Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am STILL looking for something wonderful to share at Alfred on Sabbath for Harvest of Thanks. By the way, if you want to spend a special day fellowshipping PLEASE join us there at 10:45. It's the only church in Alfred that meets on Sabbath (maybe the only church) so you can't miss it. Anyway, this is NOT the poem that I am going to share over there but I just could not resist sharing it with YOU!

Ode to Zucchini
Zucchini, oh zucchini,
It's not that I'm ungrateful.
When I think of all your vitamins,
There must be loads in every plateful.
But for days, my kitchen's been a mess,
And it's all because of you, I guess.
I'd vowed I would not waste
A single one of you.
I baked you and I fried you,
Pickled, froze, and I dried you.
I made every zucchini recipie I knew.
And now, just as I tucked the last of you
In a quaint new bread, called, "Banzini,"
My proud little boy is telling me,
"Look, Mom, I found 13 more zucchini!"
So, zucchini, oh zucchini,
Though I think you're quite terrific,
Could you, please, just try to be
A little less prolific?
By Linda Andersen

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