Monday, December 31, 2012

It is finished

What a perfect thought to end 2012 with.  It is finished and so is my struggling to perform perfectly for other people's approval!

  This year has been awesome in so many ways but I think that the best way is that I discovered Pastor Joseph Prince this year.  Here is his devotional for today--a perfect thought for the end of the year. 

If you haven't signed up yet for his daily devotional, I cannot urge you enough to do so.  It's free.  It's as free as the grace Pastor Prince preaches about.  All struggling to be accepted be God was ended at the cross.

On to a new year filled with God's grace covering all doubts, perfectionism, and self-hatred with his marvelous grace! 

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus....


It Is Finished!
John 19:30
So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

Imagine looking at Leonardo da Vinci’s famous Mona Lisa painting in the Louvre museum. Would you think of adding more brush strokes to it? Of course not! It was done by a master, so what could you possibly add to the painting to improve it?

In the same way, that is how we are to look at Jesus’ work on the cross. He cried out, “It is finished!” You cannot complete a completed work. You cannot finish a finished work. Our salvation is won. Our sins are all forgiven. We are made forever righteous by His blood. Christ paid completely and perfectly for our total forgiveness, righteousness and every blessing!

In fact, these three words, “It is finished”, come from one Greek word teleo. In the days of Jesus, a servant would use it when reporting to his master: “I have completed the work assigned to me.” (John 17:4) The word means, “It is finished, it stands finished and it will always be finished!” Perhaps the most significant meaning of teleo is how it is used by merchants: “The debt is paid in full!” When Jesus gave Himself on the cross, He met fully the righteous demands of the law. He paid our debts in full!

Today, it is not our works that will bring us the blessings. It is Christ’s finished work. Christian living is not about doing, but believing in His finished work. Under the law, we must do. Under grace, it is done!

Maybe you are faced with overwhelming odds today. Jesus promises, “It is finished!” You are not going to be delivered because you have already been delivered. You are not going to be healed because you are already the healed! God healed you 2,000 years ago! Isaiah 53:5 declares, “By His stripes you are healed!” You are already pregnant with healing. Keep resting in His finished work and it will manifest!

My friend, the work is finished. The victory is won. Our blessings have been bought by His blood! Live life knowing that there is nothing for you to do — only believe! It is finished!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

God loves us!

Happy Sabbath everyone!

I was just blessed by watching this 3 minute video featuring Billy Graham.

 I know that God loves me but sometimes it's hard for me to grasp that God loves everyone. I mean God loves our President and legislators and my father, mother, and brothers. God loves EVERYONE.

If you have trouble grasping this, like I do, then I urge you to watch this short video. I think it will make it a bit easier to grasp how special ALL of humankind is to God.



Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Appleseed video just released and I'm in it!

This Spring I went with Andrew to the Minot indoor range for an Appleseed shoot. I knew that the Bartletts were working on a video and was pleased to be a part of it. The production was just released and I think it's awesome. I share it here with the hopes that it will inspire YOU to attend a shoot next year. You'll be so impressed with yourself with how you can improve in such a short time. Come on, you can do it!!!


Awesome birthday

My 55th birthday, December 25, 2012, was a fantastic day in my life.  We got up; did chores; and headed for Mandan to spend the morning and afternoon with Robert's folks.  It was a pleasant time together and I received such an awesome birthday card from my in-laws that I just HAD to share it here. 

On the outside it says, "For a special daughter-in-law," with the subtitle being, "The Gift of Family."  The rest of the poem, written by Amanda Bradley reads like this:

One of the greatest gifts that life can give to anyone

Is the very special love that families share.

As years go by, it's good to know that there will always be,

Certain people in our lives who care.

For there are countless things that only families have in common,

And memories that no one else can make.

And these precious ties that bind a family together

Are bonds that time and distance cannot break.

How fortunate we are when we have

Relatives who love us;

It makes the world a happy place to be.

Few gifts in life will last as long

Or touch the heart as deeply

As the very special gift of family!

On the inside of the card are found these words.

You've added to our family life
 in such a special way.

That you deserve an extra share
 of happiness today.

And so this brings warm wishes
on this once-a-year occasion

For someone who deserves
a very special celebration!


and it was signed, "Mom & Dad B."

That made my day and the wonderful feast of turkey and stuffing... was awesome too. 

When we came home, the children went into Cora's room to stuff things in a whole array of lovely gift bags the likes I've never seen before.  What was in the birthday bags? I can hear you thinking.  Well let me see.

I received from Cora an adorable snowman plaque which says, "Families are forever because love never melts."  She also blessed me with some lovely hair clips; some folders for my business; what we used to call Dickie's but much prettier with LACE even; laminator pouches; some adorable note cards; a book of Amish proverbs; a couple of CDs to help myself and other's with healing from grief and another for finding strength in the midst of cancer, and a birthday cake. ;)  You can ask Cora what was special about that.

From Jacob I received a brand new bathroom scale.  Yes, I had said that I would like one as ours is totally undependable.  It's time to start taking this problem seriously and now I have new hope in the book I just found called, "The Virgin Diet."  Anyone tried it?

Andrew gave me the silliest game in the world but one, I hope, which will help me to get over more of my money hatred.  It's called, "Last Will."

Robert had a clever idea and he sold our class rings and laid $144 into my hand for something that was just laying around.  I'm going to buy the beautiful pearls at VibesUp and some bracelets to sell unless I find something else that I cannot resist.  :)

After a full day of feasting, I couldn't get to sleep with such a full belly so I saw 2:30 this morning.  Maybe I was just too excited to be so loved by my incredible family AND my in-laws.

Just in case anyone was wondering, there was not a word from my father--again.  However, my brother Russell ho-ho-hoed his way into our hearts.  It's nice to have SOME little bit of family.  sigh.

Cora also gave me 2 DVDs with Christmas movies so we watched them both seeing as it was Christmas day.  I liked them both but I especially liked, "The Christmas Card," but then I always love to see how God brings sweethearts together.  This one was from opposite sides of the world so it was special.

  The other big news here is that we're buying 40 2 year old cows so, as usual, there's much work to be done.  I love it, though, as idle hands are the devil's playground.  I reckon that one day of being idle won't ruin me too much.  It's the bathroom scale that's got me thinking now but I will have to write about that later.

Before I close, I'll share the lovely card which Robert gave to me yesterday.  The first page says, "For a wife who does it all--A loving birthday message.

Life moves so fast;
in so many directions,
and you have so many roles to play,
you must feel like
there's never enough of YOU
to go around.....

On your birthday,
I just want to tell you
what a remarkable job you do.
You're an amazing woman
and a wonderful wife,
and I'm an awfully lucky guy
to have you!

Happy birthday with love,


This blessing, hand written, was on the back of the card.

As you move into new horizons of your life, you and your love will only
expand to meet the needs of those precious to you.

Proud of you,



When I saw the, "Proud of you" part, my heart melted with joy.  I don't know if anyone has ever told me that they are proud of me.  They probably did but I wasn't in the receiving mode but yesterday I was!!!

Robert is proud of me!!!  YIPPEE!!!

Love to all is I head back to work!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Hate ended

I've been preaching here about peace on Earth ever since I started my blog 3 years ago but I'm a hypocrite in one area of my life.

  You see, I have hated money all my life. I hated how my parents loved it and valued it above the value of human beings--even their own children. How many times I watched them loving money and hurting people with it, I suppose I won't ever know. I do know that I was never as important to them as money was.

Once, about 15 years ago, I said to my mother, "Some people love their money more than they love their own children." Do you know what she did in response? She jumped out of her chair; stomped over to me; and SLAPPED my face as hard as she possibly could. Do you suppose that it hit a little too close to home for her?

The Lord has slowly been helping me to shed this hatred of money. It's been easing out of my thinking over the past couple of years as I see people using money for good. I love doing the same and truly helping people with my money.

Who can know the human heart but God? I suppose I may have to eat these words sometime in the future, but I truly feel like my life-long hatred of money has just ended. You can watch this video and see what I mean, if you like, or you can skip it. I urge you, though, to take 3 minutes of your precious time and see how money truly CAN be used for good--even the ultimate good!!!

God bless,

Dawn on her last day of being 54 years old and hopefully--a little wiser!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

This IS America--for awhile

I just listened to Rand, Ron Paul's son, explain what is at stake in our country.  Can it register in our brains, those of us raised in freedom, that freedom is on the brink of extinction even in America?  PLEASE take a few minutes and listen to this video and then contribute to RandPak.  We MUST fight together NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Peace on earth

The angels said to the shepherds, on the night that Christ was born, "Peace on Earth, good will to men."  How I live, work, dream for that day to be now in every heart on Earth.

After having seen the movie, "Silent Night," I have been praying for peace on Earth more than ever before. 

Just now I found this poem which spurs me on even more to dream of peace here and now.  Let's start thinking peace, instead of w--.  Let's talk of it and dream of it.  Let's ponder how we can be more at peace and how we can help other's come to peace.  Let's live, eat, sleep, and work for peace constantly and let's talk about it so that other's catch the vision too. 

Peace, dear friends, PEACE!

Christmas Eve 1914byMike Harding

Christmas Eve, 1914, stars were burning, burning bright
And all along the Western Front the guns were lying still and quiet.
And men lay dozing in the trenches, in the cold and in the dark,
And far away behind the lines, a village dog began to bark.
Some lay thinking of their families, some sang songs and others were quiet
Rolling fags and playing Brag, to pass away that Christmas night.
But as they watched the German trenches, something moved in no-man's land
And from far away there came a soldier, carrying a white flag in his hand.

Then from both sides, the men came running, crossing into no-man's land
Through the barbed wire, mud and shell-holes; shyly stood there shaking hands
Fritz brought out cigars and brandy, Tommy brought corned beef and fags
Stood there laughing, crying, singing, as the moon shone down on no-man's land

On Christmas day we all played football, in the mud of no-man's land
Tommy brought a Christmas pudding, Fritz brought out a German band
And when they beat us at the football, web shared out all the grub and drink
And Fritz showed me a faded photo of a dark-haired girl back in Berlin

For four days after, no one fired. Not one shell disturbed the night
For old Fritz and Tommy Atkins, they'd both lost the will to fight.
So they withdrew us from the trenches, sent us far behind the lines,
Sent fresh troops to take our places- ordered guns; "Prepare to fire".

And next night, in 1914, flares were burning, burning bright.
The message came, "Prepare offensive, over the top we're going tonight!"
And men stood waiting in the trenches, in the cold and in the dark,
All along the Western Front the Christmas guns began to bark.

From his book "Bomber's Moon" .published by Michael Joseph. You will find more information about this book and other work by Mike Harding if you take the following link:
Copyright © Mike Harding. All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of author/publisher.

Monday, December 17, 2012


My mother used to say, "Desperate means require desperate measures."  Today I felt desperate so I resorted to desperate measures.

You see, I am seeing 5 or 6 clients in my office tomorrow and I was still feeling the affects of the food poisoning this morning.  After pondering I decided to resort to, "IT," and am I ever glad.

The way that you do, "IT," is to get your body good and hot with either a long shower or a slow soak.  Once you are good and hot, you wrap yourself in something plastic--I chose a plastic tablecloth.

You stay wrapped up in your cocoon for up to an hour and start sweating.  I listened to some music on my tablet so it was much more pleasant than the last time I did, "IT." 

Then, you take a cool shower and go back to bed and sleep until you wake up.

That's it but IT really works.  I highly recommend IT for anything which you just are not able to shake after a few days.  I was surprised to find my bed soaked and needing laundering but I was so glad to get rid of several CUPS of poisons. 

Be sure to drink lots of water during the soaking phase and keep a cool washcloth on your head.  Also I wouldn't do "IT" unless you are really needing to get well quickly as IT does wipe you out.

I'm off for bed and I covet your prayers for tomorrow.

God bless.


Sunday, December 9, 2012


Two more days until my open house in Bismarck.  I am VERY excited to introduce, not only my BETAR table to the world, but also the wonderful VibesUp products.  Since I've been using both, this past week, the arthritis pain in my knees is about half of what it was 2 weeks ago!!!  I am so eager to see if other's arthritis pain diminishes too!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012


Although I called last week, it looks as though calls are needed again NOW just to make sure that they know how we feel!  I just copied this from the ND home school Facebook page and I add my requests for you to take this step to protect ALL children in our country.  PLEASE take action NOW!!!

The vote on the UN CRPD treaty will be at NOON ON TUESDAY. I urge prayer today and Tuesday--and then a full deluge of calls TODAY!!! If you called last week, you need to call and email again!! PLEASE! Did you know that after this treaty is voted on, a Treaty on the "Rights of the Child" will be coming......this could affect every child and every home with or without disabilities. (the disabilities Treaty is the doorway to the "every child" treaty) CALL your senator TODAY (202.224.3121) no matter what state you live in and tell them to vote NO on the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons Treaty (otherwise called CRPD). Then share it and make this message viral!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gotta love VibesUP

I bought a VibesUp water bottle this Spring and I just LOVE it.  I don't have to lug water with me any more as it can balance any water to have higher frequencies so that I have higher frequencies.  I'm going to become a VibesUp dealer just as soon as the funds appear but, in the meantime, I thought that I would introduce you to Katilyn, the owner of this awesome company.

I had so much fun listening to her explain the products which are lifting energies of EVERYTHING in sight.  Cell phone EMFs need not pose a problem any more; allergies are lessening with the allergy bracelets; people sleep better; feel better; work better.  What could be better?  HMMM

Enjoy this brief view of some of the VibesUp products then visit them at:

Have a great week!


Friday, November 30, 2012

Obama UNcare

WOW, I just read this article and it is FANTASTIC!!!  As much as I feel for those who can only think of, "Going to see their doctor," it made my future as an alternative practitioner look bright and cheery.  Hats off to true health care providers--whether traditional or alternative.  YAY to those who truly care for the sick and weary--care so much as to drop out of a system bent on destruction!!!

The “right” to health care does not require a doctor to work for free

November 23, 2012 1:25 pm by | 206 Comments

After the election, a lot of people are excited that they can now get health care. Or maybe not quite yet, but by 2014, when ObamaCare is fully implemented.

The only problem is that health care is not like an Obama phone. The phones are all made by a standard process in a factory, probably in China, and they usually work.  You can use them to call a health care provider. But you usually get the ’if this is an emergency, hang up and dial 911,’ followed by the phone menu.

How will this change with ObamaCare? Doesn’t that give you a right to care?
Whenever someone tells me about the “right” to health care, I ask, “From whom? From me?” This question exposes this “right” for the robbery and slavery that it is. Take it to the next step. Do you really want to exercise your “right” to health care on a physician who doesn’t want any part of this bargain? What kind of care do you think you’ll receive?

Years ago, I stopped doing cardiac anesthesia, because well over half of the patients were ’covered’ by Medicare and payment to me for my services was well below what I thought acceptable ($285 for my last 6-hour cardiac anesthetic). Soon thereafter I stopped my dealings with Medicare (and Medicaid) altogether as I increasingly saw myself as the recipient of money taken from my neighbors against their will. As an aside, the angriest patients I’ve ever encountered were the Medicare patients I subsequently treated with no charge whatsoever. My providing charitable care elicited patient rage like none I’ve encountered since.

About two weeks after I quit, an angry cardiac surgeon, inconvenienced by my departure from the group of available cardiac anesthesiologists and with his finger in my face, told me that he was going to see to it that I was forced to do these anesthetics, so as not to disrupt his schedule. I guess he thought he had a “right” to my services.

It didn’t help things that I laughed. I said, ’Dr. X, I’ll be happy to visit with the family before their loved one’s elective surgery and inform them that I want no part of this and that I don’t really want to be here, but someone is making me do this. Maybe you all would like to wait for an anesthesiologist who wants to be part of this, because I certainly don’t.’

This cardiac surgeon suddenly understood. Now imagine this on a large scale. Angry mobs of folks waving their ObamaCare ’insurance’ cards in the street demanding their free health care outside a closed and vacant doctor’s office.

That is what Obamacare is: an insurance card. Come 2014, you’ll have to certify to the IRS that you have such a card, one that is acceptable to the government. Or else you’ll have to pay the government for the ’choice’ to not have insurance: a minimum of $95 at first, climbing to $695 in a few years.

So keep that ObamaCare card handy. Either you or the taxpayers will have paid maybe $15,000 a year for it. Or it is very likely to be a Medicaid card. You’ll need the card when you call the health care provider. If you make it through the phone menu, your insurance number will likely be the first question you will be asked. This will tell what type of care you are eligible to receive and from whom, and how much the provider will be paid.

It is likely that the provider will not be a physician. The physician you might eventually see will not be working for you. He’ll be working for an ObamaCare Accountable Care Organization, which is paid for not providing care.

If too many doctors quit, the government might try to make them work. But will your doctor still care if you point a gun at him? The fear of having to see such a doctor may be the great new incentive for ’wellness.’ght 2012 MedCity News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Read more:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

VibesUp wish list

I just took the time to create a wish list at the VibesUp website.  I love their water bottle which I've been using for about half a year.  It sure beats lugging water around all over the place.  Recently I bought the back wrap and the allergy bracelet and have been enjoying their healing energies as well.

These awesome people are giving away 2 $100 wish lists every week in December so I urge you to go and spend some time making your wish list too.  I am working on becoming a VibesUp dealer so that tells you how impressed I am with these products.  Seriously, if you've got back pain, try the back wrap.  The knee wraps are on my wish list.  ;)

Happy shopping at and feel free to check out my wish list here


Saturday, November 24, 2012


I am sooo excited!!!!!!!!!!  All year I have felt excitement.  Whenever I prayed for understanding about the end of this year, I felt encouraged that it would be a positive thing for the inhabitants of this planet.  It's so different than how I felt when I was anticipating the problems as 2000 approached.   There has been no fear but only excitement about some unknown wonderful thing that will come to pass for our benefit.

I kept praying for wisdom to know how I can best help others to prepare and today I found the explanation.  I urge you to take half an hour and listen to this Mayan explain how the coming eclipses, so close together, can be used to usher in a world of peace. 

Do you recall my writing that God IS bringing peace on the planet?  He is removing the trauma from my past for me and He can and will do it for you too!!!  Every session that I do releases old traumas and peace moves in and huge sighs of relief follow.  Now I have the BETAR table to help with this too and the VibesUp products are bringing up our healthy energies already.  I AM feeling the higher consciousness through all of these methods and it makes me very excited for the surge of peace that will come to good ol' Earth here very soon.

This is GOOD news just like the good news that the angels shared with the shepherds so long ago when Christ came to dwell with us for a short time.  Let's prepare our hearts to receive, "Peace on Earth, good will to all men," for it is a wonderful gift to the Earth for those who are prepared to receive it!

I beg you to take this seriously as it will remove all fear as this Mayan explains to us here.  Why live in fear when peace is here?

God bless,


Friday, November 23, 2012

My heroine

There is no doubt about it--Elizabeth Hanson is my heroine of unprecedented proportions!  I am thrilled, along with her, that the Minot Daily News featured her and her family on the front page this week.  Read about this remarkable woman and her remarkable family here.  I rejoice that she was practicing BodyTalk in ND when I needed her.  Here's a hug, Elizabeth!  I love you tons!!!!!!!


‘Our life was a prison’: Rolla family gives thanks for health therapy that turned their lives around

November 22, 2012
By JILL SCHRAMM - Staff Writer ( , Minot Daily News
ROLLA - Ten years ago, Elizabeth Hanson was exhausted, overwhelmed and ready to look at institutional care for a daughter with severe autism. As the mother of two severely disabled daughters and a sickly infant, she was at the end of her rope.
"I said I didn't know how long I can do this," she said. "I was searching for anything that could help."
Her search ended in February 2003. That's when Hanson, of Rolla, discovered BodyTalk, and she and her family began a new life that was shades different from the torment that they had been enduring. BodyTalk uses neuromuscular biofeedback to identify what the body needs and a tapping on the head and chest to then turn the body's attention to healing itself.

Article Photos

Jill Schramm/MDN
Elizabeth Hanson, right, and her daughter, Esther Hanson Bercier, sit Tuesday in The Health Tap suite in Rolla, where they practice BodyTalk.
Hanson said it is thanks to BodyTalk that she is the mother of three healthy children, a grandmother and a business owner. There was a time when she never dreamed that she might be described in any of those terms.
Before 2003, Scott and Elizabeth Hanson were the parents of two daughters with autism and hundreds of allergies. Their youngest daughter, an infant, also was suspected of having both conditions. Consequently, the Hansons were dealing with vomiting, fevers and obsessive-compulsive disorder on a regular basis.
The older daughter, Esther, had a hearing impairment. The middle daughter, Sarah was not toilet-trained at age 9, frequently defecated on belongings, had self-abuse issues and had sleep problems that even medicine sometimes didn't help. Hannah, the baby, suffered chronic infections.
Visits to the doctor were weekly, and emergency room trips were monthly. There were trips to medical specialists around the state, occupational and physical therapists, speech and language therapists and to autism clinic in Minneapolis as well as numerous daily supplements and medicines to take.
"Our life was a prison to the children's disabilities," Elizabeth Hanson said. "People don't see that now because we were set free. BodyTalk set us free. It changed the entire trajectory of our lives."
The Hansons learned about a chiropractor, Jonathan Dietz, and his wife, Stephanie, then of Bismarck, who were seeing good results with BodyTalk to treat allergies.

Fact Box

What is BodyTalk?
The BodyTalk System increases internal communication to get a body back in balance, according to information from the International BodyTalk Association.
Neuromuscular feedback provides a practitioner with yes or no answers to a comprehensive protocol of questions, allowing the practitioner to establish what type of balancing the body needs to harmonize body-mind function. This includes finding out which body systems need to be in communication at the physiological, biochemical, circulatory, nervous, emotional and/or energy levels.
The patient and/or practitioner touch the parts that need repair, and the practitioner then uses his or her fingers to gently tap the head of the patient in order to focus the brain toward repair. Experiments with biofeedback apparatus show a major increase in brain activity in relation to those parts when tapping occurs. The practitioner then lightly taps the chest to store the changes in deep memory.
BodyTalk involves no invasive or dangerous techniques. However, the association advises that BodyTalk is not a substitute for conventional medical care.
BodyTalk originated in Australia in 1996. Dr. John Veltheim developed a treatment protocol to address diseases such as dyslexia, chronic infections, poor immune system functioning, certain types of allergies, poor blood sugar balancing, arthritis and musculo-skeletal disorders. The system is based on the wisdom of advanced yoga, the energy dynamics of acupuncture, the clinical findings of applied kinesiology and western medical expertise.
Elizabeth spent a month in February 2003 in Bismarck with her daughters so they could receive frequent treatment. When they returned home, Sarah was toilet trained and her abusive behavior stopped. Esther no longer had obsessive-compulsive tendencies or hearing loss. Hannah recovered from a constant infection. Their allergies were gone.
"When I went down to Bismarck, I had three very sick and disabled children with me. A month later when I went home, I had three very healthy children and one disabled child," she said.
Sarah, 18, continues to have autism, although it is less severe. She finished high school and is taking vocational training, including doing office work in her mother's business.
Esther, 20, was a fifth-grader functioning at kindergarten level and receiving most of her education through home school when she was treated with BodyTalk. Immediately, she improved academically and graduated from Rolla High School in 2010 as an honor student. She was active in Girl Scouting, 4-H and dance. She now is a married college student with a son.
Hannah, 11, is home-schooled and is following her parents and sister Esther in training in BodyTalk.
Hanson said Jonathan Dietz encouraged her to become trained in BodyTalk to continue providing care to her daughters at home. She received the training in August 2003.
"It was so logical. It just made so much sense, and it was so simple and easy to follow. It was just amazing," she said. "I never planned to have a job outside the home. I never planned to have a business. I only did this to help my children. That was it. But other people starting bringing me their children."
Her husband also started bringing people home to try BodyTalk. Hanson realized that she was going to need her own space. A Rolla chiropractor urged her to set up in his office.
"It just grew from there and it wasn't anything I planned, but it's something I am passionate about. The whole reason I do this is to remove suffering," Hanson said.
She said BodyTalk doesn't replace conventional medicine but it picks up when traditional medicine has done all it can.
"Doctors are valuable. They helped us. They did for many, many years what they can do," Hanson said. "BodyTalk just does more."
Her children's doctors, in seeing the change in the girls, told her to keep doing what she was doing, she said.
"It doesn't make me better than (doctors). It just makes me different," she said.
A BodyTalk practitioner has no special powers of healing other than getting the attention of the subconscious so the body can heal itself, just as it heals a wound or fights off a virus, she said.
Because of the billions of bits of information the subconscious mind handles every second, the body might not get around to addressing an issue that needs its attention, according to the principles of BodyTalk. Stress, poor diet and other factors can add to that inattention. The theory behind BodyTalk is that the body can communicate its issues using neuromuscular feedback. Then a connection can be made with the subconscious so that the body can heal itself.
The body determines the priorities and guides the BodyTalk practitioner, Hanson said.
"I cannot do anything but what the body asks," she said.
BodyTalk has been used to aid in treatment of infections, menstrual irregularities, multiple sclerosis, emotional disorders, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraines and to promote athletic performance. It can improve quality of life for cancer patients, Hanson said.
There are 34 practitioners listed with the North Dakota BodyTalk Association at ( Twelve hold certification from the international association. Hanson has trained hundreds of people in the technique. She holds advanced certifications achieved by just 70 practitioners around the world. Body Talk is practiced in 40 countries.
Hanson's studio, The Health Tap, is located on Main Street in Rolla. Her daughter, Esther Hanson Bercier, who trained in BodyTalk at age 12 and became certified at age 16, now has her own practice, The Happy Tapper, at her mother's studio.
"What I like about BodyTalk is it's simple and it's a complete way to treat the body," Bercier said.
Bercier has few memories of her childhood before BodyTalk. The memories she recalls sometimes are unpleasant, such as having to take numerous bad-tasting pills.
"After BodyTalk, I became normal and had a life," she said. "I have a life where I probably wouldn't have."
Because of what BodyTalk did for her, she wants to help other people, Bercier said.
The founder of BodyTalk, Dr. John Veltheim, is writing a second book that is expected to be published next year. He has indicated that Bercier's story will be included.
Also in the new year, Hanson will be holding an entry-level BodyTalk Access class Feb. 10 in the Skyline Room at Trinity Hospital, Minot. Information will be posted on the state association website.

Thanks living

As you know, if you've been reading my thoughts these past few months, God has really been blessing me through the writings of Pastor Joseph Prince of Singapore!!!  Every morning God instructs me to read Pastor Prince's daily devotional which I am sharing below.  In addition to this, numerous times throughout the day, I feel led to read Pastor Prince's posts on Facebook and our family is reading his book, "Unmerited Favor" during our weekly worship service.

As I read the devotional this morning, I thought about how thankful I am to have found Pastor Prince.  Then I thought about how thankful I am to be learning to receive God's love continually throughout the day.  Lastly I realized that there is NOTHING that I want to hold back from God because that part He can't bless.

I urge you to read these thoughts with true thanksgiving.  Also, begin to see how special you are to God which can only lead to thanks living.  Like me, I urge you throw out all self belittling thoughts! I urge you to attempt to grasp the BIG things that God wants to do through you!!  He needs you to bring others to Him so that they, too, can begin to grasp His immense love for them.  We are all constantly blessed beyond measure we just don't see it at times!

Happy thanks LIVING dear ones.  I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!


God Wants To Set You Up For A Blessing
Ruth 2:12
The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.”

Have you ever wondered why, in some Bible stories, God asked the people to give what little they had to Him? It may appear cruel, but the truth is that God was setting them up for a blessing! God’s way is to use whatever we have, and multiply it back to us once we put it in His hands.

The widow of Zarephath had only a handful of flour and a little oil to make one last meal for her son and herself before they faced starvation. But she trusted God and used a portion of the little that she had to make a cake for the prophet Elijah. And God rewarded her by making sure that her bin of flour was not used up and her jar of oil did not run dry until the drought ended. (1 Kings 17:8–16)

Similarly, the boy who gave his little lunch of five loaves and two small fish to Jesus not only ate well, but he also saw it being used to feed more than 5,000 people with 12 baskets full of leftovers! (John 6:1–13)

Whenever we give what little we have to God, whether it is money, time or energy, it opens up our hearts so that God can fill us up with more. And when we give our lives to God, we can trust Him to make things right for us and to be the rewarder of our faith.

When Ruth, a childless Moabite widow, left the comfort of her home to follow her mother-in-law Naomi and the God of Israel back to a foreign land (Ruth 1:16), she was given a full reward by the Lord. God gave Ruth protection and ensured that she was well-provided for through Boaz, a wealthy relative who took on the role of kinsman-redeemer for her and Naomi. (Ruth 2:9, 4:9–10)

Beloved, as you trust God with what you have today, know that He loves you and is setting you up for more blessings. So expect to see even more of His provision and abundance in the day

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanks dear God

  1. God. Nuff said. :P  

     2.  My wonderful family.

     3.  The essentials. (food, water, house...)

     4.  Our farm, and everything that goes along with that. ;)

     5.   All of my friends. ;)

     6.  Older music... :)

     7.   Modern technology. (vehicles, computers...)

      8.  Money.

      9.   Guns. >:D

    10.   Games. :) (ping-pong, pool, FS, AS.....)

I was just reading the list of Jacob's things that he is most thankful for and I realized that mine are very similar to his.  Mine may not have the same ramifications, as his words do, but it is interesting to compair our lists.  His is above and mine is below.

1.  God and the freedom to worship Him freely--nuff said.  :)

2.  My wonderful family.

3.  The essentials (food, water, house, clothing)

4.  Our farm and everything that goes along with that.  ;)

5.  All of my friends (and clients).

6.  Older music (hymns, classical music, and musicals)

7.  Modern technology (vehicles, computers, tablets, cell phones........)

8.  Money--comes in handy down here bub!

9.  Guns and ammo and knowing how to use them

10.  Games (Taboo, Funglish, Volleyball, ping-pong, Rook, and 1 strategy game per MONTH)

So, I ask you, is there REALLY such a thing as a generation gap???

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you dear readers who probably all are thankful for the very same things as we are here on our farm on the prairies of North Dakota. 

God bless.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My son, Andrew

My son, Andrew, turns 22 today at 10:54 AM.  I remember it very clearly and was it ever awesome to hear "Old Doc Moen" say, "It's a boy!"  Andrew has been a blessing beyond words and I love him so much.  Join me in wishing him a happy birthday on his Facebook page or in an email.

God bless you, Andrew Robert Bornemann

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Writer's Guild

Hi everyone in the Napoleon, ND area.  I have decided to see if we can start a writer's guild in our neighborhood.  If you are interested, please leave a comment.  Another idea that I just had is that perhaps we could do it online????  If so, this is my first contribution.

 Normally I don't ever share something that I haven't written at least a week ago, and gone over it with a fine tooth comb a hundred times, but it just came to me now.  I hope that it will inspire others to put their thoughts down on paper.  Being I've been dealing with arthritis for awhile now, these thoughts came rather quickly to me. 

God bless,


If I were old
by Dawn Bornemann

If I were old and crippled, bent,
Would you recall me then?
If I were old and sick at heart
Would you sing for me then?

If I were old and saddened by
The empty table seats.
If I were old and all alone
Would you eat with me then?

If I were old--my eyesight dim,
And all I do is think of him.
If I were old and weak and thin,
Would you hold my hand then?

If I were old and my heart sad,
And all the memories of me glad,
Are locked away as though they're bad,
Would you still love me then?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What will you do for your country today?

God has given us the most free nation of any EVER!!!

 We have a Constitution which has preserved the freedoms of our people for over 200 years.

We have the chance to go and vote today for the people that we think will best represent us in our legislatures and in the White House.

We even have the right to run for public office if we don't like any of the choices out there!

  We also have the right not to go out and vote and then sit and bitch for the next 4 years about how things are run. We have that right!!!

We have the right to pray for our country and criticize people who are political activists for not observing the "Separation of church and state." I know many people like this who falsely interpret that phrase to mean that Christians should not be involved in politics. The only time the phrase, "Separation of church and state" was used at the start of our country was to teach the people that the government had NO RIGHT to establish a government led church as the Church of England which they had just escaped from.

  We have the right to sit back and do nothing today. We can just twiddle our thumbs while communism seeps further and further into our government. We can dig our heads in the sand a little further and say, "It's not my problem."

Can't you see that that is why we ARE in this position with a corrupt government? For generations and generations Christians in this country have simply "PRAYED" that God would bless America without realizing that He already had when HE gave us freedom from England AND our incredible Constitution.

  I challenge you to get out and vote today.

  Pray about how to vote and then drive to your voting precinct and vote.

  If this is too much effort for you, then I challenge you to go to and spend some time reading about ways that you can get involved to help save our country.

 Pray and then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I pray that God will save America from the destruction it deserves for no longer defending life in the womb.

  I pray for my country's leaders to call upon Him constantly and to keep their oath to the Constitution which they swore when they took office.

I pray that my country will always remain FREE but, I'm sorry to say, praying is NOT enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I urge you to listen to this awesome song and then get out there and vote the way God leads you to vote.



Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy 17th

Today my son, Jacob, turns 17 years old. I remember his birth well. It was at home and the midwife was in Wisconsin. We had no cell phones then so she stopped every few hours to call us from a pay phone and see how we were doing as they quickly returned for the birth. They made it to our house in Temvik a couple of hours after Jacob was born and their children were so excited to see the baby. We were too!

Now it's 17 years later and my son helps to run the farm.  Jacob is a young man with friends around the world, thanks to Farm Sim.  He can run a radionics machine like nobody I know--other than our instructors.  Jacob makes me smile with his easy wit and his great big smile.

I think it's so awesome that God honored this day by sharing this photo with me.  Just think, my son once fit inside of my womb.  It looks so cozy in there--so nice, and warm, and cozy.

I love you Jacob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Still ugly?

I was just telling Jacob how some people make me feel ugly. 

It's been so many years since I heard, "You're so stupid, fat, and ugly that no man will ever love you," but those words still haunt me.  I was telling my son how Janice Ian released, "At 17" when I was 17 years old.  I was trying to tell him how this pretty cheerleader, who lived up the street from me, just drove by with the boy that I had loved for so long I had forgotten when it began. 

I still recall how wretched I was feeling as I sat in my car at the drive-in eating an ice cream cone with my best friend, Glenda, sitting beside me.  She knew how I felt about, "Him" and how I felt when I saw, "Them" together.  The tears were already rolling when I heard Janice Ian's song for the very first time.

I can't ever recall relating so strongly to a song.  In fact, as Jacob and I listened right now, the tears started pouring down my face again.  How truly wretched it is to know inside that you're the ugliest person in the world--to know that, "Truth" down to your blood and bones.

I've been working on the incest for 24 years now but I still feel ugly at times--stupid and fat too.  There are some people whose attitude makes me feel ugly just being around them.  They MUST have been cheerleaders--the kind that the boys liked to take out every weekend.  They certainly were NOT the kind of girls who sat at home pretending to be loved--inventing lovers on the phone....

Here it is folks--the song that still rocks my boat after 37 years.  The interesting thing is that, as I watched Janice singing, I kept looking for the ugly in her but found NONE!!!  I wonder what the ramifications are for me in that concept?????????????????????????????????  HMMMMM!

NO Government parents

As you may recall, I've been supporting the Parental Rights Amendment and working closely with the group:  I just read their important notice and am urging you to join their assault on Washington idiocy tomorrow--details below.

Action Needed Wednesday to Halt CRPD in Senate

Ireland will soon be voting on whether or not to amend their constitution to include children’s rights, removing the centuries-old presumption that fit parents act in the best interest of their children. Decisions would fall to bureaucrats rather than to parents whenever children are involved and any question of “best interest” arises.

Parental rights groups in New Zealand are fighting desperately to prevent a bill that would require any child receiving government aid to attend a government-licensed Early Childhood Education (ECE) program for at least 15 hours each week. Currently, aid is offered through a non-discriminatory, needs-based approach. The proposed law would make aid available only to those willing to let government bureaucrats shape the development and learning of their children from ages 3 to 5 years.

And in Alberta, the right of parents to put their children in a private or parochial school – in fact, to educate their children by any means other than public schools – was very narrowly saved when a bill was recently amended to restore that right. The Canadian province was one vote away from forcing all children into state-run schools.

Parents and lawmakers in all three of these countries are dealing with the same struggle: a clash of ideologies that would replace fit and loving parents with government bureaucrats as the best decision makers for children. In each instance lawmakers are responding to their country’s perceived obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), a binding human rights treaty to which all three nations are a party.

Could such an approach to children ever come here to the United States?

It is already much closer than many realize.

The Looming Threat of the CRPD

This summer a powerful effort was made in the U.S. Senate to adopt the U.N.’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), a human rights treaty like the CRC. And like that instrument, the CRPD also provides that “the best interests of the child” should be a primary consideration in all cases concerning children. This is a “term of art” in international law which is used to defend and promote the idea that governments and not parents should make decisions for children.

The CRPD passed out of Senate committee on July 26, and was brought to the floor for a general consensus vote on September 19. If Senator Lee of Utah had not been present to halt the maneuver, CRPD ratification may have passed then and there.

Take Action to Halt This Dangerous Treaty!

We have long believed that the lame duck session poses a big threat regarding this treaty, and we are even more convinced as it draws closer. That’s why right now is the time to act.

We need to make sure that when the Senate reconvenes in two weeks they know we are still watching, and we still oppose this treaty. We need your help tomorrow, October 31, to get that message out through a concerted one-day social media campaign.

Here’s all you need to do:

1. Post to your Facebook wall or Twitter feed (or both!) that you oppose this treaty as a violation of parental rights and American sovereignty that offers no additional protections for Americans with disabilities. Include the “hashtags” #CRPD or #UNCRPD in your posts so that others looking for comments on this topic will see what you have to say.

If you don't have a Facebook or Twitter account, consider creating one just for this purpose - it is that important!

2. Using the same hashtags, find your senators’ Twitter feeds or Facebook fan pages and leave a comment there. They will not see your page, but they have staffers monitoring theirs who will see your comments and take note.

3. Pass it on to all of your friends. A lot of organizations have come out in support of this treaty because they simply do not understand the impact it will have on American and international law. We must make our voices heard before it is too late!

Here is an example of how to use a hashtag in a Twitter feed comment (“tweet”): “Oppose the #UNCRPD – a violation of #parentalrights and U.S. self-government!”

(The sample tweet also uses our own #parentalrights hashtag, but your comments do not have to.)

Please post several comments or tweets in your own words throughout the day to keep this issue in front of policy makers and the general public.

Then, be ready for a call blitz to the Senate – coming soon!

Thank you for standing with us to keep these treaties from taking away our parental rights!


Michael Ramey
Director of Communications & Research

Monday, October 29, 2012

Governor Paul

I'm NOT kidding folks!  Perhaps you have not heard but Paul Sorum agreed to let his name go on the ballot for Governor!!!!!!!!!!!!  After the convention he had refused because the establishment had left him feeling beat.  However, as more and more people thought about the things that he was saying during his campaign, it started to fill them with hope--just a ray of hope but hope none-the-less!

About a month ago, Nikki his campaign manager, sent out a petition request to get Paul's name on the ballot for Governor.  Paul needed 1000 signatures by the date for signing and he had 1,400 in a matter of days!!!

I spent the day with Paul this past weekend at the activist training class.  He is one awesome guy and he's a home school dad.  Nikki sent out this video this morning and I fell in love with the song.  I guess I was so excited to be in Paul's parade that the song that was chosen for his Gubernatorial parade went over my head.  However, it hit me this morning!!!!!


I urge you to watch this video!!!  It's from the North Dakota Republican convention this Spring.  Our family was in this parade along with hundreds and hundreds of Paul Sorum supporters.  Perhaps you can hear us shouting, "Governor Paul," at the top of our lungs?  I watched it quickly, as I want to get the word out to ask you to get the word out to vote for Paul Sorum for Governor of North Dakota. 

PLEASE grasp this concept, "Governor Paul."  Paul is a real hero to many folks.  He's REAL--the real thing--a real patriot--a real American--a real Christian--a real father--a real husband--a real friend!! 

Will you help get the word out that, if it's God's will, North Dakota will have a home school dad as our next Governor.  PRAISE GOD!!!!

Paul is strong because of all that he's been through.  He told me personally that he knows exactly what to do to get our state on the right track.  What a hero he truly is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Governor Paul; Governor Paul; Governor Paul; Governor Paul; Governor Paul; Governor Paul...... needs your help.  PLEASE share this video on your blogs and on your Facebook accounts... to get the word out that Paul Sorum is the best man to head up our state--NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Poetry therapy?

I was wanting to put a poem about healing on here tonight so I goodged HEALING POETRY.  I was pleased and surprised to find that there are people using poetry for therapy.  You can read about this here:

Here's a sample that I found that really brought back memories.  Maybe I need to write one called, "Talking about Dawn."

Talking About Sallie

Sallie makes jokes and asks about how everyone is
and deflects any mention of Sallie.


When pressed, Sallie minimizes and says,
"Oh I think these are things that everyone goes through."

Sallie becomes more honest and will say
"I'm not into denial, but I am into avoidance."

Sallie realizes, after sufficient physical catastrophes,
that avoidance and denial are killers.

Sallie is now open about her life.

Sallie talks about her life more than she ever dreamed she would.
--Sallie Ann Harrison

Monday, October 22, 2012

Passavist training

Why is it that you do not ever see this kind of a class?  The answer to that question is that we're all basically lazy so we don't need any help to be better at it.

 For generations citizens in this country have been lazy and have allowed their politicians to do their work for them.  I was raised that way so it didn't seem natural to get involved in politics and indeed it is unnatural for us to go against the flow of things.  Still, I must ask myself, do I want MORE of the kind of laws that our Federal government is putting out.  Do I want my STATE legislators to start thinking like big government bueorcrats???

Absolutely NOT!!!

As Andrew and I discussed attending the activist training this weekend, we pondered that we have attended several similar trainings in the past.  "Why go again?"

Well, how successful have we become at affecting change at the state or federal level????  HMMM--we just signed up because WE are lazy too.  If you're lazy, but sick and tired of it, I urge you to join us this coming Saturday in Bismarck at the China Star.  Here are the details and I hope to see you there!

Getting off her lazy duff,


Grassroots Activist Training School
Bismarck, North Dakota

Thank YOU for your interest in this Grassroots Activist Training School, sponsored by the Campaign for Liberty!

This course will teach you the real nature of politics, the biggest lie in politics, choosing your battles, how to work effectively at the Capitol (what to do and what not to do), how to raise money, and how to build a group of liberty-minded activists.     

Saturday, October 27th, 2012 Registration: 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Class: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Ticket Price: $20 (Advanced Online)
Ticket Price: $25 (at the door)

(Tickets include lunch & materials)

Special Student Rate -- Students are only $10 if they pay at the door.
Please reserve your spot by emailing:

1065 East Interstate Avenue
China Star
Bismarck, ND

Together, we can take back our country and restore America!

P.S. Is this worth your time? See what other activists from all over the country are saying...

I learned things that I did not know existed in politics. The school prevented me from doing things that would have been not only ineffective, but self-destructive. You must go to this school! -- Blythe, GA

Your training is OUTSTANDING. I'm not one to be able to sit for more than 1 hour at a lecture style presentation, but honest to God, that's the best political training I've ever seen.-- Jeff Greenspan, AZ

Ron Paul got me off the couch and into politics. Kirk showed me how to impact my politicians Positions.-- Andy Pierson, Oxford, GA

Lots of information, details, fact, statistics, and history. All somewhat overwhelming, but at the end of the day it became apparent that it was indeed necessary so that I could completely grasp the significance of what one person could impact. -- anonymous

You don’t have to be frustrated or feel hopeless when your representatives do the wrong thing. Instead you can get creative, organized, active and see real results. -- Jessica Wright, Oxford, GA

I now know what my monthly contributions to C4L are doing, and I’m very pleased! I’m feeling there is hope for our nation because of what they are doing. -- Anonymous

Level of optimism for real change in freedom has risen due to my attendance. -- Larry R. King

The best activist training I have taken so far. Political reality is laid out in an easy to comprehend manner. They don't just tell you what the problem is; they give you a road map to strike back. Absolutely a must-do training event.-- Al Gerhart OK

Sign Up Now!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

ME beloved of God? YUP!

Happy Sabbath everyone!  I love the Sabbath sooo much that I want the whole world to know the joy of resting on the day which God blessed and hallowed at creation.  It is quite a stumbling block for many, though, so I continue to share about the joy it is to me and my family.  After all, the hardest door to open is a closed mind.

I am excited because Robert is taking all of us to see the play at BSC tonight.  He thinks that we, "Need a little culture now and then," and I agree 100%!

It's been a quiet day so far which my nerves crave after a long and busy week.  I do love going away for fellowship but often, after a day like that, I am not rested. Today I slept in; took a shower; had lunch which we cooked yesterday; played terribly for hymn sing; listened to Robert read the next chapter in UNMERITED FAVOR; talked to a hurting new friend; put leftovers in the oven; and read Pastor Prince's daily email which I just HAVE TO SHARE.

I keep sharing these thoughts with the hope that you will all go to his sight and sign up for Pastor Prince's free daily devotional.  Here's the link if I have managed to tempt you into action:  If not, I hope that you will read today's message and begin to grasp how very, very, very, very, very, very, very much God loves you too!

Have a great week all of you beloved followers of Christ out there in cyberspace. 


You Are God’s Beloved
Ephesians 1:6
to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

At the Jordan river, Jesus heard His Father say to Him, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22) Later, in the wilderness, Jesus heard the devil say to Him, “If You are the Son of God…” (Luke 4:3).

Notice that the devil not only questioned Jesus’ sonship, but he also dropped the word “beloved” when he said to Jesus, “If You are the Son of God…” You see, the devil cannot remind you that you are God’s beloved because when you know this truth, whatever he wants to bring against you will not succeed!

Many girls are giving away their virginity because they need to feel wanted and loved. And young boys join gangs to feel accepted because they have been rejected and made to feel worthless by others.

But when you know that you are God’s beloved, no temptation can succeed against you, not even the “giants” who may taunt you. Consider David who slew Goliath. “David” in Hebrew means “beloved”. It takes a David to knock down a giant. In other words, it takes someone who knows that he is God’s beloved to win the fights of life!

You are God’s beloved not because of what you do. Christ did everything. He is God’s Beloved. But God put you in Christ. That is why you are “accepted in the Beloved”. And what God said to Jesus, He says to you today: “You are My beloved son. In you, I am well pleased.”

So if the devil tells you, “Hey, you call yourself ‘God’s beloved’ after what you just did?” have the assurance that it is not based on what you have done, but what Christ has done. And you are still God’s beloved because you are in Christ!

When you say that, I believe the devil screams in frustration because he has no power over you when you are conscious that you are God’s beloved. There is truly a place of safety when you know that you are His beloved.

My friend, we are not being proud when we call ourselves God’s beloved. How can we boast when we know that it is God’s grace that has made us accepted in the Beloved!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The emotional side of arthritis

I just read this and thought it would be good to share with those of you dealing with arthritis.

The Emotional Side of Arthritis

Managing physical arthritis pain involves carefully following a treatment plan, but your emotional health can affect your level of arthritis pain, too, and shouldn't be ignored.

Medically reviewed by Christine Wilmsen Craig, MD

The aches and pains of arthritis can really put a damper on your spirits. It's no wonder — it's hard to keep your chin up when your joints are aching, throbbing, hot, and stiff with pain. That's why so many people experience depression and other mental health issues as a result of their arthritis. And a recent study found that being depressed can actually increase the pain felt by patients with even mild or moderate cases of arthritis.
Pain can put a halt on a lot of activities that bring you joy: you don't want to exercise, you can't get out and have fun with friends and family — you may not be able to do even the simplest things around the house or take care of basic needs when your joints are really giving you trouble. At moments like this, take a step back, draw in a deep breath, and shift your focus to your emotional health.

The Mind-Body Link in Arthritis

Pain and depression go hand in hand, and the relationship can feed on itself. People in pain are often depressed because of their pain, and people with depression often experience physical pain and symptoms as a result of their poor emotional health. Chronic pain clearly affects emotional and physical health. One study showed that up to 60 percent of people with depression also suffer symptoms of pain.

The connection between emotional health and arthritis pain flare-ups seems to be particularly strong in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Depression and stress are very common with RA, and persistent stress and chronic depression make arthritis pain and other symptoms even worse.

The good news is that stress management techniques and treatment for depression can also help you to manage your arthritis pain.

Boosting Emotional Health to Manage Arthritis Pain
At times you may feel hopeless or in despair over your arthritis. You can learn to manage your pain, but first you need to give your emotional health a boost. Start with these stress-busting recommendations:
  • Relax. Easier said than done, right? Well, not if you know how. Treat yourself to some quiet time that is completely stress-free — don't think about what you should be doing, your health, or anything that will cause anxiety. Instead, focus completely on an activity you enjoy, even if it’s only for 15 minutes.
  • Breathe. Practice simple deep-breathing techniques. Try breathing in and out deeply and slowly, letting every muscle in your body relax. Think calm, peaceful thoughts.
  • Get some exercise. Moving, even in a limited way, will help your mind and body feel better, and you'll feel a sense of accomplishment from getting up and being active.
  • Soak in a hot bath. Not only is this technique great for your arthritis pain, but it's great for your spirits, too. A nice soak in a bubbly tub is relaxing and luxurious, and can give your spirits a lift. Enhance the relaxation factor with some candles and soothing music while you soak.
  • Talk it out. Having arthritis is nothing to be ashamed of, and bottling up your feelings will only make them seem worse. Talk to friends, family, or members of a support group about what you're experiencing physically and emotionally — sometimes all you need to do is let your feelings out to feel better about them.
Ask Your Doctor for Help With Emotional Issues

It's important to understand that feeling over-stressed or anxious about the state of your health is not uncommon when you're managing a chronic illness. Not only does arthritis cause you significant pain, but it can also rob you of the one vital thing — your independence. Not being able to get into your car and do your own shopping, clean your house, go for a walk, or even tie your shoes can be frightening, frustrating, and downright depressing.

If you feel overwhelmed, it’s time to talk to your medical team about your emotional well-being. Treating your emotional health is part of their job, too, and because it is so often affected by arthritis, they have the experience you need. Just as your arthritis pain can be treated, so can anxiety and depression.

Arthritis can be a challenging disease to live with, but taking the right steps to boost your emotional health may help improve your physical pain as well.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A miracle

How I wish that I had time to do this justice but I believe that God gave us a miracle last night!  I still have 2 sessions to do yet today; plus make supper; wash the new bedding that we bought together yesterday; make our King size bed which IS a whopper job; while trying not to run out of steam. 

You see, we got to bed about 2:00 AM this morning but it was a night to remember always.  Robert and I left for Bismarck about 2:00 PM yesterday and his surprise was that he wanted us to pick out the prettiest sheets for our bed that we could find.  This was not easy with all of the thousands of sheet sets that we looked at all over town but finally we agreed on a pretty floral that looked as though it would match our comforter.  When I checked it this morning, I was so delighted to see that it is a very close match--if not perfect.  ;)

After we went back to Penny's to buy them, we decided to eat supper at Applebees.  We'd never been there before and the food was wonderful.  They even brought us 2 free hot fudge sundaes in honor of our anniversary.  In fact the manager came over to wish us a happy anniversary and to thank us for coming there to share our special event with them which was very lovely!

After that we had to decide if we were going to go home and watch one of the 3 DVDs that the children gave us for our anniversary OR spend even more money on ourselves and see a "REAL" movie at the movie theater.  Being we were so unsure, we drove around to the theatres and looked at what was showing.  There was nothing showing at the Grand theatre that looked remotely interesting but, when we went to the theatre in Gateway Mall, we were attracted to a movie called, HOPE SPRINGS.

After calling home to let the children know that we would be staying out late, we went into the theatre and waited.  There really are a lot of violent movies going to be showing in Bismarck in the near future.  Mostly I closed my eyes not wanting to put those images in my mind but I could hear the violence.  It made me nervous to see what we were getting into but that fear was totally unfounded.

I urge EVERY married person to go and see HOPE SPRINGS.  If you're having trouble in your marriage, then you REALLY need to see it.  The story is about a couple on their 31st anniversary who had fallen into the trap of non-communication.  In an attempt to save their marriage, they went to Maine to a town called, Hope Springs, to see a marriage counselor.

It was a very intense week of discussing their highlights and low lights in marriage.  Numerous times one or the other gave up and walked out of the counselor's office, but they came back the next day.  By the end of the week, the couple was communicating much better but things did not improve when they went back home.

When the wife packed her bags to leave in the morning, I cried so hard as I recalled packing my bags 24 years ago to leave Robert.  Fortunately, enough healing had taken place that the husband came to her senses the night before she was going to leave and the marriage was saved.

One year later, they went back to Hope Springs with their children.  On the beach of Maine, with the marriage counselor and his wife present, and their children watching on they made new vows to each other.

One of his went like this, "Faye, on this our 32nd wedding anniversary, I vow to you not to watch so much golf."

One of hers went like this, "Albert, on this our 32nd wedding anniversary, I vow to watch SOME golf with you."

Tears flowed down my face as Robert and I watched this precious scene on "This our 32nd wedding anniversary."  We had the entire place to ourselves and it was a very precious moment in our marriage. 

What a miracle it was.  We could have gone home early and watched one of the DVDs that the children gave us.  We could have gone home early and gone to bed early and been more rested.  We could have gone to any other movie that was showing in Bismarck last night but God took us to see the one movie where a couple was celebrating their marriage on their 32nd wedding anniversary.  Did I mention that, as we watched the movie, we were celebrating our 32nd wedding anniversary?  How cool is that?  Only God could have arranged something so lovely as that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Needless-to-say, we're a little draggy today but it was worth it.  I repeat, I urge EVERY married person to go and watch the movie, "Hope Springs."  The marriage counseling presented IS the very best that I have heard so you can think of it as, "Free marriage counseling."  That plus Merle Streepe's acting made it an unforgettable event.  It was so refreshing to see middle aged people presented as real people with real feelings.

Well, I need to keep those new sheets moving through the cleaning process so I'd best close.  It's just so wonderful to be in love with my husband all over again.  SIGH!!!

Happily married,


PS.  When I get my bed put back together, I'll take a picture and show it here for the marriage bed is undefiled.  Another sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's keep our HOPES on Jesus!

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