Guess what? Cora has sent me the traveling honest blog award that she earned. This means that I need to write 10 honest things about myself, that I feel comfortable sharing, and then pass on the reward to other worthy bloggers. I know that most people write all 10 at the same time and I suppose I should do that. However, I simply MUST share # 1 right this minute or burst.

Well, just in case any of you don't know this yet--yesterday was the last day of Summer!!!!!! ): My favorite time of the year has officially ended and the earth is saying so too. This is the time of year when I typically go into a depression for a few weeks until I've adjusted to the beauty of Fall.
This brings me back to the theme of this post--I'm supposed to share 10 things honestly about myself. I can't imagine, if it took this long to tell you the first one, how long it'll take to tell the other 9! Keep checking here and I'll try to come up with 9 more things about me that aren't too shocking.
I SIMPLY LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!! Summer is sooooooooooo wonderful. Summer is when North Dakotans can walk around in shirt sleeves like the rest of the world. Summer is when one can go swimming in the lake which is ice half the year. Summer is when you can host a picnic for your family and friends and sit on the grass and eat OUTSIDE EVEN IN NORTH DAKOTA!!! Best of all, summer is when you can grow things in the garden. OH HOW I LOVE GARDENING AND OH HOW I LOVE SUMMER!!! In honor of Summer then, I decided to share some pictures of the Bornemann family's summer of 2009.
The highlight of the summer was graduating Andrew from our home school in June.
Other highlights included visiting with friends at Prairie Days...
Teaching old-time skills at Prairie Days.... Good job, Cora!
Doing a family puppet skit at Prairie Days..... (Can you tell that we love Prairie Days?"
Selling pizza at the 4 H booth during Napoleon's 125th birthday party with our neighbors...
Buying calves at Kist in our shirt sleeves......
Putting up our swing set.....
Breathing a sigh of relief because it's up after 6 years of dreaming of that moment......
Painting the deck...
Grilling burgers on the newly painted deck....
Enjoying the joys of marriage.......
Making hay with the new square baler...
Harvesting the abundance from our garden...
Having a campfire......
AND jumping for joy that summer is here and he earned his "Dream bike" by cleaning grain...
Well, just in case any of you don't know this yet--yesterday was the last day of Summer!!!!!! ): My favorite time of the year has officially ended and the earth is saying so too. This is the time of year when I typically go into a depression for a few weeks until I've adjusted to the beauty of Fall.
However, I reckon that I could just chose to skip the depression this year. Now I have skills to help me to deal with depression. Besides all of the BodyTalk and EFT skills I now possess, I remind myself often to use the most effective tool that anyone has ever found to deal with it.
It's something that I learned from everyone's little friend, Pollyanna, who taught the world how to play the glad game. I have repeatedly proven to myself that there is no depression so deep that can't be cured with a goodly dose of THANKFULNESS. It's a good thing that this coming Sabbath is Harvest of Thanks at the Alfred church so I can aim my thoughts in that direction. I've even been asked to bring a reading for the special day. So I suppose I'll just have to pass on my usual round of first of Fall depression this year. Maybe Fall won't be so bad after all. :)
This brings me back to the theme of this post--I'm supposed to share 10 things honestly about myself. I can't imagine, if it took this long to tell you the first one, how long it'll take to tell the other 9! Keep checking here and I'll try to come up with 9 more things about me that aren't too shocking.
Oh yes, what I wanted most to say about yesterday is that I put Appleseed posters up all over Napoleon and Kintyre. It was amazing how many bulletin boards there are in these little towns! It's less than 2 weeks away now so PLEASE go to the site and register to come to our shoot. It sure will make things a lot more joyful around here if I were to know that YOU WERE PLANNING ON COMING. :) Here's the link:
1 comment:
I'm with you! I love summer. Fall can be nice, just too short, in my opinion.
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