Monday, September 14, 2009

Shooting after decades

I have fallen behind with my writing as I have something going on with my left foot. I noticed it about a week ago and each day it has gotten more painful and swollen. Yesterday I realized that it was acting like it did about 8 years ago when I ended up going to the doctor after I could hardly walk anymore. Even he couldn't figure out what it was, but the steroids that he gave me took care of it after a few weeks. What a miracle--NOT! That is certainly not a pattern that I care to fall into!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yesterday I freaked out as I recalled that month and a half long nightmare. I decided to soak in the whirlpool with a cup of apple cider vinegar added. This draws out a lot of poisons. I also put myself on the Master Cleanse, with additional fruit, until this is cleared up. That was a rather abrupt decision but I am NOT going to go through that whole ordeal again.

As the water swirled around me and I started to relax, I could think a little bit. I started doing the BodyTalk Access procedures and felt more and more calm. "I have the skills to deal with this now," I told myself.

When I reached the wrist to ankle reciprocal, though, something broke loose in me and I wept for about 10 minutes. "What is this all about?" I prayed and then slowly I came to understand what was going on with my ankle. I believe now that most of it is emotionally based. Let me explain.

Close to the the time period involved when I had the extremely painful episode on that foot, we were also dealing with West Nile in our horses. One of the best friends that I have ever had was our horse Gabriel--Gabe for short. Wouldn't you know it--Gabe got West Nile. It was a long ordeal with 3 vet visits and finally coming out of the house that morning to find him dead. We had moved him under the tree close by so that we could nurse him. The minute I opened the door, I knew that he was dead. I could feel his absence on the earth!!! I can't even write about it now without weeping. Maybe I'll try to find a picture of Gabe and post it sometime.

Anyway, yesterday in my BT session, I realized that Gabe's death was linked with the infection in my foot which had turned my foot black. Well, for the past 3 weeks we've been trying to get Cora's milk cow, Leisle, back on her feet after a complicated birth. I understand now that, as I watched Leisle's decline I was going back in my mind to the time when I was forced to watch Gabe's decline and death. God was taking me back to deal with Gabe's decline, which I have never dealt with not having the skills to do so before this. Well, now I do so I dealt with it.

I did Active Memory on myself to Gabe's death and then I had to do Emotional Freedom Technique on top of it as the trauma of it all was so painful. I cried like a baby and let out years of pent-up emotions. I should add here that all 3 of my children got West Nile the week that Gabe was dying too. I had treated it with massive doses of Tahitian Noni juice and their suffering was mild. All of this did NOT have a mild affect on this mother's hearth though.

So to make a long story short, today I have about 1/4th the pain in my foot as I had yesterday at this time. My conclusion is this: watching Leisle slowly die was horrible for me as I know how much Cora was being affected by it. Yesterday, when Robert shot Leisle to stop her misery, Cora was devastated. Gabe's death and the children's week-long battle with West Nile all came back to me in full force and I fell apart. I praise God that He has given me the skills to deal with such trauma through BodyTalk procedures and Emotional Freedom Technique. I praise Him too for a whirlpool which seems to free up my emotions like nothing else.

I'm still going to stay on the cleanse until the pain is completely gone but my heart tells me that the weight has been lifted that brought on the infection in my foot. Isn't it incredible how the mind affects the body?

WOW. I cannot urge you all enough to give BodyTalk a try at your next health crisis. Better yet, why wait for a blowup? Sure, I'll gain a little money by doing your sessions for you, but you will gain peace inside and what is that worth in our crazy world? Please consider giving BodyTalk a try. End of advertisement--I really had not planned on going there at all. It just sort of oozed out of me in my enthusiasm to help others! :)

Here are pictures from last Sabbath. We're trying to prepare for our Appleseed Shoot which is scheduled for October 3rd and 4th here at our farm. We're still waiting for them to post it on the website but you can study there and see if you'd like to join us. You can find the link on my sidebar.

Anyway, we first had to set up the targets. We used some electric fence posts and duct taped some cardboard to a wire that we strung between the posts. The targets get stapled on at an official shoot but we just used tape them to the cardboard.

Robert was so kind and sighted in his rifle for me. He used his dad's old rifle so that I could use his good one. I very quickly learned, though, that I'll need to find a shorter rifle. It wasn't too bad when I shot sitting up but it was imposable for me to even cock the thing when I was in the prone position.

I learned that there are 3 sitting positions. The first one is the best but I absolutely could not get my knee to bend that far back. The second one hurt too as my shoulders ached from leaning over so far so I had to use the third, least secure position. I didn't do too bad with the scope. I got 3 in the bulls-eye and the rest nearby. However, shooting in the prone position for me was a nightmare with that gun. I did terrible!

Checking our results. Everyone did better than they expected except Andrew. He was shooting with his new rifle and it takes some getting used to when you make changes like that.

Reloading to shoot again. I didn't realize that I'd grown so clumsy with a rifle. My goodness it's only been a little over 25 years since I've shot gophers with Robert as a young bride. I'm glad that we're starting to practice ahead of time. :)

How about you? Will you accept our invitation to join us at our shoot? We'd love to have all of you who are concerned about our country's future to come and join us. We'll learn together about the past that gave us the freedoms that we now enjoy. I, for one, am willing to accept the challenge to become the best marks woman that I can be. Who knows--maybe someday I'll even make Riflewoman. Maybe after about 10 shoots or so. :)

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