Well, this is my first day off of the Master Cleanse. So far it's been exactly as it has been for 2 weeks as I've been drinking lemonade and kombucha all day. For the feast tonight, though, Cora and I are going to indulge in our home made apple cider with mulling spices. We made the guys a neat dish with corn bread on the bottom; all beef hot dogs sliced open on top of the corn bread; ketchup, mustard, and pickles on top of the hot dogs; and melted cheese on top of that. It will be hard not to have any of this delicacy but, thank God, we have THE YOUNG FUR TRADERS to indulge in until our stomachs can make the transition back to solid food.
I've been a little glum today. Oh, how I love the cranes when they come back in early fall. We live in the central flyway here and we get to see lots of birds on their migrations. My favorite are the cranes, though. I just am fascinated by their call. I tried taking a picture of them the other day but they were just too high up in the clouds to see them. Anyway, this morning during milking, I heard them over the sound of the milk pump. That told me that there had to be LOTS of them overhead. Rushing to the back door, I looked up to see about a thousand of them in their long Vs heading South. My heart sank as I was hoping that they'd stay around a little longer.
I was a little glum, too, when I weighed myself. I don't know how some people can possibly lose 20 pounds in 10 days. I went 14 days and ONLY lost 12 pounds. I know, this is no small accomplishment but I was hoping for more this time. Well, as Cora reminded me, we still have the 3 days coming out of the cleanse to lose some more as you really don't eat much on those days.
Well, it's the Sabbath and I don't feel one bit profound. The house is clean; the supper is in the oven along with the apple butter that Cora whipped up today; and I need to finish scrubbing the floor. I like to turn my thoughts to more noble things upon the Sabbath day but I find myself at a lack. It occurred to me, then, that maybe you'd like to read some more about Reiki. I really liked this article so I leave you with it as I bless you with wishes for a peaceful, refreshing Sabbath day tomorrow. This is written by a pastor and fellow Reiki Master/Teacher. Soon I will write to explain why, even though I have earned the right to go by this title, I will not as I feel that the only Master to walk the earth did so 2,000 years ago. So I've decided to call myself a Reiki Teacher (at the Master level). More on this later!
In Him,
Christian Minister Uses Reiki
I was born and raised the son of a Christian pastor and became a fourth generation pastor myself. During the 10 years of my pastoral ministry I was often aware of the mental and emotional suffering of those in my congregation and I sought God for understanding regarding the power of love and grace to heal.
I became interested in the field of counseling after my own burn out in ministry-necessitated work with a psychotherapist. My recovery from burnout transformed my ideas of how God desires to work intimately in our lives and led me into a personal understanding of how God’s grace penetrates into the deepest aspects of our hearts and minds.
As my sermons began to reflect this understanding of grace my parishioners began to come to me with deeper issues of their personal suffering. Feeling called to work with people at this level of need I went back to school to pursue a graduate degree in the field of Marriage Family Therapy. My ministry continues to this day a Marriage Family Therapist in private practice running the Center for Open-Hearted Living.
I was exposed to Reiki in 1994 and felt impressed to train with a local teacher. The attunement processes were, for me, a very spiritual experience not unlike my experience of baptism, as I felt an increased connection to God and to His healing power. I continued to practice Reiki on myself and my friends and family, but did not bring Reiki into my practice until 2004.
At that time Reiki self-treatments were becoming very powerful and God was directing the Reiki energy to very deep and pervasive wounds and fears inside of me that I’d been avoiding for years. As I discovered how to let Reiki work this healing within myself I felt confident to begin to integrate Reiki with the psychotherapy that I was doing with clients. To this day I continue to be amazed by the power and efficacy of Reiki with my clients, especially when working with intense emotional processes. Reiki is gentle and nurturing, but powerful in its ability to move difficult emotional energy through and replace it with a sense of abiding peace.
I am utterly convinced that Reiki’s source is the Heart of God. I continued to experience the flow of Reiki as love, wisdom, and healing power. I have been exploring the meaning of grace and its practical application in the lives of human beings for 25 years and I can tell you that Reiki has been my most palpable experience of grace. Its use in my life and in the lives of my clients has resulted in a deepening of the fruits of the Spirit, such as the peace mentioned above, and I have become confident that Reiki is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Reiki, like prayer, belongs to every tradition and no tradition. The word “Reiki” itself may have been coined by Mikao Usui in the early 1900s, but the healing energy itself has been available wherever human suffering has existed. Usui’s gift to us is that he learned how to pass the ability of channeling Reiki to others and gave this process enough structure to allow it to proliferate throughout the world long after he was gone. There are as many explanations of Reiki and its source as there are people who practice it. This is how God is, showing up where, when, and how people need Him and in ways that they can understand and explain from their own experience.
If you struggle with knowing whether or not Reiki is for you, the best way is to seek God’s guidance and have a Reiki treatment. You can read many books and articles on the subject, but ultimately your own experience will make it clear.
God bless you as you tap more deeply into the flow of love and grace being abundantly poured out upon the planet.
Scott Wyman, M.Div., M.A. Marriage Family Therapist, Reiki Masterwww.ScottWyman.com
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
MC3--Days 13 & 14
Yesterday was a lovely day for me as Cora and I were left alone while Robert took the boys up to Bismarck. The calf price was too high to bear, so they just came home with THE birthday gift of a lifetime. I'm going to follow Cora's lead and let the boys write about it first, lest we get scolded for spoiling their surprise. Anyway, it was an awesome day for the boys.
Cora and I worked on apples and I did some studying for my BodyTalk practitioner test. I kept checking emails too and was VERY pleased with the results of my "2 for 1" BodyTalk session offer that I sent out on Tuesday. I got some new sessions to do so I spent some time yesterday doing the sessions; sending the clients their reports; and getting caught up with correspondence generally. It's such a good feeling to get things like that done.
Today Cora and I made a decision. You see, she was thinking that today was day 15 but, when I counted, I learned that tomorrow is. She said, "Well, I would like to stop today, then, so that I can have some fruit on Sabbath." At first I thought of sticking it out as long as possible--meaning that I'd go until Monday. That would give me enough time to have the 3 days of coming off of the cleanse and end up right at Jacob's birthday. However, when I looked at the calendar, I changed my mind.
You see, I want to do the cleanse again right away in January. You have to leave at least 60 days between cleanses so then I'd need all of November and December for that. Raylin, the guy that I bought the e-book from about the Master Cleanse, started his new year by going on the cleanse and I really like that idea. You can read his blog as it's listed on my side bar--he's been a great inspiration to me to start and stay on the Master Cleanse all 3 times.
Well, when I realized that this is the last day that I'll be on the full cleanse, I knew that it was time to tell you all something that I have kept to myself for over a year now. I kept waiting for the "Perfect" time to mention it and it feels right tonight. It could be that my thoughts get purified while on the cleanse too. This being the 14th day of cleansing, then, would be about as pure as they're going to get. :)
You see, when I was a little girl, I kept fighting for my life because I felt God telling me that I needed to be here on this planet to comfort others who were hurting. Later on, I felt strong interests developing in me to gain skills that would help me to help others who are sick. Still later, when I grew deathly ill, I fought again to stay here with the constant urging on from God to ponder that I am to be a healer someday.
Well, He has saved my life repeatedly because He DOES want me to help bring healing into the lives of others. He's led me down all sorts of interesting side streets and one of them was to Reiki. You see, my BT practitioner would send me Reiki many times when the pain was so intense that I couldn't stand it. Little by little the Lord wet my desire to know more about it so I went online and found this website:http://www.christianreiki.org/.
To make a long story short, last Fall, after studying the articles on the site at length and after many hours of praying, I traveled to Rugby and had attunements into Reiki 1 and Reiki 2. I will share more later about what the Lord showed me during those attunements but I will just say here that those experiences changed my life. I became 100% convinced that God had indeed called me to be a healer of those around me.
Maybe you remember earlier this month when I asked for prayer for a test that I had to take. Well, it was the test to become a Reiki teacher at the Master level of Reiki. I passed!!! Since then I've started attuning others and am amazed to see how these special ones that God directed me to do the attunements on are also becoming healers of our sick planet. Little by little, as we let God have the use of our hands, He pours His power through them and removes pain at all levels of our being.
I like how Sharon, my Reiki 1 & 2 Master/teacher explained Reiki to me. She said that Reiki is God's power flowing through us to the hurting world all around us. We're the extension chord that it runs through.
I also like how Mary, my Reiki 3 Master/teacher explained it too. She said it's like the earth is dry and thirsty. God has all sorts of water available to meet our needs but he needs a willing channel to let it flow through. We're like the irrigation trenches or ditches that the water flows through to the thirsty crops all around. Isn't that beautiful?
All that I have read about Reiki, and the experiences of other deeply committed Christians who have been called to share Reiki with others, has convinced me that it is the "Laying on of hands" which Christ and the disciples used in the New Testament. God has NOT left us alone without hope, dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So tonight, on the last night of my third Master Cleanse, I share with all of you whom I love that God HAS indeed chosen me to be a healer for Him. I praise God that He purifies us through Reiki and through cleansing our bodies and through repentance....... Some day, perhaps, I'll be fit to live in the kingdom of Heaven as one of His humble servants--that is my life's goal. :)
Thanks for listening and I urge you to take some time to ponder the words from the Christan Reiki website. I urge you to ponder that, although some may use Reiki for self-glorification, (as some use money for evil purposes) with all of my heart I dedicate my life to bring glory to God through the use of the Reiki energy He pours through my hands. PRAISE THE LORD FOR THE VICTORY AND FOR THE HEALING THAT FOLLOWS!!!!!!!!!!
His humble servant,
Dawn *Reiki Teacher (at the Master level)*
Welcome to Reiki for Christians:
As the popularity of Reiki grows, many Christians are becoming interested in this healing art and have begun to practice it. They have found that Reiki is a useful technique that helps them express compassion toward others and relieve suffering at the same time that it creates a closer connection for them to God. Because Reiki is a laying on hands healing technique similar to what Jesus practiced, it is especially appealing.
The purpose of this site is to answer questions Christians have about Reiki and to provide a place for Christians who practice Reiki to share their ideas and experiences.
This web site has been created by Christians who practice Reiki.
Should Christians Practice Reiki?by Marcia Backos
Three recent conversations have convinced me that many Christians are drawn to Reiki but are unsure that Reiki should become part of their lives. One of my students spent several months deciding whether to enter a Reiki workshop. I was not aware of the how intense her struggles had been until she observed in class, "If my parents knew I am here, they would cheerfully burn me at the stake." She was respectful of her parents' version of Christianity, but she was totally convinced that she was called by God to become a healer. Her parents' denomination offered no healer training. She had finally decided that she must accept God's calling and the spiritual gift of healing and believes that Reiki offers the way.
During another conversation with one of the pastors of my church, I asked his opinion of Reiki. He casually observed that he had heard about a Reiki Master who had somehow abused his students, so he didn't think much of the practice. I mentioned the tragic experiences in the Catholic Church with priests sexually abusing children which had not caused people to change their opinion of Christianity nor to stop going to church. Apparently he rethought his opinion. Later the same day, he asked me to speak to a man recently diagnosed with brain cancers about arranging some Reiki treatments.
Another friend had slipped and fallen on the ice after leaving a store. He came to a meeting at church and told the group about his experience. He was obviously in pain as he sat through the meeting. Afterwards, one of my students and I offered to give him Reiki which he accepted, though he didn't think it would do much good. He had fallen a couple of times previously, landing on the base of his spine, and he was aware from experience of the pain and soreness that he could expect the next day. Later in the week he emailed me to say that he had felt just fine the next day and decided there was something to Reiki and wanted to explore it further. He attended a healing service at the church and participated in the laying on of hands after communion. While he seemed affected by the service, he has not come again nor asked for any more Reiki treatments. This week, he told me why. He is a thoughtful introspective seeker, but after some thought he decided that he might not have felt any pain anyway after his fall. Further he wasn't interested in the community that forms as people work together to heal others.
Each of these individuals approached Reiki from different perspectives. One felt a spiritual calling and responded despite opposition. One did not have a good understanding of Reiki and had not thought of it fairly, and one had other explanations and interests. Of these, the first two are the reason for this article.
As the practice of Reiki has spread round the world in a 30-year period and is rapidly entering public awareness, Christians have approached its use in a variety of ways. More and more Christians view Reiki as a practice that provides an opportunity to follow more closely the teachings and examples of Jesus healing the sick. Others are concerned that Reiki has an Eastern origin and are searching for more information and experiences before deciding how to respond. Thoughtful, committed Christians seek accurate information and pray for guidance as part of deciding whether to adopt the practice of Reiki into their lives.
Each new idea or change in our world challenges us to adjust to the new knowledge and experience. Sometimes new knowledge has bearing on our religious values and beliefs. Those who take their spiritual lives seriously will often take time to gather information on the new subject, think about it and pray for guidance. After this process, a decision can be made about if or how those new thoughts or practices might be incorporated into their daily lives. This is a spiritually mature way to deal with things of this nature. During the time of research, people will benefit by making sure they make use of information that is accurate and gives an honest and fair description of the subject they are exploring. By reading, seeking those who have given or experienced Reiki, and praying for insight and guidance, Christians can make decisions about how Reiki might play a role in their lives. It's important to keep in mind that while many Christians have found Reiki to be a spiritually fulfilling practice, it is not necessarily for everyone.Christian churches have a long tradition of adopting practices that enhance the spiritual life of its members based on examples of Jesus' actions described in the Bible. Some churches use music and liturgy; others use silence and inspired prayer; some worship on Saturday (7th Day Adventists) and others on Sunday; some use dance and others sit throughout much of the service; some baptize by emersion and others by sprinkling water on the head; some honor saints and seek their help while others seek angelic experiences. In Christian worship, the cross is used as a focus of worship complemented by candles, music, prayer beads, bells, incense, and other ritual items. These many and varied practices indicate the range of methods that different Christian groups incorporate to follow the teachings of the Bible and to come closer to God. While they are different, they all fall within the definition of Christianity.
As Christians seek ways to increase and strengthen their spiritual moments, many have adopted practices to develop the "Gifts of the Spirit." In I Corinthians 12:4-12, Paul speaks of the gifts to including speaking wisdom and knowledge and the power to heal. Also Paul describes people within the church having roles as apostles, prophets, teachers, those who perform miracles, those who heal, those who direct others and those who speak in strange tongues (I Corinthians 12:28-31).
Because one of the spiritual gifts is healing, devoted Christians who take direction from the above scripture have looked into the laying on of hands and more recently, the practice of Reiki. In addition, many Christian seekers have found John 14:12 an important source of guidance as well as reassurance that becoming healers it is not only possible, but also something we as Christians should develop if we feel spiritually guided to do so: "I am telling you the truth: whoever believes in me will do what I do-yes, he will do even greater things because I am going to the Father" (TEV)
Within that quotation is both instruction and challenge. As Christians search for ways to follow more fully Jesus' teachings and examples in order to draw closer to God, it is important to be aware of the examples Jesus set for us. Many of these focused on healing others (Matt: 14:14, Mark 3:10, Luke 4:38-39). And much of his healing was done by laying on hands. Here are a few examples: In Matthew 8:14-15, Jesus uses touch to heal Peter's mother-in-law of a fever. In Mark 1:40-42 Jesus uses his hands to heal a man with leprosy. This is also mentioned in Luke 5:12-13. Matthew 20:29-34 describes how Jesus healed two blind men by touching their eyes and in Mark 8:22-25 Jesus uses his hands to heal another blind man. In Mark 7:32 35 he uses touch to heal a man who is deaf and can't speak. In Luke 7:12-15, Jesus raises a dead man by touching his coffin and in Luke 8:49-55 Jesus uses touch to return a dead girl to life.
Scripture clearly indicates that healing is something appropriate for Christians to be involved with. Christians who have a solid foundation in their faith know that God will always protect and guide them. Those Christians who practice Reiki do so within the guidance and protection of God secure in the belief that they have been guided to follow Jesus' example to be a healer.
Have you been called by God and the Holy Spirit to practice the gift of healing? If the answer is yes, is Reiki right for you? After careful investigation and gaining a clear understanding of what Reiki is, the best way for you to decide if you should take up the practice of Reiki can be best answered through prayer.
We invite Christian Reiki practitioners to share their experiences with other Christians by sending in your testimonials, and experiences to info@christianreiki.org
April 20, 2004
Cora and I worked on apples and I did some studying for my BodyTalk practitioner test. I kept checking emails too and was VERY pleased with the results of my "2 for 1" BodyTalk session offer that I sent out on Tuesday. I got some new sessions to do so I spent some time yesterday doing the sessions; sending the clients their reports; and getting caught up with correspondence generally. It's such a good feeling to get things like that done.
Today Cora and I made a decision. You see, she was thinking that today was day 15 but, when I counted, I learned that tomorrow is. She said, "Well, I would like to stop today, then, so that I can have some fruit on Sabbath." At first I thought of sticking it out as long as possible--meaning that I'd go until Monday. That would give me enough time to have the 3 days of coming off of the cleanse and end up right at Jacob's birthday. However, when I looked at the calendar, I changed my mind.
You see, I want to do the cleanse again right away in January. You have to leave at least 60 days between cleanses so then I'd need all of November and December for that. Raylin, the guy that I bought the e-book from about the Master Cleanse, started his new year by going on the cleanse and I really like that idea. You can read his blog as it's listed on my side bar--he's been a great inspiration to me to start and stay on the Master Cleanse all 3 times.
Well, when I realized that this is the last day that I'll be on the full cleanse, I knew that it was time to tell you all something that I have kept to myself for over a year now. I kept waiting for the "Perfect" time to mention it and it feels right tonight. It could be that my thoughts get purified while on the cleanse too. This being the 14th day of cleansing, then, would be about as pure as they're going to get. :)
You see, when I was a little girl, I kept fighting for my life because I felt God telling me that I needed to be here on this planet to comfort others who were hurting. Later on, I felt strong interests developing in me to gain skills that would help me to help others who are sick. Still later, when I grew deathly ill, I fought again to stay here with the constant urging on from God to ponder that I am to be a healer someday.
Well, He has saved my life repeatedly because He DOES want me to help bring healing into the lives of others. He's led me down all sorts of interesting side streets and one of them was to Reiki. You see, my BT practitioner would send me Reiki many times when the pain was so intense that I couldn't stand it. Little by little the Lord wet my desire to know more about it so I went online and found this website:http://www.christianreiki.org/.
To make a long story short, last Fall, after studying the articles on the site at length and after many hours of praying, I traveled to Rugby and had attunements into Reiki 1 and Reiki 2. I will share more later about what the Lord showed me during those attunements but I will just say here that those experiences changed my life. I became 100% convinced that God had indeed called me to be a healer of those around me.
Maybe you remember earlier this month when I asked for prayer for a test that I had to take. Well, it was the test to become a Reiki teacher at the Master level of Reiki. I passed!!! Since then I've started attuning others and am amazed to see how these special ones that God directed me to do the attunements on are also becoming healers of our sick planet. Little by little, as we let God have the use of our hands, He pours His power through them and removes pain at all levels of our being.
I like how Sharon, my Reiki 1 & 2 Master/teacher explained Reiki to me. She said that Reiki is God's power flowing through us to the hurting world all around us. We're the extension chord that it runs through.
I also like how Mary, my Reiki 3 Master/teacher explained it too. She said it's like the earth is dry and thirsty. God has all sorts of water available to meet our needs but he needs a willing channel to let it flow through. We're like the irrigation trenches or ditches that the water flows through to the thirsty crops all around. Isn't that beautiful?
All that I have read about Reiki, and the experiences of other deeply committed Christians who have been called to share Reiki with others, has convinced me that it is the "Laying on of hands" which Christ and the disciples used in the New Testament. God has NOT left us alone without hope, dear friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So tonight, on the last night of my third Master Cleanse, I share with all of you whom I love that God HAS indeed chosen me to be a healer for Him. I praise God that He purifies us through Reiki and through cleansing our bodies and through repentance....... Some day, perhaps, I'll be fit to live in the kingdom of Heaven as one of His humble servants--that is my life's goal. :)
Thanks for listening and I urge you to take some time to ponder the words from the Christan Reiki website. I urge you to ponder that, although some may use Reiki for self-glorification, (as some use money for evil purposes) with all of my heart I dedicate my life to bring glory to God through the use of the Reiki energy He pours through my hands. PRAISE THE LORD FOR THE VICTORY AND FOR THE HEALING THAT FOLLOWS!!!!!!!!!!
His humble servant,
Dawn *Reiki Teacher (at the Master level)*
Welcome to Reiki for Christians:
As the popularity of Reiki grows, many Christians are becoming interested in this healing art and have begun to practice it. They have found that Reiki is a useful technique that helps them express compassion toward others and relieve suffering at the same time that it creates a closer connection for them to God. Because Reiki is a laying on hands healing technique similar to what Jesus practiced, it is especially appealing.
The purpose of this site is to answer questions Christians have about Reiki and to provide a place for Christians who practice Reiki to share their ideas and experiences.
This web site has been created by Christians who practice Reiki.
Should Christians Practice Reiki?by Marcia Backos
Three recent conversations have convinced me that many Christians are drawn to Reiki but are unsure that Reiki should become part of their lives. One of my students spent several months deciding whether to enter a Reiki workshop. I was not aware of the how intense her struggles had been until she observed in class, "If my parents knew I am here, they would cheerfully burn me at the stake." She was respectful of her parents' version of Christianity, but she was totally convinced that she was called by God to become a healer. Her parents' denomination offered no healer training. She had finally decided that she must accept God's calling and the spiritual gift of healing and believes that Reiki offers the way.
During another conversation with one of the pastors of my church, I asked his opinion of Reiki. He casually observed that he had heard about a Reiki Master who had somehow abused his students, so he didn't think much of the practice. I mentioned the tragic experiences in the Catholic Church with priests sexually abusing children which had not caused people to change their opinion of Christianity nor to stop going to church. Apparently he rethought his opinion. Later the same day, he asked me to speak to a man recently diagnosed with brain cancers about arranging some Reiki treatments.
Another friend had slipped and fallen on the ice after leaving a store. He came to a meeting at church and told the group about his experience. He was obviously in pain as he sat through the meeting. Afterwards, one of my students and I offered to give him Reiki which he accepted, though he didn't think it would do much good. He had fallen a couple of times previously, landing on the base of his spine, and he was aware from experience of the pain and soreness that he could expect the next day. Later in the week he emailed me to say that he had felt just fine the next day and decided there was something to Reiki and wanted to explore it further. He attended a healing service at the church and participated in the laying on of hands after communion. While he seemed affected by the service, he has not come again nor asked for any more Reiki treatments. This week, he told me why. He is a thoughtful introspective seeker, but after some thought he decided that he might not have felt any pain anyway after his fall. Further he wasn't interested in the community that forms as people work together to heal others.
Each of these individuals approached Reiki from different perspectives. One felt a spiritual calling and responded despite opposition. One did not have a good understanding of Reiki and had not thought of it fairly, and one had other explanations and interests. Of these, the first two are the reason for this article.
As the practice of Reiki has spread round the world in a 30-year period and is rapidly entering public awareness, Christians have approached its use in a variety of ways. More and more Christians view Reiki as a practice that provides an opportunity to follow more closely the teachings and examples of Jesus healing the sick. Others are concerned that Reiki has an Eastern origin and are searching for more information and experiences before deciding how to respond. Thoughtful, committed Christians seek accurate information and pray for guidance as part of deciding whether to adopt the practice of Reiki into their lives.
Each new idea or change in our world challenges us to adjust to the new knowledge and experience. Sometimes new knowledge has bearing on our religious values and beliefs. Those who take their spiritual lives seriously will often take time to gather information on the new subject, think about it and pray for guidance. After this process, a decision can be made about if or how those new thoughts or practices might be incorporated into their daily lives. This is a spiritually mature way to deal with things of this nature. During the time of research, people will benefit by making sure they make use of information that is accurate and gives an honest and fair description of the subject they are exploring. By reading, seeking those who have given or experienced Reiki, and praying for insight and guidance, Christians can make decisions about how Reiki might play a role in their lives. It's important to keep in mind that while many Christians have found Reiki to be a spiritually fulfilling practice, it is not necessarily for everyone.Christian churches have a long tradition of adopting practices that enhance the spiritual life of its members based on examples of Jesus' actions described in the Bible. Some churches use music and liturgy; others use silence and inspired prayer; some worship on Saturday (7th Day Adventists) and others on Sunday; some use dance and others sit throughout much of the service; some baptize by emersion and others by sprinkling water on the head; some honor saints and seek their help while others seek angelic experiences. In Christian worship, the cross is used as a focus of worship complemented by candles, music, prayer beads, bells, incense, and other ritual items. These many and varied practices indicate the range of methods that different Christian groups incorporate to follow the teachings of the Bible and to come closer to God. While they are different, they all fall within the definition of Christianity.
As Christians seek ways to increase and strengthen their spiritual moments, many have adopted practices to develop the "Gifts of the Spirit." In I Corinthians 12:4-12, Paul speaks of the gifts to including speaking wisdom and knowledge and the power to heal. Also Paul describes people within the church having roles as apostles, prophets, teachers, those who perform miracles, those who heal, those who direct others and those who speak in strange tongues (I Corinthians 12:28-31).
Because one of the spiritual gifts is healing, devoted Christians who take direction from the above scripture have looked into the laying on of hands and more recently, the practice of Reiki. In addition, many Christian seekers have found John 14:12 an important source of guidance as well as reassurance that becoming healers it is not only possible, but also something we as Christians should develop if we feel spiritually guided to do so: "I am telling you the truth: whoever believes in me will do what I do-yes, he will do even greater things because I am going to the Father" (TEV)
Within that quotation is both instruction and challenge. As Christians search for ways to follow more fully Jesus' teachings and examples in order to draw closer to God, it is important to be aware of the examples Jesus set for us. Many of these focused on healing others (Matt: 14:14, Mark 3:10, Luke 4:38-39). And much of his healing was done by laying on hands. Here are a few examples: In Matthew 8:14-15, Jesus uses touch to heal Peter's mother-in-law of a fever. In Mark 1:40-42 Jesus uses his hands to heal a man with leprosy. This is also mentioned in Luke 5:12-13. Matthew 20:29-34 describes how Jesus healed two blind men by touching their eyes and in Mark 8:22-25 Jesus uses his hands to heal another blind man. In Mark 7:32 35 he uses touch to heal a man who is deaf and can't speak. In Luke 7:12-15, Jesus raises a dead man by touching his coffin and in Luke 8:49-55 Jesus uses touch to return a dead girl to life.
Scripture clearly indicates that healing is something appropriate for Christians to be involved with. Christians who have a solid foundation in their faith know that God will always protect and guide them. Those Christians who practice Reiki do so within the guidance and protection of God secure in the belief that they have been guided to follow Jesus' example to be a healer.
Have you been called by God and the Holy Spirit to practice the gift of healing? If the answer is yes, is Reiki right for you? After careful investigation and gaining a clear understanding of what Reiki is, the best way for you to decide if you should take up the practice of Reiki can be best answered through prayer.
We invite Christian Reiki practitioners to share their experiences with other Christians by sending in your testimonials, and experiences to info@christianreiki.org
April 20, 2004
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
MC3--Day 12
Yesterday was day 12 on the Master Cleanse and a pretty stable one for me considering that it had been 15 days since I'd put any solid food in my mouth. I felt pretty good after I zapped. You see I realized that I hadn't zapped for 2 days and that's most likely why I was feeling so achy. An hour's worth of zapping and a BodyTalk session later, I was as good as new. :)
Have you ever had the experience that something is helping with your health and then you feel so good that you drop it? Later, when you start to hurt again you realize, "Well, DA, I quite doing X and that's probably why my symptoms have come back." You know for sure that it was the thing that was helping when you start up again and, lo and behold, the problem disappears.
That's what happens every time I stop zapping for a little while. I think the reason that it helps me so much is because the goats are continually plagued with parasites. For about 10 minutes one day I pondered selling all of the goats because of this. When I thought of my life without my goats, though, my spirits took a drastic plunge and I knew that I would just have to keep dealing with the parasites instead. I just cannot see how I could ever live without the calming influence of milking my goats twice a day. I also know that I couldn't live without my goat's MILK. Since I started drinking goat's milk every day 11 years ago, my continual respiratory and digestive problems have disappeared--but that's another story.
Well, I went out yesterday with my camera, as it was the sunniest day that we've had in awhile. Our men are cleaning the manure out of the lot across the road now. Being all of the cows were fed in there last Fall, when we got an early blizzard, there was a LOT of manure which is soooo good for next year's crops. Anyway, they had picked up a bunch of baler twine in the tines of the manure spreaders so in these pictures Robert and Andrew are cutting out the twine so that the tines can do a good job of throwing the precious stuff far and wide.
Have you ever had the experience that something is helping with your health and then you feel so good that you drop it? Later, when you start to hurt again you realize, "Well, DA, I quite doing X and that's probably why my symptoms have come back." You know for sure that it was the thing that was helping when you start up again and, lo and behold, the problem disappears.
That's what happens every time I stop zapping for a little while. I think the reason that it helps me so much is because the goats are continually plagued with parasites. For about 10 minutes one day I pondered selling all of the goats because of this. When I thought of my life without my goats, though, my spirits took a drastic plunge and I knew that I would just have to keep dealing with the parasites instead. I just cannot see how I could ever live without the calming influence of milking my goats twice a day. I also know that I couldn't live without my goat's MILK. Since I started drinking goat's milk every day 11 years ago, my continual respiratory and digestive problems have disappeared--but that's another story.
Well, I went out yesterday with my camera, as it was the sunniest day that we've had in awhile. Our men are cleaning the manure out of the lot across the road now. Being all of the cows were fed in there last Fall, when we got an early blizzard, there was a LOT of manure which is soooo good for next year's crops. Anyway, they had picked up a bunch of baler twine in the tines of the manure spreaders so in these pictures Robert and Andrew are cutting out the twine so that the tines can do a good job of throwing the precious stuff far and wide.
Here's a closeup view. I told Robert that he was getting his new gloves dirty so he handed me the knife. PE-U
When I got in the house, I also found Jacob hard at work. It doesn't really look like it, does it? However, he was shopping for Andrew's birthday present. I arrived just in time to hear him exclaim with delight, "This is it! Come and look at it mom." OH YES--IT WAS DEFINITELY IT!! Andrew will love it but, of course, I cannot say what IT is. You'll have to wait a few more weeks for November 12th. :)
Well, it's been a good day so far. Robert took the boys up to Bismarck to buy some more calves and to look at shotguns. He wants to buy them both a shotgun for their birthdays. We have never been able to give such grand birthday presents to our children. However, when we gave Cora her new laptop in March, Robert said to me, "I want to do something big for the boys this year too." Now that we're into shooting more around here, perhaps an interest in hunting will emerge. We haven't wanted for any birds, seeing as we raise chickens, turkeys, and geese. Still, I've had some pheasant breast a time or two that was just delicious. OH MY, NOW WHY DID I GO AND THINK ABOUT FOOD???????????
I thought that this picture looked so cool--father and son Internationals and manure spreaders. Andrew told me that the little one holds 175 bushels of manure and the big one 400 bushels. Can you imagine us trying to haul all of that out by hand? The guys made good progress on the lot, but dark came before they had finished. Now this morning it was raining so that threw a wrench in their plans to finish today. Might as well go to Bismarck. :)
As I headed back to the house yesterday morning, I saw some green on my deck and went over to investigate. I could hardly believe that my snapdragon was still alive! Goodness, we've had snow several times already. I gave it a kiss and a good drink of water and admired God's never-ending mysteries.
When I got in the house, I found my daughter cracking eggs to make ice cream for the birthday parties we have coming up. I thought it was pretty amazing that she had the courage to make ice cream when she isn't eating. She said, though, that the cream will sour if we don't get it used up now. WOW, Cora, thanks soooooooooooo much--that's one thing that we can scratch off the TO-DO list before you leave for the wedding.
Here are 3 quarts of our wonderful home-milked; home-separated; and home-bottled cream ready to be whipped and stirred into ice cream. Be sure to check the recipe on Cora's blog as it is sooooooo easy to make!
It was a diary day for Cora as she made this mozzarella cheese too. It LOOKED so scrumptious on the home made pizza that the guys ate for supper. I just couldn't look, so I turned my back to the table and read with gusto. Did I tell you that we're reading the Balentine book THE YOUNG FUR TRADERS now?
It was truly an awesome chapter for distracting one's mind from home-made pizza with home-made cheese on top. The trapper that Charley is working with turns out to be the lost trapper whose wife Redfeather tried to keep from being murdered by Misconna several years earlier. Of course, now Misconna tried to kill Redfeather on the river but he failed last night--thank God. In case you're wondering why I said all of that, it's to wet your appetite to pick up a Balentine book and started reading out load to the family--especially if you have boys.
When I got in the house, I also found Jacob hard at work. It doesn't really look like it, does it? However, he was shopping for Andrew's birthday present. I arrived just in time to hear him exclaim with delight, "This is it! Come and look at it mom." OH YES--IT WAS DEFINITELY IT!! Andrew will love it but, of course, I cannot say what IT is. You'll have to wait a few more weeks for November 12th. :)
Well, it's been a good day so far. Robert took the boys up to Bismarck to buy some more calves and to look at shotguns. He wants to buy them both a shotgun for their birthdays. We have never been able to give such grand birthday presents to our children. However, when we gave Cora her new laptop in March, Robert said to me, "I want to do something big for the boys this year too." Now that we're into shooting more around here, perhaps an interest in hunting will emerge. We haven't wanted for any birds, seeing as we raise chickens, turkeys, and geese. Still, I've had some pheasant breast a time or two that was just delicious. OH MY, NOW WHY DID I GO AND THINK ABOUT FOOD???????????
Still coveting your prayers,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
MC3--Day 11
Yesterday was awesome. Please read Cora's post to see what we all did. As always it is a treat to get to visit the Keister family and this was no exception. It was great that Lane took the time to show us how to fill in music. I have always admired people who can play piano by ear and I usually think, when I hear someone doing it, "How in the world can they play so well without even reading the notes. There must be something that they know that I don't know!"
Well, Lane showed us a few simple tricks to dress up in between the notes when the music is written rather simple. That was a BIG blessing and visiting with Sarah afterwards was even better. She is a super special lady to me and I always learn something new when we can get together and swap ideas on health, cooking, and gardening. I got to share some about the Master Cleanse (on my mind a lot these days for some reason) and we discussed making kombucha.
After we left the Keister's home, we drove to Linton to meet an old friend from church there. I was sooooooo happy Sunday afternoon when I remembered that Martha B. takes old coats and makes the most wonderful teddy bears out of them. About 10 years ago I had taken the children to see her house and it was full of the most wonderful little friends a child could want. Each bear was unique and each one was special because Martha has an incredible way with bears. I wish you all could see her home.
Anyway, she said Sunday when I called her, that she would be happy to take my mom's expensive fur coat and makes some bears out of them for us. She also said that she would be in Linton yesterday and that she was aching to see Cora. She had just recently gone through her old thank you cards and found the one that Cora had made for her in appreciation for the bear she doted on Cora with. What a special lady she is.
We met at our former church and she was so disappointed that Cora wasn't with me. However, I led her to the FSA office after we were finished discussing the coats and asked her to wait a few moments. When I came out of the office with Cora, her eyes were soft and she embraced my girl as if 13 years had never come between us. My eyes went soft then and she said to Cora, "I'd know you even though you're not that sweet, little girl any more." We all smiled. How wonderful it is to be a part of the family of God. No matter where you go, there's always somebody near who loves the Lord too!
I picked this picture today because, as I look at this sweet, little miss, my heart just throbs with love for her. That must be what Martha felt for Cora years ago as the love for my girl just oozed out of that lady. It was such a blessing to see the joy that Cora's life brought to Martha. Martha just begged us to drive out to her farm when the bears are ready. How could we say, "No" even though it will be a very long drive there--probably about 70 miles. Well, all good things are worth making an effort for!!!!!!!!!! When we go, I will certainly capture her family of bears with my camera, you can be sure of that! :)
Well, Lane showed us a few simple tricks to dress up in between the notes when the music is written rather simple. That was a BIG blessing and visiting with Sarah afterwards was even better. She is a super special lady to me and I always learn something new when we can get together and swap ideas on health, cooking, and gardening. I got to share some about the Master Cleanse (on my mind a lot these days for some reason) and we discussed making kombucha.
After we left the Keister's home, we drove to Linton to meet an old friend from church there. I was sooooooo happy Sunday afternoon when I remembered that Martha B. takes old coats and makes the most wonderful teddy bears out of them. About 10 years ago I had taken the children to see her house and it was full of the most wonderful little friends a child could want. Each bear was unique and each one was special because Martha has an incredible way with bears. I wish you all could see her home.
Anyway, she said Sunday when I called her, that she would be happy to take my mom's expensive fur coat and makes some bears out of them for us. She also said that she would be in Linton yesterday and that she was aching to see Cora. She had just recently gone through her old thank you cards and found the one that Cora had made for her in appreciation for the bear she doted on Cora with. What a special lady she is.
We met at our former church and she was so disappointed that Cora wasn't with me. However, I led her to the FSA office after we were finished discussing the coats and asked her to wait a few moments. When I came out of the office with Cora, her eyes were soft and she embraced my girl as if 13 years had never come between us. My eyes went soft then and she said to Cora, "I'd know you even though you're not that sweet, little girl any more." We all smiled. How wonderful it is to be a part of the family of God. No matter where you go, there's always somebody near who loves the Lord too!
I picked this picture today because, as I look at this sweet, little miss, my heart just throbs with love for her. That must be what Martha felt for Cora years ago as the love for my girl just oozed out of that lady. It was such a blessing to see the joy that Cora's life brought to Martha. Martha just begged us to drive out to her farm when the bears are ready. How could we say, "No" even though it will be a very long drive there--probably about 70 miles. Well, all good things are worth making an effort for!!!!!!!!!! When we go, I will certainly capture her family of bears with my camera, you can be sure of that! :)
Well, after that we went to our house in Temvik and dug through the mess there. We have been needing some things which are in storage there. Somehow the animals got the basement window open and helped themselves to a great big cat house. It was sooooooooo gross. I wonder if God will ever show us what He wants us to do with that house.
After that we worked on apples while Jacob did his schoolwork. I was hurting really badly in the neck so Robert and I finished the day by soaking together in the whirlpool. I thought very little about food so it was a good day in that way but just pretty achy. Only 4 days to go!!!
After that we worked on apples while Jacob did his schoolwork. I was hurting really badly in the neck so Robert and I finished the day by soaking together in the whirlpool. I thought very little about food so it was a good day in that way but just pretty achy. Only 4 days to go!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
MC3-Days 9 & 10
This has to be short but better short than not at all. Sabbath (Day 9)was hard for me not to eat. I suppose it's because the Sabbath is a feasting day here. I was so glad that Cora stayed firm and talked me out of having some fruit with these words, "I WANT TO STICK TO THIS!!!!!!" We had a great day of fellowship together as a family, so that helped too.
As usual, our family hymn sing was the best part of the day for me. It was also fun to go through all of my new winter things from the attic that the children brought down from the attic. How I love dressing up for the Sabbath day in my finest even if we don't go anywhere. How I long for the days when dresses like this were the norm!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was much better as we were very busy. We worked on figuring out the finances for everyone. We especially were interested in seeing what the figures said in regards to the milk cows. After we almost gave away our yearling Holsteins,there was some talk about selling the milk cows and forgetting working so hard trying to keep baby Holsteins alive.
However, after some good common sense talking by Robert, we all saw that we made a LITTLE money on those calves. It was hardly what our time was worth but still, what else would we do with our time to make money if we didn't milk cows and feed baby calves????????????
My highlight yesterday was getting to go through all of my winter clothes. There's the things that I had before; the new things from mom's closet; and the new things from the big rummage sale last week. I knew that all of that would not fit into my closet and dressers so it took a little doing to decide what to do with everything. To make a long story short, I now have very packed drawers and a very packed closet. Also I cut up a lot of the older things that were badly stained and I have a big bag of clothes ready for donating on Wednesday when we go up for more calves.
The most intersting part was how the Lord answered my prayer of what to do with my mom's expensive fur coat. As I lay in bed Sabbath night drifting off to sleep, I suddenly thought of a lady named Martha that we knew in the Baptist church in Linton. She took old fur coats and made the most lovable teddy bears out of them.
Well, I called her yesterday afternoon and she will be happy to make some teddy bears for us out of them. She was so excited that I called as she had just come across the thank you note that Cora had written to her years ago. Martha had taken a liking to Cora and had made her a special bear for no special reason other than that she loved Cora. The bear was quickly named EMALINE HARRIS as we were just watching ANNE OF GREEN GABLES then.
Well, Martha said to me yesterday on the phone. "Oh, I'd love to see her again." I thought that she meant the teddy bear and planned in my mind to take her along with me when I take the coats to Martha today. Then Martha said something like, "Her thank you not meant sooo much to me." That was when I realized that she wanted to see Cora... LOL
So, today I will go see an old friend to take my mother's old coats to have her make some new teddy bears to give to my family. AND I'LL TAKE ALONG CORA!!!
It should be a busy day as we're going to Keister's first so that Lane can help Cora work on this song for the wedding that she's playing. Then to FSA to give them the checks from the calf sale; then to meet Martha at the church we used to belong to; then back here to move the cattle home. WOW--I AM SO THANKFUL FOR AN EVER STRONGER AND HEALTHIER BODY TO KEEP UP WITH ALL THAT I WANT TO DO WITH IT. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday was much better as we were very busy. We worked on figuring out the finances for everyone. We especially were interested in seeing what the figures said in regards to the milk cows. After we almost gave away our yearling Holsteins,there was some talk about selling the milk cows and forgetting working so hard trying to keep baby Holsteins alive.
However, after some good common sense talking by Robert, we all saw that we made a LITTLE money on those calves. It was hardly what our time was worth but still, what else would we do with our time to make money if we didn't milk cows and feed baby calves????????????
My highlight yesterday was getting to go through all of my winter clothes. There's the things that I had before; the new things from mom's closet; and the new things from the big rummage sale last week. I knew that all of that would not fit into my closet and dressers so it took a little doing to decide what to do with everything. To make a long story short, I now have very packed drawers and a very packed closet. Also I cut up a lot of the older things that were badly stained and I have a big bag of clothes ready for donating on Wednesday when we go up for more calves.
The most intersting part was how the Lord answered my prayer of what to do with my mom's expensive fur coat. As I lay in bed Sabbath night drifting off to sleep, I suddenly thought of a lady named Martha that we knew in the Baptist church in Linton. She took old fur coats and made the most lovable teddy bears out of them.
Well, I called her yesterday afternoon and she will be happy to make some teddy bears for us out of them. She was so excited that I called as she had just come across the thank you note that Cora had written to her years ago. Martha had taken a liking to Cora and had made her a special bear for no special reason other than that she loved Cora. The bear was quickly named EMALINE HARRIS as we were just watching ANNE OF GREEN GABLES then.
Well, Martha said to me yesterday on the phone. "Oh, I'd love to see her again." I thought that she meant the teddy bear and planned in my mind to take her along with me when I take the coats to Martha today. Then Martha said something like, "Her thank you not meant sooo much to me." That was when I realized that she wanted to see Cora... LOL
So, today I will go see an old friend to take my mother's old coats to have her make some new teddy bears to give to my family. AND I'LL TAKE ALONG CORA!!!
It should be a busy day as we're going to Keister's first so that Lane can help Cora work on this song for the wedding that she's playing. Then to FSA to give them the checks from the calf sale; then to meet Martha at the church we used to belong to; then back here to move the cattle home. WOW--I AM SO THANKFUL FOR AN EVER STRONGER AND HEALTHIER BODY TO KEEP UP WITH ALL THAT I WANT TO DO WITH IT. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
MC3--Days 7 & 8
Some day I'm going to be thin. I'm just telling you as I tell myself. Someday I am going to be the exact opposite of what my brother's used to tell me after they abused me. They used to say, "You're so stupid, fat, and ugly that no man will ever love you." I believed them too.
I used to always kick myself when I did something less than average in the intelligent department. I'd say, "See, they were right--I AM STUPID." It's taken getting a 4-year degree; scoring very well on the National Teacher's Exam; passing the insurance agent exam; and scoring above the doctor and lawyer level on the GATB test for me to accept that I am NOT stupid.
The ugly part is something that I can't figure out exactly how to go about convincing myself of otherwise. I guess BodyTalk has helped more than anything, to show me the beauty that God put into all of the intricacies that make up me, but it's still something that I struggle with. Sometimes Robert will say to me, "You KNOW that is a lie, Dawn, as I love you and I am very definitely a man!!!" Being as we just celebrated 29 years of marriage, he MUST really mean it!!!
Now the fat part is just plain too obvious to be debatable. I mean there's just NO QUESTION of that part not being true. I've believed that I was doomed to be fat for as long as I can remember that this is what I have become!!! Pretty stupid, huh?
Well, I praise God that He has led me to BodyTalk, EFT, and Dr. David Illig's Success World cassette program. I've never written about Dr. Illig yet but I found him on a shelf in the thrift store in Bismark marked $1 at the end of August. I have been soooooooooooooo blessed with his work as I listen to the tape which reprograms the subconscious mind to come into line with the truth.
WOW!!! I have really come to believe now that I WILL BE THIN SOME DAY!!! If I didn't, I wouldn't be in Andrew's room right now typing on this blog post. I would be out at the supper table with my men folk eating the Barbecued Beef pizza that Cora and I made for them and the poppy seed cake that Jacob made for the Sabbath feast. Oh yes, I'd be sipping the warm mulled apple cider in a mug instead of a tall glass of kombucha seeing as I'm a bit weary of the lemonade right now.
So, you see, I'm writing to all of you about the sacrifices that I'm making to get thin. I want you all to know that this is day 8 of the Master Cleanse diet and it'll be a whole 'nother week until I get to sip some of that apple cider. It's not that I want your pity but it's that I don't want your jealousy when I AM THIN!!!
Let me tell you about a situation that used to hold me back before Dr. Illig came along. This was almost 30 years ago when the trauma of moving back to my home town (when I married Robert) got me to eating big time. It wasn't long before I was up to 220 pounds and nobody would have argued with me then that I was fat.
Well, some ladies from my church decided to start a weight loss "Club." I attended regularly and decided to do something about my problem. It wasn't long and I'd lost 60 pounds. One night I met one of these "Friends" face to face in church accidentally. She stared at me and blurted out these words in a gut-wrenching spiteful voice, "I HATE YOU, DAWN BORNEMANN."
I was so shocked that I burst into tears and ran out to my car. I never spoke to her again and I slowly started putting the weight back on. Somehow I got the message that, if I wanted to have any friends, I needed to stay fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't until I started learning BT that I came to understand that we live about 90% of our lives in our subconscious. So, every time I tried to lose weight in the past, or keep it off after I'd lost it, something down below said, "You're going to lose your friends because they're going to be jealous of your success Dawn."
Isn't that amazing??????????? So, tonight while I'm keeping myself from the feast of Sabbath, which is the highlight of the week for our family, I am in here telling myself that I AM GOING TO BE THIN SOMEDAY. It WILL be worth the effort to lose all of the weight--no matter what anybody says or thinks. I AM taking better care of myself now and I AM feeling better and that IS pretty smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO THERE!!!
It was great yesterday, at the big rummage sale in town, to look at smaller clothes!!! The highlight of the day for me was when I was digging through the underwear box. I always majorally disinfect everything that I buy which isn't new so I was "Just looking." There was something with blue stripes in the box which looked kind of interesting but I couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly I got it all turned around and held it up to reveal the largest pair of ladies' underwear that I have ever seen in my entire life. I mean they were 3 times the size of mine.
My neighbor, who was volunteering their, was nearby. I said held them up for her to see and said, "Hey, Tanya, THINGS COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE!!!!" She cracked up and we sent laughter bouncing off the hallways of the parochial school. Cora joined in and it felt sooooooo good to have my weight down to the point now where I don't feel like I AM THE BIGGEST PERSON IN THE WORLD ANYMORE!!!!!
Still, I covet your prayers as I push on to greater healing and greater strength. We're half way through this cleanse now and Cora and I are cheering each other on. It really is MUCH easier to do with someone else. The only problem that we have now is that neither one of us wants to cook. She's lost over 10 pounds and I'm almost there so that IS encouraging.
We had a ball at the sale and brought home 4 HUGE black garbage bags full and 2 grocery bags full for the grand total of $27.20. Now that's what I call SHOPPING!!!! Today we've been washing everything and putting away the summer things in the attic. It's always been a large chore for me to manage the change of clothing exchange at the end of Winter and Summer. It's so nice now that the children are older now and can do their own.
We're still working on apples but are finishing up on the tomatoes. Cora has been such a blessing in this area. The guys have been working on the combines to get them ready for the sunflower harvest. It won't be the crop that we had hoped for this Spring, when things were wet, but God always meets our needs one way or the other!!!
Today the Lord struck home the message that I've been sensing He was hinting at yesterday with the turkeys. I had broken open one of the large squashes that are waiting for the goats and chased the turkeys over to it. They walked right by it. I got out of there so that I wouldn't chase them away but they still didn't see that I had given them so food. It was so exasperating and I knew that God was telling me that HE GETS TIRED OF ME AT TIMES TOO WHEN HE'S TRYING TO HELP ME AND I WON'T LET HIM.
Well, this afternoon Ellen called to tell me that somebody we know committed suicide. I was just stunned as she's been working in the BodyTalk clinic in Bismarck for X years and I met her in 2007 in Modules 1 & 2. Ellen said that she learned that every time us BodyTalkers met to practice, this lady would NOT allow anyone to work on her.
It gave me the shivers as I pondered that she could have had the best possible care available today and for free as we exchange sessions on each other at practice. SHE TURNED DOWN GOD'S HELP MONTH AFTER MONTH UNTIL SHE NO LONGER FELT GOD'S LOVE FOR HER!!! Just like the turkeys not being able to see that I loved them enough to break open that squash for them, she couldn't see that God loved her so much that He sent His ONLY son to die on the cross for her. NOW SHE'S DEAD! She leaves a grown son and a grieving mother and many people who tried to help her.
Sleep well and happy Sabbath!
PS. This is definitely one of the posts that I'll cringe at later for posting before proof-reading. However, I am tired and I hear that they are done with the feast so I will go and join them for family prayer time. Please bear with the imperfections!!!
I used to always kick myself when I did something less than average in the intelligent department. I'd say, "See, they were right--I AM STUPID." It's taken getting a 4-year degree; scoring very well on the National Teacher's Exam; passing the insurance agent exam; and scoring above the doctor and lawyer level on the GATB test for me to accept that I am NOT stupid.
The ugly part is something that I can't figure out exactly how to go about convincing myself of otherwise. I guess BodyTalk has helped more than anything, to show me the beauty that God put into all of the intricacies that make up me, but it's still something that I struggle with. Sometimes Robert will say to me, "You KNOW that is a lie, Dawn, as I love you and I am very definitely a man!!!" Being as we just celebrated 29 years of marriage, he MUST really mean it!!!
Now the fat part is just plain too obvious to be debatable. I mean there's just NO QUESTION of that part not being true. I've believed that I was doomed to be fat for as long as I can remember that this is what I have become!!! Pretty stupid, huh?
Well, I praise God that He has led me to BodyTalk, EFT, and Dr. David Illig's Success World cassette program. I've never written about Dr. Illig yet but I found him on a shelf in the thrift store in Bismark marked $1 at the end of August. I have been soooooooooooooo blessed with his work as I listen to the tape which reprograms the subconscious mind to come into line with the truth.
WOW!!! I have really come to believe now that I WILL BE THIN SOME DAY!!! If I didn't, I wouldn't be in Andrew's room right now typing on this blog post. I would be out at the supper table with my men folk eating the Barbecued Beef pizza that Cora and I made for them and the poppy seed cake that Jacob made for the Sabbath feast. Oh yes, I'd be sipping the warm mulled apple cider in a mug instead of a tall glass of kombucha seeing as I'm a bit weary of the lemonade right now.
So, you see, I'm writing to all of you about the sacrifices that I'm making to get thin. I want you all to know that this is day 8 of the Master Cleanse diet and it'll be a whole 'nother week until I get to sip some of that apple cider. It's not that I want your pity but it's that I don't want your jealousy when I AM THIN!!!
Let me tell you about a situation that used to hold me back before Dr. Illig came along. This was almost 30 years ago when the trauma of moving back to my home town (when I married Robert) got me to eating big time. It wasn't long before I was up to 220 pounds and nobody would have argued with me then that I was fat.
Well, some ladies from my church decided to start a weight loss "Club." I attended regularly and decided to do something about my problem. It wasn't long and I'd lost 60 pounds. One night I met one of these "Friends" face to face in church accidentally. She stared at me and blurted out these words in a gut-wrenching spiteful voice, "I HATE YOU, DAWN BORNEMANN."
I was so shocked that I burst into tears and ran out to my car. I never spoke to her again and I slowly started putting the weight back on. Somehow I got the message that, if I wanted to have any friends, I needed to stay fat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't until I started learning BT that I came to understand that we live about 90% of our lives in our subconscious. So, every time I tried to lose weight in the past, or keep it off after I'd lost it, something down below said, "You're going to lose your friends because they're going to be jealous of your success Dawn."
Isn't that amazing??????????? So, tonight while I'm keeping myself from the feast of Sabbath, which is the highlight of the week for our family, I am in here telling myself that I AM GOING TO BE THIN SOMEDAY. It WILL be worth the effort to lose all of the weight--no matter what anybody says or thinks. I AM taking better care of myself now and I AM feeling better and that IS pretty smart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO THERE!!!
It was great yesterday, at the big rummage sale in town, to look at smaller clothes!!! The highlight of the day for me was when I was digging through the underwear box. I always majorally disinfect everything that I buy which isn't new so I was "Just looking." There was something with blue stripes in the box which looked kind of interesting but I couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly I got it all turned around and held it up to reveal the largest pair of ladies' underwear that I have ever seen in my entire life. I mean they were 3 times the size of mine.
My neighbor, who was volunteering their, was nearby. I said held them up for her to see and said, "Hey, Tanya, THINGS COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE!!!!" She cracked up and we sent laughter bouncing off the hallways of the parochial school. Cora joined in and it felt sooooooo good to have my weight down to the point now where I don't feel like I AM THE BIGGEST PERSON IN THE WORLD ANYMORE!!!!!
Still, I covet your prayers as I push on to greater healing and greater strength. We're half way through this cleanse now and Cora and I are cheering each other on. It really is MUCH easier to do with someone else. The only problem that we have now is that neither one of us wants to cook. She's lost over 10 pounds and I'm almost there so that IS encouraging.
We had a ball at the sale and brought home 4 HUGE black garbage bags full and 2 grocery bags full for the grand total of $27.20. Now that's what I call SHOPPING!!!! Today we've been washing everything and putting away the summer things in the attic. It's always been a large chore for me to manage the change of clothing exchange at the end of Winter and Summer. It's so nice now that the children are older now and can do their own.
We're still working on apples but are finishing up on the tomatoes. Cora has been such a blessing in this area. The guys have been working on the combines to get them ready for the sunflower harvest. It won't be the crop that we had hoped for this Spring, when things were wet, but God always meets our needs one way or the other!!!
Today the Lord struck home the message that I've been sensing He was hinting at yesterday with the turkeys. I had broken open one of the large squashes that are waiting for the goats and chased the turkeys over to it. They walked right by it. I got out of there so that I wouldn't chase them away but they still didn't see that I had given them so food. It was so exasperating and I knew that God was telling me that HE GETS TIRED OF ME AT TIMES TOO WHEN HE'S TRYING TO HELP ME AND I WON'T LET HIM.
Well, this afternoon Ellen called to tell me that somebody we know committed suicide. I was just stunned as she's been working in the BodyTalk clinic in Bismarck for X years and I met her in 2007 in Modules 1 & 2. Ellen said that she learned that every time us BodyTalkers met to practice, this lady would NOT allow anyone to work on her.
It gave me the shivers as I pondered that she could have had the best possible care available today and for free as we exchange sessions on each other at practice. SHE TURNED DOWN GOD'S HELP MONTH AFTER MONTH UNTIL SHE NO LONGER FELT GOD'S LOVE FOR HER!!! Just like the turkeys not being able to see that I loved them enough to break open that squash for them, she couldn't see that God loved her so much that He sent His ONLY son to die on the cross for her. NOW SHE'S DEAD! She leaves a grown son and a grieving mother and many people who tried to help her.
Sleep well and happy Sabbath!
PS. This is definitely one of the posts that I'll cringe at later for posting before proof-reading. However, I am tired and I hear that they are done with the feast so I will go and join them for family prayer time. Please bear with the imperfections!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
MC3-Day 6
Cora and I had such a lovely day together in Bismarck!!!! We did find some old-fashioned boots for her to wear when she's the maid of honor next month but--oops--I better not say that as I imagine that Cora will want to tell about it.
It was so nice to be with someone else who wasn't eating--it helped a LOT!!! It is amazing to me, though, how many times I found myself thinking about food. For instance, I like going to North Country Trucks where you can get used semi parts for about half price of new. Their new parts are less than the regular truck and trailer shops too.
Anyway, I like to go in there for 3 reasons. The first reason I have already mentioned and that is we save money buying there. Secondly, one of the workers in there named Randy, has become a friend who is always a joy to see. Last of all, they ALWAYS have popcorn in a popcorn machine that you can help yourself to.
We pulled up in front of North Country and I leaned over to ask Cora like I ALWAYS do, "Would
you like me to bring out some popcorn for you?" I caught myself before I asked and troubled her, but the thought was there.
Randy was so funny as I walked in the store. He picked up the pen as he greeted me and handed it to me. I looked a little puzzled but he said, "Robert said to have everything ready to go so that you don't have to poke around here when you come in." I laughed and signed the slip to charge the purchase. Can you believe that there's a store in Bismarck that will still let you charge? Of course, we've been buying from them for years.
Anyway, I was glad to get out of there fast as the popcorn machine was calling my name. How can it be that EVERYTHING smells and looks delicious when you're not eating? That happened all afternoon. GOOD GRIEF! IS FOOD ALL THAT I EVER THINK ABOUT? It was really nice to have Cora at Sam's Club where the fruit looked so wonderful. It also helped, though, that we have boxes of apples to get through here at home.
Anyway, the morning was great and I didn't even think about food as I did the BodyTalk session in my office. This is a favorite client, who grew up in Eureka too, and we had a great time together. It was also nice to visit with a fellow BodyTalker who was in Module 3 with me after Gwen left. She's quite a bit ahead of me in BT so it was great to be able to ask her some questions about the upper level modules.
Well, I didn't have time to do Clara's session this morning, as we were moving FAST, so I'd best get the milking things washed up so that I can get out to the barn early for her session. I wash up all of the calf bottles that we use to feed the baby calves. I use soap and peppermint oil as the milk smell is hard to overcome without the peppermint. Then I wash up the goat's milking buckets and the one that we bring the milk to the house with.
The bummer news of the day came in the form of a calf check from the sales barn. I can't believe that we raised those calves for a whole year and then got less than $300 apiece. FROWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
I realize that this is not one bit organized but I'm in a hurry and it's one of those, "Forget perfectionism or forget posting," moments.
It was so nice to be with someone else who wasn't eating--it helped a LOT!!! It is amazing to me, though, how many times I found myself thinking about food. For instance, I like going to North Country Trucks where you can get used semi parts for about half price of new. Their new parts are less than the regular truck and trailer shops too.
Anyway, I like to go in there for 3 reasons. The first reason I have already mentioned and that is we save money buying there. Secondly, one of the workers in there named Randy, has become a friend who is always a joy to see. Last of all, they ALWAYS have popcorn in a popcorn machine that you can help yourself to.
We pulled up in front of North Country and I leaned over to ask Cora like I ALWAYS do, "Would
you like me to bring out some popcorn for you?" I caught myself before I asked and troubled her, but the thought was there.
Randy was so funny as I walked in the store. He picked up the pen as he greeted me and handed it to me. I looked a little puzzled but he said, "Robert said to have everything ready to go so that you don't have to poke around here when you come in." I laughed and signed the slip to charge the purchase. Can you believe that there's a store in Bismarck that will still let you charge? Of course, we've been buying from them for years.
Anyway, I was glad to get out of there fast as the popcorn machine was calling my name. How can it be that EVERYTHING smells and looks delicious when you're not eating? That happened all afternoon. GOOD GRIEF! IS FOOD ALL THAT I EVER THINK ABOUT? It was really nice to have Cora at Sam's Club where the fruit looked so wonderful. It also helped, though, that we have boxes of apples to get through here at home.
Anyway, the morning was great and I didn't even think about food as I did the BodyTalk session in my office. This is a favorite client, who grew up in Eureka too, and we had a great time together. It was also nice to visit with a fellow BodyTalker who was in Module 3 with me after Gwen left. She's quite a bit ahead of me in BT so it was great to be able to ask her some questions about the upper level modules.
Well, I didn't have time to do Clara's session this morning, as we were moving FAST, so I'd best get the milking things washed up so that I can get out to the barn early for her session. I wash up all of the calf bottles that we use to feed the baby calves. I use soap and peppermint oil as the milk smell is hard to overcome without the peppermint. Then I wash up the goat's milking buckets and the one that we bring the milk to the house with.
The bummer news of the day came in the form of a calf check from the sales barn. I can't believe that we raised those calves for a whole year and then got less than $300 apiece. FROWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
I realize that this is not one bit organized but I'm in a hurry and it's one of those, "Forget perfectionism or forget posting," moments.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Master Cleanse 3--day 5
As Emma said to Mylo after one of their energetic songs, "I'm tuggered, Mylo." Robert just called and asked how I'm doing and I said, "I'm tuggered, Robert." He just laughed. Seriously though, I have never had such a difficult day with fighting urges to eat as today. I made crispy walnuts, which I love, and watched the boys delight in. I also love my dad's apples, which I cut up for hours and WAS I EVER TEMPTED. Maybe part of it was that Cora wasn't here to distract me--she has been such a blessing this time through.
It's been an extremely busy day with chores and apples and Cora babysitting all afternoon and more apples and chores again and, how could I forget this--school. I did get time for a nice, long soak which helped with the pain in my shoulder that's been stirred up by the cleanse. That helped a lot.
I also brewed the tea for another batch of kombucha (4 gallons) which Cora and I just strained and refilled jars with. That stuff is soooooooooo good--invigorates me like nothing else. I beg of you to consider brewing your own and I would be happy to share the kombucha and mushroom that you'll need to get started. I was so happy that 2 ladies in Module 3 decided to give it a try and another one already was carrying hers with her all weekend.
Tomorrow I may not have time to write as I'm going to Bismarck for a session and to get supplies for the dairy. Cora is coming with to hit the thrift shops in hopes of finding a cowgirl hat to wear for the wedding on November 9th.
I asked Andrew just now to help me get up Dr. Veltheim's video of how to do cortices. THIS IS SOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT. Cortices alone has saved lives in car wrecks; brought people out of comas, and as in my case, restored my brain to normal functioning after it was damaged by shingles on the brain. It is the one thing in BT that Dr. Veltheim lets us share with everybody free of charge.
The video is being stubborn, though, so it may not be up here until tomorrow. I urge you to keep checking for it and then to watch it when you have 12 minutes of free time. It could save your life.
Sorry I'm so scatter-brained tonight but I'm just tuggered. Sleep well everyone.
It's been an extremely busy day with chores and apples and Cora babysitting all afternoon and more apples and chores again and, how could I forget this--school. I did get time for a nice, long soak which helped with the pain in my shoulder that's been stirred up by the cleanse. That helped a lot.
I also brewed the tea for another batch of kombucha (4 gallons) which Cora and I just strained and refilled jars with. That stuff is soooooooooo good--invigorates me like nothing else. I beg of you to consider brewing your own and I would be happy to share the kombucha and mushroom that you'll need to get started. I was so happy that 2 ladies in Module 3 decided to give it a try and another one already was carrying hers with her all weekend.
Tomorrow I may not have time to write as I'm going to Bismarck for a session and to get supplies for the dairy. Cora is coming with to hit the thrift shops in hopes of finding a cowgirl hat to wear for the wedding on November 9th.
I asked Andrew just now to help me get up Dr. Veltheim's video of how to do cortices. THIS IS SOOOOOOOO IMPORTANT. Cortices alone has saved lives in car wrecks; brought people out of comas, and as in my case, restored my brain to normal functioning after it was damaged by shingles on the brain. It is the one thing in BT that Dr. Veltheim lets us share with everybody free of charge.
The video is being stubborn, though, so it may not be up here until tomorrow. I urge you to keep checking for it and then to watch it when you have 12 minutes of free time. It could save your life.
Sorry I'm so scatter-brained tonight but I'm just tuggered. Sleep well everyone.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Master Cleanse 3-day 4
Today was much better on the Master Cleanse as nothing traumatic happened except a spider came a little too close to me for his own good. I took a little garden tour to see what else needs doing out there before winter sets in. I took my camera along so I could share some pictures with you.
Here is the Fall display that the guys helped me to assemble yesterday. Millie is no longer afraid of the camera, as you can see. Our pumpkins didn't turn out this year so I'm missing the bright orange that we usually see in the display. I guess I'm too cheap to put out one of those that I bought from Sam's for pumpkin bars. :) Our guys MUST have their pumpkin bars, you know! Not that Cora and I won't have one when we're done with the Master Cleanse--only 9 days to go.
Here's a view of the freshly planted tulip row in my big flower bed. Steve Shadler, our friend who knows the most about landscaping of anyone I know, said to leave the Black Eyed Susan's in for the Winter. Andrew had a fun time tilling behind them, but he did a good job. Thanks, boys, for taking over that project when the boys got to me!!!!!!!11
I still want to pick these beans when they get dry. It's been so damp that I'm afraid they'll just mold as I don't have a wonderful old barn to hang them in to dry as people used to do. I could use the seeds either for soup or for planting next year as they're open pollinated. If it stays damp, though, they may just end up being rabbit food. :)
I spent about an hour this afternoon picking dill seed. I love growing dill as we like the leaves in garden salads and we love sauteing cabbage or zucchini in butter with dill seed added. Dill usually grows wild in my garden so I wasn't surprised when Andrew came over and said to me, "Why on earth are you saving dill seed when it's already all over your garden?" I told him that one year in Temvik I thought that way and ended up with 0 dill plants. I like to plant at least 1 row of dill, then, every Spring just in case.
This is one of my most favorite plants in the whole world. It's red clover and I like to harvest the big red blossoms for tea. Red clover is nature's richest source of the complete B complex and the tea is just wonderful. For some reason, every time I've tried to start a patch over here, it hasn't worked. This year I got this much growth but will it be able to withstand a ND winter, only Spring will tell.
Another picture of the Fall display after I added Cora's birdhouse gourds. Millie is checking one of them out. Does anybody know if they're poisonous to goats?
Well, I'm hurting more tonight than I usually do. Part of it is from the upset yesterday, I'm sure. I think, though, that some of it may be from the fact that I've been too swamped to do my Core program exercises. I'd best get to it and I wish you all a good night. I hope that you enjoyed my Fall garden tour as much as I did. :)
Here is the Fall display that the guys helped me to assemble yesterday. Millie is no longer afraid of the camera, as you can see. Our pumpkins didn't turn out this year so I'm missing the bright orange that we usually see in the display. I guess I'm too cheap to put out one of those that I bought from Sam's for pumpkin bars. :) Our guys MUST have their pumpkin bars, you know! Not that Cora and I won't have one when we're done with the Master Cleanse--only 9 days to go.
Here's a view of the freshly planted tulip row in my big flower bed. Steve Shadler, our friend who knows the most about landscaping of anyone I know, said to leave the Black Eyed Susan's in for the Winter. Andrew had a fun time tilling behind them, but he did a good job. Thanks, boys, for taking over that project when the boys got to me!!!!!!!11
I still want to pick these beans when they get dry. It's been so damp that I'm afraid they'll just mold as I don't have a wonderful old barn to hang them in to dry as people used to do. I could use the seeds either for soup or for planting next year as they're open pollinated. If it stays damp, though, they may just end up being rabbit food. :)
I spent about an hour this afternoon picking dill seed. I love growing dill as we like the leaves in garden salads and we love sauteing cabbage or zucchini in butter with dill seed added. Dill usually grows wild in my garden so I wasn't surprised when Andrew came over and said to me, "Why on earth are you saving dill seed when it's already all over your garden?" I told him that one year in Temvik I thought that way and ended up with 0 dill plants. I like to plant at least 1 row of dill, then, every Spring just in case.
This is one of my most favorite plants in the whole world. It's red clover and I like to harvest the big red blossoms for tea. Red clover is nature's richest source of the complete B complex and the tea is just wonderful. For some reason, every time I've tried to start a patch over here, it hasn't worked. This year I got this much growth but will it be able to withstand a ND winter, only Spring will tell.
This is a picture of the east side of my garden which is pretty much cleaned off now. Only the sunflowers remain standing at the back. We decided to leave them out to feed the birds this Fall and Winter.
Zooming in on the sunflowers.
Here's a closeup of one of the heads. As you can see here, the birds have already found the sunflower heads and have figured out that they are for their delight. :)
Another picture of the Fall display after I added Cora's birdhouse gourds. Millie is checking one of them out. Does anybody know if they're poisonous to goats?
Well, I'm hurting more tonight than I usually do. Part of it is from the upset yesterday, I'm sure. I think, though, that some of it may be from the fact that I've been too swamped to do my Core program exercises. I'd best get to it and I wish you all a good night. I hope that you enjoyed my Fall garden tour as much as I did. :)
Master Cleanse 3--Day 3--a rough one
It looks as though I'll be posting the day after things have happened while on this 3rd Master Cleanse. I really wanted to write on the day of the Master Cleanse, while things are fresh in my mind, but I was utterly exhausted yesterday. It clearly was a case of adrenal fatigue. Let me tell you what happened.
It was such a beautiful day yesterday and, after chores in the morning, we all met in the garden to finish cleaning it off. The children picked the popcorn and Robert and I cleaned off the squashes and Robert carried most of them to the goats to be fed later. Cora went around and picked seeds from the marigolds and love-in-a-mist flowers so that we'll be able to have flowers next year no matter what happens to the economy.
The guys helped me assemble a fall display out by the old 2 bottom plow by the driveway. It was kind of funny that last year Cora helped me and now they did. It was pleasant to have them take an interest in my annual Fall project. We laughed that last Winter one of the cows got out and ate all of the corn stalks instead of running down the road. Is that why they were motivated to help me? Who knows but God. We run 90% of the time out of our subconscious minds where everything is a mystery.
Being Cora and I are on the Master Cleanse now we try not to watch the guys while they're eating. Cora shelled out the seeds while I read our newest Balentine book, THE YOUNG FUR TRADERS to the guys over lunch. My chapter was finished and they were still eating so I thought I'd hang out the load of laundry that was ready. When I work out in the garden, my hands always get so sore and chapped, so I put on some lotion before doing so.
The day was so lovely that my spirits were light as I headed out to the line the load. I was cheerfully hanging up some washcloths when I noticed a honeybee on the handle of the basket. Now you must remember that I had to have almost 750 bee stings to save my life when the shingles on my brain shut down my immune system. I was a little irritated to see the bee there but, "Oh well, the world is big enough for all of God's creatures," I thought and kept hanging up strain cloths.
However, when I turned back to the basket the next time, I noticed that there were 4 bees sitting on the cloths. "HMM," I thought, "what a weird place to hold a meeting."
I prayed for courage to put my hand into the basket and pulled out another washcloth. The bees buzzed a little at me, but I was still ok. The next time that I turned back for more wet things, I noticed that more bees had come and I started to feel a little nervous about grabbing something from the basket. Still, I thought, "This is ridiculous--they're minding their own business and I'll mind mine."
The problem came when they no longer decided to mind their own business. I took one more dishrag out of the basket and the bees got VERY interested in ME. They got all stirred up and one of them came over and landed on my leg. I screamed to the Lord for help and brushed him off of my leg with the dishrag. I was crying by then but the Lord helped me to see where it was in the grass. I stomped on him but noticed that other bees were coming towards me so I dropped the dishrag and ran for the house.
I was sobbing like mad when I got here, as a dam of old memories had broken loose, and I told Robert that the bees were after me. He went out then and I headed for my room totally unable to collect myself. I threw myself on my bed hysterical and begging God to help me. Slowly it registered that I had the tools to deal with this kind of trauma so I sat up and did BodyTalk's Active Memory procedure. By the time I had finished, I was about half calmed-down.
Then I felt the Lord urging me to do the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The concept was, "Even though I had to have bee stings to save my life, I still love, trust, and and accept God's will for my life." The phrase that got tapped into each acupuncture site was "BVT," which is bee venom therapy abbreviated.
This really calmed me down a lot and I did cortices after this and felt almost glad that it had happened. You see, I came to realize that I had all of that emotion tied up in bees. Bees reminded me of all the pain that I went through in 2006 with the shingles on my brain. I haven't been able to tolerate being that close to bees ever since and I guess God decided that it was time to release all of that pent-up anguish. WOW--IT WAS LIKE A TIDAL WAVE.
Well, after I was calmed down, I went outside with the boys to tell them how and where I wanted my tulip bulbs planted. I had every intention of helping them with the work as it was so lovely outside and I wanted to do the planting as it was my desire to carry on my grandmother's tradition of growing tulips.
Well, no sooner had I gotten down on my knees to work in the flower bed when a bee came straight up to me. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. I tried to ignore it like the first time, but when it came straight at my face, I freaked out. It landed on my hood and Jacob shooshed it away. Soon there were more bees coming at me again and then I had a flashback to when I had gone out to our hives to collect some bees in quart jars for the BVT. At that time, the bees landed on my netting over my cap and stung me through it.
I was glad that Jacob was nearby yesterday to help me back to the house as I was crying all over again. Jacob said to me, "You're going to have to get over this mom, cuz you can't live your whole life in the house." ):
Well, I did cortices again and started writing the post that I posted yesterday. Writing just always makes me feel better for some reason. I was glad that I had worked it through in the morning but why was I so upset when it happened again in the afternoon? This was the thought that I was trying to process as I wrote. I had just landed on this thought, "I guess the Lord just wanted me to get rid of all of that old emotional junk during the Master Cleanse. But why," I pondered, "did He have the bees go after me a second time when I had already worked through much of it?" I don't want to live in fear of bees all my life!!!!!!!!!!!
Just then Cora came in the house for she had been out picking more seeds from the garden. She asked me, "Mom, when did you put that lavender lotion on your hands? Could it be that the bees were attracted to the lotion that you'd put on? and did you put it on your face?"
YES--THAT WAS IT!!! I had just run out of my coconut oil hand lotion and switched to the lavender one. Right before I went out to the wash line, I'd put some on my hands and face and the bees must have thought that I smelled like the lavender blossoms. They went right for my hands and my face and the handle of the laundry basket.
Our hunch was confirmed when I brought in the laundry last night. There wasn't a single bee on any of the towels etc. hanging up there. They weren't after the laundry (new laundry detergent was our first guess). They really were after ME because I smelled like a flower!!!!!!!!
Now, you may think I'm a silly goose but I've come to see by thinking this through, that many emotions that I dealt with as I wondered if I would live or die were wrapped up in with the bee stings. I guess the Lord knew that I was now strong enough to let all of that go.
WOW--it was a terrible ordeal for me but now I am glad that it all came out instead of staying inside of me and keeping me fearful. I firmly believe that I needed to have taken Module 3 first so that I would understand how to process all of this emotion.
Later on I did a distance session with a lady who is VERY ill. Many of the links from Module 3 came up and I had a fresh understanding of what this lady is facing as she wonders if she will pull through or not. It's more than a little terrifying as you face this question, "I wonder if it's time for me to go to Heaven now?"
This is the same lady who did cranio-sacral therapy on me the week before I went to the health center. She is a Godly lady and I can very vividly recall her saying to me in September of 2006, "The Lord is telling me to tell you that if you don't rest for 2 or 3 weeks, you're not going to make it." She also said that day, "Who knows, maybe someday you will look back on this as the best thing that ever happened to you."
I recall throwing daggers at her then and she restated it this way, "Maybe someday you will be able to think of all of this pain in a good light in that it will help you to be able to understand what others are going through." Well, she was RIGHT!!! and yesterday I was able to be a blessing to her in return. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, half way through chores last night it hit me. It was the quickest case of adrenal fatigue I've ever experienced but my adrenals wore themselves out in that avalanche of emotions in the afternoon. I could hardly walk myself to the house and crawled in bed at 8:30. I slept like a rock with a peace that I may have never known if God hadn't released all of that old rubbish through use of those awful bees.
So, am I glad that it happened? Yes, but I'm still kind of shaky today so I would appreciate your prayers. Elizabeth, my BodyTalk practitioner, said that she'll work me into her busy schedule for she knows more than anybody how much I have been through in the past 3 years. Praise God for friends who pray and for friends who know how to do BodyTalk. Putting the 2 together is such an awesome combination that a person can't help but get fully well--which is my longest standing prayer request covering decades. Every day brings me a little bit closer! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was such a beautiful day yesterday and, after chores in the morning, we all met in the garden to finish cleaning it off. The children picked the popcorn and Robert and I cleaned off the squashes and Robert carried most of them to the goats to be fed later. Cora went around and picked seeds from the marigolds and love-in-a-mist flowers so that we'll be able to have flowers next year no matter what happens to the economy.
The guys helped me assemble a fall display out by the old 2 bottom plow by the driveway. It was kind of funny that last year Cora helped me and now they did. It was pleasant to have them take an interest in my annual Fall project. We laughed that last Winter one of the cows got out and ate all of the corn stalks instead of running down the road. Is that why they were motivated to help me? Who knows but God. We run 90% of the time out of our subconscious minds where everything is a mystery.
Being Cora and I are on the Master Cleanse now we try not to watch the guys while they're eating. Cora shelled out the seeds while I read our newest Balentine book, THE YOUNG FUR TRADERS to the guys over lunch. My chapter was finished and they were still eating so I thought I'd hang out the load of laundry that was ready. When I work out in the garden, my hands always get so sore and chapped, so I put on some lotion before doing so.
The day was so lovely that my spirits were light as I headed out to the line the load. I was cheerfully hanging up some washcloths when I noticed a honeybee on the handle of the basket. Now you must remember that I had to have almost 750 bee stings to save my life when the shingles on my brain shut down my immune system. I was a little irritated to see the bee there but, "Oh well, the world is big enough for all of God's creatures," I thought and kept hanging up strain cloths.
However, when I turned back to the basket the next time, I noticed that there were 4 bees sitting on the cloths. "HMM," I thought, "what a weird place to hold a meeting."
I prayed for courage to put my hand into the basket and pulled out another washcloth. The bees buzzed a little at me, but I was still ok. The next time that I turned back for more wet things, I noticed that more bees had come and I started to feel a little nervous about grabbing something from the basket. Still, I thought, "This is ridiculous--they're minding their own business and I'll mind mine."
The problem came when they no longer decided to mind their own business. I took one more dishrag out of the basket and the bees got VERY interested in ME. They got all stirred up and one of them came over and landed on my leg. I screamed to the Lord for help and brushed him off of my leg with the dishrag. I was crying by then but the Lord helped me to see where it was in the grass. I stomped on him but noticed that other bees were coming towards me so I dropped the dishrag and ran for the house.
I was sobbing like mad when I got here, as a dam of old memories had broken loose, and I told Robert that the bees were after me. He went out then and I headed for my room totally unable to collect myself. I threw myself on my bed hysterical and begging God to help me. Slowly it registered that I had the tools to deal with this kind of trauma so I sat up and did BodyTalk's Active Memory procedure. By the time I had finished, I was about half calmed-down.
Then I felt the Lord urging me to do the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The concept was, "Even though I had to have bee stings to save my life, I still love, trust, and and accept God's will for my life." The phrase that got tapped into each acupuncture site was "BVT," which is bee venom therapy abbreviated.
This really calmed me down a lot and I did cortices after this and felt almost glad that it had happened. You see, I came to realize that I had all of that emotion tied up in bees. Bees reminded me of all the pain that I went through in 2006 with the shingles on my brain. I haven't been able to tolerate being that close to bees ever since and I guess God decided that it was time to release all of that pent-up anguish. WOW--IT WAS LIKE A TIDAL WAVE.
Well, after I was calmed down, I went outside with the boys to tell them how and where I wanted my tulip bulbs planted. I had every intention of helping them with the work as it was so lovely outside and I wanted to do the planting as it was my desire to carry on my grandmother's tradition of growing tulips.
Well, no sooner had I gotten down on my knees to work in the flower bed when a bee came straight up to me. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. I tried to ignore it like the first time, but when it came straight at my face, I freaked out. It landed on my hood and Jacob shooshed it away. Soon there were more bees coming at me again and then I had a flashback to when I had gone out to our hives to collect some bees in quart jars for the BVT. At that time, the bees landed on my netting over my cap and stung me through it.
I was glad that Jacob was nearby yesterday to help me back to the house as I was crying all over again. Jacob said to me, "You're going to have to get over this mom, cuz you can't live your whole life in the house." ):
Well, I did cortices again and started writing the post that I posted yesterday. Writing just always makes me feel better for some reason. I was glad that I had worked it through in the morning but why was I so upset when it happened again in the afternoon? This was the thought that I was trying to process as I wrote. I had just landed on this thought, "I guess the Lord just wanted me to get rid of all of that old emotional junk during the Master Cleanse. But why," I pondered, "did He have the bees go after me a second time when I had already worked through much of it?" I don't want to live in fear of bees all my life!!!!!!!!!!!
Just then Cora came in the house for she had been out picking more seeds from the garden. She asked me, "Mom, when did you put that lavender lotion on your hands? Could it be that the bees were attracted to the lotion that you'd put on? and did you put it on your face?"
YES--THAT WAS IT!!! I had just run out of my coconut oil hand lotion and switched to the lavender one. Right before I went out to the wash line, I'd put some on my hands and face and the bees must have thought that I smelled like the lavender blossoms. They went right for my hands and my face and the handle of the laundry basket.
Our hunch was confirmed when I brought in the laundry last night. There wasn't a single bee on any of the towels etc. hanging up there. They weren't after the laundry (new laundry detergent was our first guess). They really were after ME because I smelled like a flower!!!!!!!!
Now, you may think I'm a silly goose but I've come to see by thinking this through, that many emotions that I dealt with as I wondered if I would live or die were wrapped up in with the bee stings. I guess the Lord knew that I was now strong enough to let all of that go.
WOW--it was a terrible ordeal for me but now I am glad that it all came out instead of staying inside of me and keeping me fearful. I firmly believe that I needed to have taken Module 3 first so that I would understand how to process all of this emotion.
Later on I did a distance session with a lady who is VERY ill. Many of the links from Module 3 came up and I had a fresh understanding of what this lady is facing as she wonders if she will pull through or not. It's more than a little terrifying as you face this question, "I wonder if it's time for me to go to Heaven now?"
This is the same lady who did cranio-sacral therapy on me the week before I went to the health center. She is a Godly lady and I can very vividly recall her saying to me in September of 2006, "The Lord is telling me to tell you that if you don't rest for 2 or 3 weeks, you're not going to make it." She also said that day, "Who knows, maybe someday you will look back on this as the best thing that ever happened to you."
I recall throwing daggers at her then and she restated it this way, "Maybe someday you will be able to think of all of this pain in a good light in that it will help you to be able to understand what others are going through." Well, she was RIGHT!!! and yesterday I was able to be a blessing to her in return. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, half way through chores last night it hit me. It was the quickest case of adrenal fatigue I've ever experienced but my adrenals wore themselves out in that avalanche of emotions in the afternoon. I could hardly walk myself to the house and crawled in bed at 8:30. I slept like a rock with a peace that I may have never known if God hadn't released all of that old rubbish through use of those awful bees.
So, am I glad that it happened? Yes, but I'm still kind of shaky today so I would appreciate your prayers. Elizabeth, my BodyTalk practitioner, said that she'll work me into her busy schedule for she knows more than anybody how much I have been through in the past 3 years. Praise God for friends who pray and for friends who know how to do BodyTalk. Putting the 2 together is such an awesome combination that a person can't help but get fully well--which is my longest standing prayer request covering decades. Every day brings me a little bit closer! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Master Cleasne 3--Day 2
Yesterday was as unexpectedly pleasant as today was unexpectedly UNPLEASANT (more on that later). We went to Eureka to see my dad yesterday, as it was the Sabbath day, and Robert wasn't trucking. The weather was fairly nice; we got the camper safely to the pavement by Kintyre without breaking out the back window in the van (driving 10 mph); and we found the apples as wonderful as usual.
I confess right now that I ate one. I'm on the part of the cleanse now where you don't eat ANY solid foods but drink the lemonade, or herbal teas, or kombucha continually. However, after we'd been picking awhile, Andrew reached down and picked a gorgeous specimen of an apple off the ground and began delighting his taste buds. I prayed a LOT right then and had perfect resolve to stand my ground. However, suddenly I just WANTED to mark the Sabbath day as more special than all others so I too helped myself to the abundant supply.
However, Jacob told me that when the Bartlett's young men were here for the shoot, Jonathan ate ALL of the apple. It reminded me of the NORY RYAN STORY which we listened to on talking books a few years ago about the Irish potato famine. In that story, an old woman and 2 children shared an old, wiggly apple and it was a FEAST. The ate all of it so I told myself, "OK Dawn, if you're going to eat an apple, you're going to eat all of it." I've tried this before but couldn't get down the stem. However, just in case anyone is interested, I lumped the stem in with the seeds and core and it went down just fine. I think that I may even have enjoyed it as much as that trio did in the NORY RYAN STORY.
Anyway, after we picked the apples and parked the camper in the shed again, I went in the house as dad had gotten out his rider mower to break up the leaves with. I got a great idea for his 80th birthday in December when I saw that my brother, Rick, had given him a photo album full of pictures of my parents with his family taken over the years.
While I was looking at the pictures, my dad came in and we started talking about BodyTalk--what a coincidence. He can't stand it that he can hardly walk so I offered him a session and he accepted. That's the part that was the unexpected pleasure. It was a great session and very bonding. I do believe that he'll be able to walk somewhat better from that session.
Then we went to Robert's folk's place and watched the men eat spaghetti with Marly. She gave us a very nice anniversary gift of some huge, blue towels; some neat hot pads; AND a wonderful plaque with words from the love chapter in the Bible. It is very attractive so my hug was true and not one of those, "How could you have?"
Marly gave us a special gift right before we left. I'll have to take a picture of it to post later. It was the nut cup that we used at our wedding on the head tables. The ones of ours that I had saved burnt in our house fire shortly after we got married, so this was truly special. She said that she still thinks about lightening her load of "Stuff" in case they have to move to Bismarck for health reasons. I was very happy that she shared that particular item with us although it wasn't very heavy as it was made out of Styrofoam, 2 plastic rings, and a plastic nut bowl.
We came home rather late but with the van smelling once again of the very best apples in the world. We did chores and I hit the pillow with a sigh of contentment. Dad is keeping the house clean; he only cried half of the time that we were there; and our van is full of wonderful apples. As Miss Jen would say, "SIGH."
Out to the barn. I'll try to write about today yet tonight but we'll see how tired I am. Today was a very trying day and I covet your prayers. Thanks a million for all of them for the trip to Eureka to go well--they really helped.
I confess right now that I ate one. I'm on the part of the cleanse now where you don't eat ANY solid foods but drink the lemonade, or herbal teas, or kombucha continually. However, after we'd been picking awhile, Andrew reached down and picked a gorgeous specimen of an apple off the ground and began delighting his taste buds. I prayed a LOT right then and had perfect resolve to stand my ground. However, suddenly I just WANTED to mark the Sabbath day as more special than all others so I too helped myself to the abundant supply.
However, Jacob told me that when the Bartlett's young men were here for the shoot, Jonathan ate ALL of the apple. It reminded me of the NORY RYAN STORY which we listened to on talking books a few years ago about the Irish potato famine. In that story, an old woman and 2 children shared an old, wiggly apple and it was a FEAST. The ate all of it so I told myself, "OK Dawn, if you're going to eat an apple, you're going to eat all of it." I've tried this before but couldn't get down the stem. However, just in case anyone is interested, I lumped the stem in with the seeds and core and it went down just fine. I think that I may even have enjoyed it as much as that trio did in the NORY RYAN STORY.
Anyway, after we picked the apples and parked the camper in the shed again, I went in the house as dad had gotten out his rider mower to break up the leaves with. I got a great idea for his 80th birthday in December when I saw that my brother, Rick, had given him a photo album full of pictures of my parents with his family taken over the years.
While I was looking at the pictures, my dad came in and we started talking about BodyTalk--what a coincidence. He can't stand it that he can hardly walk so I offered him a session and he accepted. That's the part that was the unexpected pleasure. It was a great session and very bonding. I do believe that he'll be able to walk somewhat better from that session.
Then we went to Robert's folk's place and watched the men eat spaghetti with Marly. She gave us a very nice anniversary gift of some huge, blue towels; some neat hot pads; AND a wonderful plaque with words from the love chapter in the Bible. It is very attractive so my hug was true and not one of those, "How could you have?"
Marly gave us a special gift right before we left. I'll have to take a picture of it to post later. It was the nut cup that we used at our wedding on the head tables. The ones of ours that I had saved burnt in our house fire shortly after we got married, so this was truly special. She said that she still thinks about lightening her load of "Stuff" in case they have to move to Bismarck for health reasons. I was very happy that she shared that particular item with us although it wasn't very heavy as it was made out of Styrofoam, 2 plastic rings, and a plastic nut bowl.
We came home rather late but with the van smelling once again of the very best apples in the world. We did chores and I hit the pillow with a sigh of contentment. Dad is keeping the house clean; he only cried half of the time that we were there; and our van is full of wonderful apples. As Miss Jen would say, "SIGH."
Out to the barn. I'll try to write about today yet tonight but we'll see how tired I am. Today was a very trying day and I covet your prayers. Thanks a million for all of them for the trip to Eureka to go well--they really helped.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Revised with added pictures:Master Cleanse 3-Day 1
It's so nice that Cora is blogging too so that she covers our daily events. This is a blessing at times when I am aching to write, but just don't find the time. I noticed that she had a very long title to her post last night, so I thought of doing that too as I have many things that I'd like to briefly highlight from the past week. However, I'm not sure that they would all fit in the title box, so I'll just summarize here.
I have been wanting to tell you all that I am once again doing the Master Cleanse. Cora called me last Friday up in Bismarck and said, "Mom, could you pick up the supplies for the Master Cleanse as I'd like to do it before the wedding?" I was thrilled as I've been meaning to get going on it again but things just didn't seem to be working out for a 3 week commitment. I do the cleanse itself for 15 days, but you need 3 days to work your way into it and 3 days coming out of it to get your body used to eating solids again. Anyway, hearing Cora's enthusiasm was just what I needed and I cheerfully replied, "Oh good, I'll do it with you!"
We started the 3 day preperatory part on on Tuesday so yesterday was the first full day of the cleanse. This morning, when I weighed myself, I wasn't expecting much. However, I was TRULY OVERJOYED. I broke the barrier that was in my mind which ended where I left off after the last cleanse. I've been pretty proud of myself to have kept my weight within 3 pounds of there ever since the end of MC 2. However, I didn't think I could go beyond that for some reason and now I am up and running again. I'm not looking forward to going to Eureka today and not eating but that's just the way it is. Now that I've begun, I'm not stopping NO MATTER WHAT!!! Cora said that she's lost 5 pounds already, so we're both excited here this morning.
More news of the week is that I have another new passion. Andrew gave Robert and I the DVD, THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM, for an anniversary gift. I'll probably write a whole post about this soon, as it is totally AWESOME. Jacob and I are going to the website now for science class to get the details and there is tons of information on it. I urge you all to go to: http://www.bethlehemstarmovie.com/ for the thrill of your life. You'll see how the planets and stars recorded the birth of Christ and also his death and resurrection. GOD IS SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!
This week Jacob and I also sat down and wrote a contract out concerning school which we both signed. I felt like I needed to get more of a teamwork concept going here. It has helped so much and we accomplished TONS in our schooling because we're unified by our contract. I highly recommend it with your older children. We're going to cover subjects, with a bent towards the areas that he is mostly interested in and he said, "This is going to be the best school year ever!" You have no idea how excited I was to hear those words!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, now that Andrew isn't in formal school any more he blessed us with repairs in the house. He totally rebuilt my zapper into a cool whip container and soldered it in so that he doesn't have to fix it every time the wires come loose. I just don't feel well if I miss zapping for a few days so it will be a great blessing not to have to fight with that thing anymore. I tried to be careful with my shoe box zapper, but it just took a little tap and the wires came off. Thanks so much for my new zapper, Andrew. Here he is seen preparing the wire for soldering.
"Here you go, Mom! A brand new zapper!"
"How can I ever thank you enough, Andrew?"
"Just get healthy and STAY that way, Mom!" No, he didn't actually say those words but I know what he was thinking. Can't you just see it on his face? :)
Andrew also fixed the turbo oven (my microwave replacement) and he and Robert got the mystery of the washing machine solved. Unfortunately, that will take more money until that wonder worker is working the way that it's supposed to. It's nice that one of the problems with it is solved though.
I also want to say a great big, "Thank you" to Robert for replacing my kitchen sink faucet!!! Anyone who has ever lived with a dripping faucet in their sink for months will know the blessing that this is. Thanks sweetie!!!!!!! In this picture Robert and Jacob are checking out their work. YEAH--NO DRIPS!!!!!!
It was an exciting BodyTalk week for me as I brought the new information from Module 3 into my sessions. It meant looking in the book a lot, which is kind of humbling, but like Cora said, "Well Mom, you've never had this information before, so give yourself a break." Good advice, Cora, so Thank you.
I also started working with a new client this week so things are moving forward with my BT business which I've named, "LINKS TO HEALING." This means that when we link up the organs, endocrines, body parts, and energies that have become weakened due to stress, healing naturally follows. Praise God that we are made in his image to be healthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week I also began sharing Clara's BodyTalk session reports on my sidebar. I probably won't post her session report on Sabbath, as that seems a lot like work to me, but you can look for it on the work days of the week. My goal here is to give you all a little idea of how BodyTalk works. I am aching to take Animal Access class, which takes 3 days, but so far it hasn't come to our area and I am loathe to travel. I really do need more information, though, if I am to give my animal sessions all that they could be. I mean, I know where an animal's head, spine, and legs are--but where in the world are their organs, endocrines, and other body parts?????? I just love that BT has so much to offer that I'll never stop learning.
I'm sorry that this is so brief, but we're heading to Eureka today to see my dad; take back the camper; and pick the last of the apples. Please pray for me as it's always been a pain to go to Eureka. Now that my mom is gone, there's a lot less stress, but still I have dad to deal with. He cries every time he sees me, as he says that I look like mom, so that is stressful. Still, as long as the Lord keeps telling me to go, I will go with the prayer that dad will feel God's love flowing through me/us to him. Maybe someday dad will want to know the love of God for himself, but if not, then there is nothing that I can do about it. I just have to accept that he has chosen the path that he wants and, if he doesn't choose to get off of it and come into the loving family of God, then he will have to suffer the consequences. This is the hardest lesson of life that I have ever had to learn but it really is quite freeing. Coveting your prayers!!!
Sabbath blessings to all,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Onions score again
I just love sharing alternative health tips with you that come into my life. I figure if even one person tries something simple, instead of running to the doctor, that's one more person with a whole lot more money in their pocket to do good with in the world.
You may recall how I used onions in the late summer months when I found lumps growing in my breasts. Within a week they were gone. Someone said to me at that time, "That must be rather stinky." I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!! WHO CARES IF THERE ARE STINKY, SMELLY ONIONS ON MY BODY SUCKING OUT POISONS AND TUMORS AND SUCH?????????? WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE PAIN AND FEAR AND RISK LOSING YOUR BREAST????????? NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here is another onion tip that my aunt just sent me. Seeing as I am a STRONG opponent of the flu shot, it just seems natural to ask, "But what if you get the flu?" I do have several items in my arsenal to answer that question, but none as simple as this. I urge you to read this short forward and set out an onion or two. I'm going to and, if you do too, then we can compare notes next Spring. :)
In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor who visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their families had contracted it and many had died.
The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone in the family was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then).
The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions. The farmer's wife gave him one which he took home and put under his microscope. When he did this, he found the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.
Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. She concluded that it must work. (And no, she is not in the onion business.)
The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens.
We did it last year and we never got the flu. If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case. Either way, you're a lot better off. What have you got to lose? Just a few bucks spent on buying onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better yet, grow your own and the remedy will cost you almost nothing.
You may recall how I used onions in the late summer months when I found lumps growing in my breasts. Within a week they were gone. Someone said to me at that time, "That must be rather stinky." I couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!! WHO CARES IF THERE ARE STINKY, SMELLY ONIONS ON MY BODY SUCKING OUT POISONS AND TUMORS AND SUCH?????????? WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE THE PAIN AND FEAR AND RISK LOSING YOUR BREAST????????? NOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, here is another onion tip that my aunt just sent me. Seeing as I am a STRONG opponent of the flu shot, it just seems natural to ask, "But what if you get the flu?" I do have several items in my arsenal to answer that question, but none as simple as this. I urge you to read this short forward and set out an onion or two. I'm going to and, if you do too, then we can compare notes next Spring. :)
In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor who visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu. Many of the farmers and their families had contracted it and many had died.
The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone in the family was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different, the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then).
The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions. The farmer's wife gave him one which he took home and put under his microscope. When he did this, he found the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.
Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. She concluded that it must work. (And no, she is not in the onion business.)
The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens.
We did it last year and we never got the flu. If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case. Either way, you're a lot better off. What have you got to lose? Just a few bucks spent on buying onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better yet, grow your own and the remedy will cost you almost nothing.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New Feature on my blog
Hi everyone,
I have been trying to come up with a way to let you, dear readers, start to get a basic understanding of how BodyTalk works. This morning when I was giving Clara (my Brown Swiss milk cow) her daily BodyTalk session, after I finished milking her, the answer lept into my mind.
I will post Clara's daily session reports on my blog. I had Andrew set up the new gadget for me as he is such a wizz at these things. I guess I'll have to start writing down the links then, but I'd really like to help you start to grasp the beauty of the BodyTalk system. Being Clara usually gets 1 or 2 BT sessions every day, the sessions are pretty short and that makes them easy to fiigure out--I HOPE!!! If you ever have any questions about them, feel free to ask them. I'd be happy to answer the questions to the best of my ability.
With a drumroll now, I urge you to check out the addition to my sidebar named, "Clara's Daily Session." By reading these reports I hope that you will be able to start getting a grasp on what a BT session is like and why it is able to do such miracles.
When our shoot bosses were here, I found something was buried in my subconsious that I had no idea was there. I was telling them about my deep affection for my cow when out came these words, "One of my goals is to have the oldest cow in the world." By doing these sessions on her daily, I have seen her spirits lift and she eats better. Even though my girl is almost 14 years old, she looks pretty wonderful to me and I intend to do all that I can to keep her that way.
Please join me in observing the process.
I have been trying to come up with a way to let you, dear readers, start to get a basic understanding of how BodyTalk works. This morning when I was giving Clara (my Brown Swiss milk cow) her daily BodyTalk session, after I finished milking her, the answer lept into my mind.
I will post Clara's daily session reports on my blog. I had Andrew set up the new gadget for me as he is such a wizz at these things. I guess I'll have to start writing down the links then, but I'd really like to help you start to grasp the beauty of the BodyTalk system. Being Clara usually gets 1 or 2 BT sessions every day, the sessions are pretty short and that makes them easy to fiigure out--I HOPE!!! If you ever have any questions about them, feel free to ask them. I'd be happy to answer the questions to the best of my ability.
With a drumroll now, I urge you to check out the addition to my sidebar named, "Clara's Daily Session." By reading these reports I hope that you will be able to start getting a grasp on what a BT session is like and why it is able to do such miracles.
When our shoot bosses were here, I found something was buried in my subconsious that I had no idea was there. I was telling them about my deep affection for my cow when out came these words, "One of my goals is to have the oldest cow in the world." By doing these sessions on her daily, I have seen her spirits lift and she eats better. Even though my girl is almost 14 years old, she looks pretty wonderful to me and I intend to do all that I can to keep her that way.
Please join me in observing the process.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Lessons learned during Module 3
I just completed my very first upper level module in BodyTalk which was held this weekend at the Doublewood Inn in Bismarck. It's called (drum roll.............) Module 3. TALK ABOUT A SPIRITUALLY UPLIFTING EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!!!! I learned so many more techniques to help my clients with, but the spiritual lessons were even more profound. I'll share one of them at the end of this post and as they come to the surface in the weeks ahead.
The class was held in Room #114. As all of our classes have been held either in Room # 106 or Room #114 at the Doublewood, these places are like chapels to me. So many times God has met me there as I struggled to grasp something deeper than I could imagine. Then, when I gave up, He shone through with the light and my life was enriched again. This has happened over and over in BodyTalk--both during my training and during my sessions. As I desire to understand God even more, He reaches out and takes me in His arms and opens my mind to the wonders of His creation and His creatures. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Here we're getting the room set up. Everyone brought their massage tables and covered them with a clean sheet; a blanket; and a pillow. The tables were also our desks where we put our books on so they served a dual purpose. I was happy that I'd set mine up in the front of the room as it was the table that got used throughout the weekend for our instructor to do her demonstration sessions on. As you get into working with energy healing, you realize that energies are everywhere. Either they're good or they're bad and I prefer to have lots of good energies around me constantly. Although things aren't living, and therefore don't have energy of their own, MY memories of the class healing sessions taking place on my table will serve to bring positive memories to me every time I use my table from now on. Thanks, Lord, for that added blessing!
In this first picture you can see my BT practitioner, Elizabeth Hanson, in the green blouse at the front of the room. She was the coordinator for the class and took care of the arrangements for the weekend. If it weren't for her willingness to coordinate for us, the class just wouldn't take place. THANKS AGAIN ELIZABETH!
There were 15 ladies taking the class. Adding in Elizabeth and Dr. Shields who taught the class, there were 17 of us in that room for 2 and a half days. I hope that every one of you will get to experience such an event sometime as it is truly incredible what can happen when 17 people get in the same room with the desire to let God help them become all that they are meant to be on this earth. Masks fall off and true friendships develop that last a lifetime. These are "MY" people--meaning that they've taken the steps necessary to let God heal them of their "Rights" one by one. You may know which rights I'm referring to--the right to stay sick; the right to be a grump; the right to push people away from you; the right to be selfish--that sort of thing. We all do have those rights, because God will not force His healing on anyone, but I have to ask myself, "Why would I want to insist upon such rights?"
We usually only have a big class like this once a year in Bismarck. Being we come from all over the state, this may be the only time that we see each other in the year. Old friends start their weekend together in a warm embrace. The good news is that the BodyTalk family is growing so maybe we'll be able to have more of the upper modules in Bismarck as time goes on.
Dr. Mary Shields was our instructor for the weekend.
Here Elizabeth is writing out the formulas. In BodyTalk we link up things that have become disconnected due to stress--it's that simple. Well, when we're learning new things, it helps to see the links on paper so somebody was writing up the sessions all weekend. I might add that BodyTalk is so precise that there are collage level classes in BT. I have a looooong way to go.
Here Dr. Shields is working on Donna Berger, my aunt who first brought BT to North Dakota.
The class was held in Room #114. As all of our classes have been held either in Room # 106 or Room #114 at the Doublewood, these places are like chapels to me. So many times God has met me there as I struggled to grasp something deeper than I could imagine. Then, when I gave up, He shone through with the light and my life was enriched again. This has happened over and over in BodyTalk--both during my training and during my sessions. As I desire to understand God even more, He reaches out and takes me in His arms and opens my mind to the wonders of His creation and His creatures. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
Here we're getting the room set up. Everyone brought their massage tables and covered them with a clean sheet; a blanket; and a pillow. The tables were also our desks where we put our books on so they served a dual purpose. I was happy that I'd set mine up in the front of the room as it was the table that got used throughout the weekend for our instructor to do her demonstration sessions on. As you get into working with energy healing, you realize that energies are everywhere. Either they're good or they're bad and I prefer to have lots of good energies around me constantly. Although things aren't living, and therefore don't have energy of their own, MY memories of the class healing sessions taking place on my table will serve to bring positive memories to me every time I use my table from now on. Thanks, Lord, for that added blessing!
In this first picture you can see my BT practitioner, Elizabeth Hanson, in the green blouse at the front of the room. She was the coordinator for the class and took care of the arrangements for the weekend. If it weren't for her willingness to coordinate for us, the class just wouldn't take place. THANKS AGAIN ELIZABETH!
There were 15 ladies taking the class. Adding in Elizabeth and Dr. Shields who taught the class, there were 17 of us in that room for 2 and a half days. I hope that every one of you will get to experience such an event sometime as it is truly incredible what can happen when 17 people get in the same room with the desire to let God help them become all that they are meant to be on this earth. Masks fall off and true friendships develop that last a lifetime. These are "MY" people--meaning that they've taken the steps necessary to let God heal them of their "Rights" one by one. You may know which rights I'm referring to--the right to stay sick; the right to be a grump; the right to push people away from you; the right to be selfish--that sort of thing. We all do have those rights, because God will not force His healing on anyone, but I have to ask myself, "Why would I want to insist upon such rights?"
We usually only have a big class like this once a year in Bismarck. Being we come from all over the state, this may be the only time that we see each other in the year. Old friends start their weekend together in a warm embrace. The good news is that the BodyTalk family is growing so maybe we'll be able to have more of the upper modules in Bismarck as time goes on.
Dr. Mary Shields was our instructor for the weekend.
Here Elizabeth is writing out the formulas. In BodyTalk we link up things that have become disconnected due to stress--it's that simple. Well, when we're learning new things, it helps to see the links on paper so somebody was writing up the sessions all weekend. I might add that BodyTalk is so precise that there are collage level classes in BT. I have a looooong way to go.
Here Dr. Shields is working on Donna Berger, my aunt who first brought BT to North Dakota.
Sunday morning, the ladies met in the lobby as Dr. Shields was working on a client and we found ourselves locked out of the room. No matter, we've had lots of good memories in the lobby too as we often hold our once a month practice sessions in the lobby when Elizabeth is in town. Ava, Donna, & Marilyn visiting in front of the fireplace--soon they'll have fires going in it!
Here are 2 of my favorite people in the whole world. My adopted sister, Ellen, and my friend of 20 years, Bell, visiting before class on Sunday morning. Bell and I are both going to test next month when Melanie is back in town. Ellen got certified when Melanie was here in July. She said that she'd be happy to help Bell and I study. That sounded soooooooooo good.
Marilyn, Cheryl, and Dee in the back of the room. Whenever it got hot or stuffy in the room, these ladies opened that back window until they got chilled out. I thought a few times, I should be sitting back there as I had forgotten to take my Vitex (for the hot flashes) and was roasting. I prefer to sit up front, though, so that I don't have to wear my glasses all of the time. It's just so much easier to see the sessions too.
Here is what we looked like after frying our brains for 3 days together. Not bad, huh? The reason for that is that we are continually getting sessions from each other throughout the class period. We all got one session from the instructor too. Everyone in the front row (except the second from the right) is one of my partners at the North Dakota BodyTalk center. Ellen is the 5th one of us and is behind Bell at the foot of the stairs. It is absolutely amazing to go through this kind of experience with my partners in business--super bonding.
Well, I always let the Lord lead my posts and it is interesting to me too how he brings in different resources. While we were doing dishes just now, we were talking about our plans for our family to work up an Andy Griffeth show this Winter. I'd be Aunt Bee, of course. Well, we were discussing which one we'd like to produce when somebody said, "How about, MAN IN A HURRY?
From there we got to talking about Gomer Pyle, who played in that episode, and everyone was laughing at him. I asked my children, "But have you ever heard him sing for real?" Nobody had and I said that they should look it up on U tube sometime. We were almost done with dishes when I heard that Robert had brought up some of Jim Nabor's songs from the past. When he played TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM, I just knew that I needed to include that song in this post.
PLEASE TAKE A FEW MOMENTS TO LISTEN TO THIS INCREDIBLE SONG AND THIS INCREDIBLE MAN. We have kept the children from watching the re-runs from the Gomer Pyle show because I can't stand how cruelly he is treated by his boss. I actually can't stand his boss but, if you watch carefully you can see that they show the old grump start to smile as he listened to Gomer's singing. Isn't it amazing how powerful a song can be? Well, that's how powerful and life-changing a BodyTalk session can be too!!!
As I ponder this connection between BT and this song, I see that the dream that I have is that everyone that I love will open up their mind to having BodyTalk sessions--from someone else if not from me. So much healing is available and God would have everyone healed, but people close their minds to it because they have grown so accustomed to wearing their masks of "Tough," "Independent", and "Better."
In class this weekend, Dr. Shields shared an incredible illustration which helped me to see how I have been harmed by wearing these and many other masks throughout my life. I'll share it with you now with a prayer that my words will be as clear as Mary's were so that you all can be blessed as I was.
There was a hand and there was a glove. The hand put on the glove and went out to work. As the day began, the glove stopped a nosebleed for a child and suddenly it wasn't clean anymore. The blood that remained on the glove bothered the glove, but the hand didn't seem to notice.
Later on in the day, the hand helped a man by the side of the road whose car had stopped. The glove got some grease on it but the hand didn't seem to notice that it upset the glove to be "Dirty" and it just went along helping people.
At rush hour, the hand helped a little, old lady cross the road because it had just rained and the street was slippery. Just as the Grannie reached the safety of the other side, the glove accidentally slid off the hand and fell in the mud.
This really irritated the glove but when the hand went into the glove again, peace came over it as it knew that it really had been doing a whole lot of good that day. After all, a glove can do nothing without a hand anyway. :)
Mary said, "God is the hand and we are the glove. God decides what we are to do every day and what we are to be in our lives. God is the one in charge and, as long as we let Him, He can use us every day to accomplish His purposes of doing good upon the earth. " Isn't that beautiful?
I pray that you will ponder this illustration and rejoice, as I am while I write this, to be a glove on the hand of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen? Only on the hand of the King, will I ever be the godly woman that I dream of being to EVERYONE that I meet.
Will you dream with me? If you're not sure even now, I propose that you listen to Jim Nabor's rendition of TO DREAM THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM that I've included here!!!!!!!! It's not up to us to decide what we'll be folks, it's up to God! He is more than willing to let His love flow through us to the hurting world all around us every day. Will you let Him put His hand into your life today?
I'm off to do a session on my newest client. His name is Colton and he's 9 years old. Colton has been sick all of his life and, Praise God, he found his way to BodyTalk. I'll have to see how many new links come up from what I learned this weekend. Can you tell that I just LOVE doing BodyTalk and being a part of the BodyTalk family?
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