8 years ago when I ended up going to the doctor after I could hardly walk anymore. Even he couldn't figure out what it was, but the steroids that he gave me took care of it after a few weeks. What a miracle--NOT! That is certainly not a pattern that I care to fall into!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yesterday I freaked out as I recalled that month and a half long nightmare. I decided to soak in the whirlpool with a cup of apple cider vinegar added. This draws out a lot of poisons. I also put myself on the Master Cleanse, with additional fruit, until this is cleared up. That was a rather abrupt decision but I am NOT going to go through that whole ordeal again.

As the water swirled around me and I started to relax, I could think a little bit. I started doing the BodyTalk Access procedures and felt more and more calm. "I have the skills to deal with this now," I told myself.

When I reached the wrist to ankle reciprocal, though, something broke loose in me and I wept for about 10 minutes. "What is this all about?" I prayed and then slowly I came to understand what was going on with my ankle. I believe now that most of it is emotionally based. Let me explain.

Close to the the time period involved when I had the extremely painful episode on that foot, we were also dealing with West Nile in our horses. One of the best friends that I have ever had was our horse Gabriel--Gabe for short. Wouldn't you know it--Gabe got West Nile. It was a long ordeal with 3 vet visits and finally coming out of the house that morning to find him dead. We had moved him under the tree close by so that we could nurse him. The minute I opened the door, I knew that he was dead. I could feel his absence on the earth!!! I can't even write about it now without weeping. Maybe I'll try to find a picture of Gabe and post it sometime.

Anyway, yesterday in my BT session, I realized that Gabe's death was linked with the infection in my foot which had turned my foot black. Well, for the past 3 weeks we've been trying to get Cora's milk cow, Leisle, back on her feet after a complicated birth. I understand now that, as I watched Leisle's decline I was going back in my mind to the time when I was forced to watch Gabe's decline and death. God was taking me back to deal with Gabe's decline, which I have never dealt with not having the skills to do so before this. Well, now I do so I dealt with it.

I did Active Memory on myself to Gabe's death and then I had to do Emotional Freedom Technique on top of it as the trauma of it all was so painful. I cried like a baby and let out years of pent-up emotions. I should add here that all 3 of my children got West Nile the week that Gabe was dying too. I had treated it with massive doses of Tahitian Noni juice and their suffering was mild. All of this did NOT have a mild affect on this mother's hearth though.

So to make a long story short, today I have about 1/4th the pain in my foot as I had yesterday at this time. My conclusion is this: watching Leisle slowly die was horrible for me as I know how much Cora was being affected by it. Yesterday, when Robert shot Leisle to stop her misery, Cora was devastated. Gabe's death and the children's week-long battle with West Nile all came back to me in full force and I fell apart. I praise God that He has given me the skills to deal with such trauma through BodyTalk procedures and Emotional Freedom Technique. I praise Him too for a whirlpool which seems to free up my emotions like nothing else.

I'm still going to stay on the cleanse until the pain is completely gone but my heart tells me that the weight has been lifted that brought on the infection in my foot. Isn't it incredible how the mind affects the body?

WOW. I cannot urge you all enough to give BodyTalk a try at your next health crisis. Better yet, why wait for a blowup? Sure, I'll gain a little money by doing your sessions for you, but you will gain peace inside and what is that worth in our crazy world? Please consider giving BodyTalk a try. End of advertisement--I really had not planned on going there at all. It just sort of oozed out of me in my enthusiasm to help others! :)

Here are pictures from last Sabbath. We're trying to prepare for our Appleseed Shoot which is scheduled for October 3rd and 4th here at our farm. We're still waiting for them to post it on the website but you can study there and see if you'd like to join us. You can find the link on my sidebar.

Anyway, we first had to set up the targets. We used some electric fence posts and duct taped some cardboard to a wire that we strung between the posts. The targets get stapled on at an official shoot but we just used tape them to the cardboard.

Robert was so kind and sighted in his rifle for me. He used his dad's old rifle so that I could use his good one. I very quickly learned, though, that I'll need to find a shorter rifle. It wasn't too bad when I shot sitting up but it was imposable for me to even cock the thing when I was in the prone position.

I learned that there are 3 sitting positions. The first one is the best but I absolutely could not get my knee to bend that far back. The second one hurt too as my shoulders ached from leaning over so far so I had to use the third, least secure position. I didn't do too bad with the scope. I got 3 in the bulls-eye and the rest nearby. However, shooting in the prone position for me was a nightmare with that gun. I did terrible!

Checking our results. Everyone did better than they expected except Andrew. He was shooting with his new rifle and it takes some getting used to when you make changes like that.

Reloading to shoot again. I didn't realize that I'd grown so clumsy with a rifle. My goodness it's only been a little over 25 years since I've shot gophers with Robert as a young bride. I'm glad that we're starting to practice ahead of time. :)

How about you? Will you accept our invitation to join us at our shoot? We'd love to have all of you who are concerned about our country's future to come and join us. We'll learn together about the past that gave us the freedoms that we now enjoy. I, for one, am willing to accept the challenge to become the best marks woman that I can be. Who knows--maybe someday I'll even make Riflewoman. Maybe after about 10 shoots or so. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Worth Millions *Revised with added pictures*

Dear friends,
How happy I am tonight at the end of a busy week!!!!!!!!! How I love the sunset on Friday nights for it means to me that the Sabbath rest has come at last. No more business; no more school; no more running around like crazy. It's time to rest from all of that and focus on the wonderful God who made this world so very beautiful.
The children and I had a wonderful day together in Bismarck. Andrew bought himself a brand new semi-automatic rifle and scope in preparation for our shoot here the first weekend in October. Then, after we did other errands, we headed out to Geigers for a baby shower for Miss Hannah Joy Young. Hannah is Brian and Lisa's granddaughter and Mariah (Geiger) Young's daughter.

It was great to be with the Geigers again. Miranda stated that this is the 3rd week in a row that we've seen each other which has never happened before. There were many friends gathered together to celebrate the new little life, but one was more special than all the rest to me.

I almost lost my breath when, stepping into Lisa's kitchen, here was an old friend cutting up vegetables. It was none other than my friend, Paulette, who housed me at her health center for 18 days in 2006 when I was on my deathbed. WOW--was I ever surprised. Paulette is a midwife, and was in Bismarck doing her prenatals, so it worked for her to stop in for Hannah's party. It'll be a long time before I forget THAT embrace. :) Cora almost caught us hugging, but the camera was silly just at that moment, so this is what she got. Oh well, it was great to see Paulette again. She even said that she may come down with the Bartletts to our shoot if her babies all cooperate.
Not only were these fruit kabobs cute--they were delicious!!!!!!!! Molly said that there were 6 different kinds of grapes in this beautiful bouquet.
Isn't this the most adorable baby carriage you've ever seen?
Here's the pretty mother, Mariah. Grandpa Brian, Paulette, and Grandma Lisa seated with a baby. I learned later that this was NOT little Hannah. Hannah was floating around the room so fast that it was hard to keep up with her.

Fortunately there were enough babies present for EVERYONE to have a chance at holding one. I had a special joy of feeding a 11 month old, named William. He just loved the fruit that I cut up for him as Cora held him close enough to feed but far enough to keep his chubby little hand out of my plate. Holly, William's mom, stood by chuckling and even his papa laughed when I said, "He's a bottom-less pit." Baby's are just sooooooooo adorable. Somebody said that the informal, off-the-record baby count that day was 8 sweet, cuddly little people present. WOW!!!
Andrew snapped these pictures of me with his new cell phone. By the way, I did get his permission to post these pictures. :) The roses were just lovely and Molly said that she got them "On discount" at Wall Mart. HMMMMMMM. I never knew that they sold discounted flowers at Wall Mart. It's just so much fun to pick up tidbits like this when I get the chance to get away from the farm. :) The punch was sooooooooooo delicious that I'll "Have to get the recipe" the next time I am planning a party.
"Find any carrots, Lisa?" "Nope--all out."

Well, I should be heading out for the barn but I am just so happy about a note that came with a check for a BodyTalk session this morning. Reading it again now, I just KNEW that I had to share this with you. This lady is VERY ill and has been so for almost a decade. She is skin and bones and has pain, pain, pain, but now she has opened her mind to BodyTalk. She told me after an earlier session, "Now I have some hope that I may be able to pull through this." This is what she said in her note.

Hi Dawn,

Thanks again for a wonderful BodyTalk treatment. I felt better last night after the treatment. It felt soooooooo good to be feeling joyful and playful. I played and laughed with our dog on such a beautiful evening. It brought joy to my soul. :) You are truly a blessing from God!! God bless you and yours! Hugs and Kisses............

After I read these words this morning I told Cora, "This piece of paper (the check) is worth $30 and this one (the card) is worth millions. PRAISE THE LORD FOR WHAT HE IS DOING TO HEAL PEOPLE THROUGH THE BODYTALK SYSTEM! Not only did He save my life through it, now He's using me to help others get well too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If that weren't joy enough for one day, I just got an email from my BodyTalk practitioner. She bore good news that the Module 3 class will be held after all on the 2nd weekend in October. There weren't enough people signed up to take the class earlier in the week so she had sent out an emergency plea for people to register if they were going to take the class. Well, enough folks did and now I get to move on with my training right up in Bismarck. These classes are taught around the world but I can't afford to travel around the world to get to them. I have to wait, then, until they're being taught in my backyard. Now our BT group is finally large enough to start having the upper modules taught here. YIPEE!!!!!!!

Best set the table with china for soon it will be time for our Sabbath feast. Please don't tell anybody that tonight I'm feeding my family pizza from Sam's Club--it's a disgrace. :)


PS. Did I say that another bonus was seeing Mrs. J at the Geiger's home whose family keeps the Sabbath in their home in Bismarck. Only God knows where that warm hug will lead to in the years ahead. ISN'T IT WONDERFUL HOW THE LORD BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER AT JUST THE RIGHT TIME AND PLACE???????????

YES, HE IS WONDERFUL, OH SO WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

  Encounter God’s Heart… Rescuer and Redeemer The religious people of Jesus’ day were awaiting the Messiah. They were expecting him to be a ...