WOW--it's been a great morning here so far! We've been trying to get last year's oats sold organically all winter to this mill in Iowa that we've sold to before. They didn't ever need any but now they said that they'll take a sample as they're running low!!! This is VERY good news as our money is running low too. :) Please pray that they will take it, as their price is better than the elevator's, and we need all of the help that we can get!!!!
The other good news is that I had a fantastic session with Elizabeth this morning!!!!! She really feels that it will be life changing in a BIG way!!! You know that my back has been killing me ever since I fell in the barn 6 days ago. It just seemed strange that it wasn't responding well to all that I was doing for it. Yesterday morning then, when I had this thought, "Maybe a session with Elizabeth will help," I emailed her but had doubts that I could get in on such short notice.
Well, isn't it a coincidence that this is the one week that she hadn't lined up clients because of her crazy schedule with her family activities? She worked me in this morning and I will ALWAYS remember this session. Elizabeth herself said that she felt tingling during most of the session (which is unusual) so she knew that the Lord was doing a BIG THING FOR ME!!!
It all had to do with my relationship with my mom. I really feel that this healing could not have happened while she was still alive, as I was just so controlled by her. I learned that lower back pain, which I've had most of my life, is caused by feelings of insecurity and feeling trapped. Sexual abuse is also linked with this so the pain I've felt there probably isn't just from my broken tailbone incidents.
The first formula was very short. First of all we went into a body chemistry concept, "I have had no support in life." Can you see why this would hurt my back as our skeleton supports our bodies? This linked to the lymph in the spleen which sweeps away our negative emotions. This linked to the male energy of having strength to live my life. If you put all of these together you get this. My body/mind wanted to sweep away this concept that I have nobody supporting me in life and link it up to the male energy that I will need to learn to NURTURE MYSELF. This is something that I have been starting to get a glimpse at--the concept that I SHOULD TAKE CARE OF MYSELF BECAUSE I AM NO LONGER A CHILD. Also, just because nobody did it for me when I was little does not mean that I am not supposed to do it for me now. I never knew that I mattered enough to anybody to think that I am special!! I never knew that I AM SUPPOSED TO PLACE ME AS A PRIORITY IN MY LIFE--IT WAS ALWAYS JUST GIVE, GIVE, GIVE FOR OTHER'S PLEASURE!!! IT'S PRETTY NEAT TO THINK THAT IT'S OK TO VALUE MYSELF JUST A LITTLE BIT! If you had parents/family who loved you when you were growing up, you may have to shake your heads at this, but these are the patterns that I learned growing up in a really dysfunctional family.
The second formula was even more fantastic. There was a fragmented matrix in the L2 vertebra which left me stuck in my childhood pain emotionally and stuck with physical pain too. Matrices are things that we build for ourselves to help us cope with life in difficult situations. They work at the time to help us survive but become dysfunctional as our life changes. For instance, most people would frown at me if I showed up at their house sucking my thumb but it's ok when we're children. This was linked to a concept that I need to feel guilty if I say that what other's are doing to me hurts me or if I "Judge" them for abusing me. Can you see how this kept me in the silence which surrounds all incest victims and victims of many other kinds of abuse?
This linked to my stomach which energetically represents my "Digesting" what life throws at me. This linked to ALL of my belief systems and ALL of my emotions. What this says is that this concept that I felt guilty for defending myself from their abuses was affecting EVERY belief and every emotion that I have ever had!!!!
Then the body wanted to unhook all of the neuropeptides within all of the connective tissue of my body. Elizabeth explained that from the book MOLECULES OF EMOTIONS (which I will try to locate soon), she learned that emotions flow through the body naturally. They are to be digested by sharing them with someone who loves us so that they move out through our tears, sweat, and urine. However when there is nobody to talk to about something traumatic, the emotions store in the body as neuropeptides which cause physical pain over time. Elizabeth unhooked these so that I can release all of the negative emotions that I have stored up since the incest.
This whole formula had a definition of the small intestine meridian which she learned was obstructed since I was a child. By opening this up and applying it to the whole formula I will benefit by being able to develop discernment about nurturing myself. By learning how to care for myself, I will be able to grow into the person that I am meant to be!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!!!!!!
I learned that the symptoms of a constructed small intestine meridian are:bloating, gas, constipation, moodiness, pessimism, sighing often, PMS, melancholy, and excessive consumption of raw and cold foods. WOW, when I think about that list there are very few of these that don't describe my whole life. Do you see why Elizabeth and I both feel that this is a session that will totally change my life? There is no longer a reason to remain a victim just to please my mother. There is no longer a reason to "Keep my mouth shut to keep the family shame a secret." Can you imagine how freeing this is for me???????????????
Well, I got some homework. Elizabeth said that for the next 2 weeks or so, the old me will be releasing the old concepts such as, "You don't deserve to express yourself," or "Who do you think that you are to take 10 minutes to write in your blog anyway?" or "Don't you know that there is work to be done--how dare you do a BodyTalk session on yourself in the middle of the day--you're not THAT sick anymore?"
I know that she's right for it's happened twice already since the session and it's only been a few hours. Well, each time I become aware of a self-defeating concept like that, I MUST do cortices.
Cortices links the 2 sides of the brain to work as a unit. People have come out of comas; been saved from death at automobile wrecks; recovered from shingles on the brain... by doing cortices regularly. I guess I'll be doing a lot of cortices in the next few weeks because I have felt, for a few hours now, the joy of what it feels like to know that I am worthy of my own self-love!!! WHAT A SESSION AND WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY IT'S BEEN SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would appreciate if you would keep me in your prayers as I move into becoming the Dawn that God always knew that I would be!!!
After I did cortices immediately following the session, I broke out into praise to the Lord. Suddenly it entered my mind for the first time in my life that I WILL GET TOTALLY WELL--TOTALLY WELL. That is my birthright and I'm going after it today and every day for the rest of my days on earth. PRAISE THE LORD!!! PRAISE YE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The other good news is that I had a fantastic session with Elizabeth this morning!!!!! She really feels that it will be life changing in a BIG way!!! You know that my back has been killing me ever since I fell in the barn 6 days ago. It just seemed strange that it wasn't responding well to all that I was doing for it. Yesterday morning then, when I had this thought, "Maybe a session with Elizabeth will help," I emailed her but had doubts that I could get in on such short notice.
Well, isn't it a coincidence that this is the one week that she hadn't lined up clients because of her crazy schedule with her family activities? She worked me in this morning and I will ALWAYS remember this session. Elizabeth herself said that she felt tingling during most of the session (which is unusual) so she knew that the Lord was doing a BIG THING FOR ME!!!
It all had to do with my relationship with my mom. I really feel that this healing could not have happened while she was still alive, as I was just so controlled by her. I learned that lower back pain, which I've had most of my life, is caused by feelings of insecurity and feeling trapped. Sexual abuse is also linked with this so the pain I've felt there probably isn't just from my broken tailbone incidents.
The first formula was very short. First of all we went into a body chemistry concept, "I have had no support in life." Can you see why this would hurt my back as our skeleton supports our bodies? This linked to the lymph in the spleen which sweeps away our negative emotions. This linked to the male energy of having strength to live my life. If you put all of these together you get this. My body/mind wanted to sweep away this concept that I have nobody supporting me in life and link it up to the male energy that I will need to learn to NURTURE MYSELF. This is something that I have been starting to get a glimpse at--the concept that I SHOULD TAKE CARE OF MYSELF BECAUSE I AM NO LONGER A CHILD. Also, just because nobody did it for me when I was little does not mean that I am not supposed to do it for me now. I never knew that I mattered enough to anybody to think that I am special!! I never knew that I AM SUPPOSED TO PLACE ME AS A PRIORITY IN MY LIFE--IT WAS ALWAYS JUST GIVE, GIVE, GIVE FOR OTHER'S PLEASURE!!! IT'S PRETTY NEAT TO THINK THAT IT'S OK TO VALUE MYSELF JUST A LITTLE BIT! If you had parents/family who loved you when you were growing up, you may have to shake your heads at this, but these are the patterns that I learned growing up in a really dysfunctional family.
The second formula was even more fantastic. There was a fragmented matrix in the L2 vertebra which left me stuck in my childhood pain emotionally and stuck with physical pain too. Matrices are things that we build for ourselves to help us cope with life in difficult situations. They work at the time to help us survive but become dysfunctional as our life changes. For instance, most people would frown at me if I showed up at their house sucking my thumb but it's ok when we're children. This was linked to a concept that I need to feel guilty if I say that what other's are doing to me hurts me or if I "Judge" them for abusing me. Can you see how this kept me in the silence which surrounds all incest victims and victims of many other kinds of abuse?
This linked to my stomach which energetically represents my "Digesting" what life throws at me. This linked to ALL of my belief systems and ALL of my emotions. What this says is that this concept that I felt guilty for defending myself from their abuses was affecting EVERY belief and every emotion that I have ever had!!!!
Then the body wanted to unhook all of the neuropeptides within all of the connective tissue of my body. Elizabeth explained that from the book MOLECULES OF EMOTIONS (which I will try to locate soon), she learned that emotions flow through the body naturally. They are to be digested by sharing them with someone who loves us so that they move out through our tears, sweat, and urine. However when there is nobody to talk to about something traumatic, the emotions store in the body as neuropeptides which cause physical pain over time. Elizabeth unhooked these so that I can release all of the negative emotions that I have stored up since the incest.
This whole formula had a definition of the small intestine meridian which she learned was obstructed since I was a child. By opening this up and applying it to the whole formula I will benefit by being able to develop discernment about nurturing myself. By learning how to care for myself, I will be able to grow into the person that I am meant to be!!!!!!!!!! YIPEE!!!!!!!!
I learned that the symptoms of a constructed small intestine meridian are:bloating, gas, constipation, moodiness, pessimism, sighing often, PMS, melancholy, and excessive consumption of raw and cold foods. WOW, when I think about that list there are very few of these that don't describe my whole life. Do you see why Elizabeth and I both feel that this is a session that will totally change my life? There is no longer a reason to remain a victim just to please my mother. There is no longer a reason to "Keep my mouth shut to keep the family shame a secret." Can you imagine how freeing this is for me???????????????
Well, I got some homework. Elizabeth said that for the next 2 weeks or so, the old me will be releasing the old concepts such as, "You don't deserve to express yourself," or "Who do you think that you are to take 10 minutes to write in your blog anyway?" or "Don't you know that there is work to be done--how dare you do a BodyTalk session on yourself in the middle of the day--you're not THAT sick anymore?"
I know that she's right for it's happened twice already since the session and it's only been a few hours. Well, each time I become aware of a self-defeating concept like that, I MUST do cortices.
Cortices links the 2 sides of the brain to work as a unit. People have come out of comas; been saved from death at automobile wrecks; recovered from shingles on the brain... by doing cortices regularly. I guess I'll be doing a lot of cortices in the next few weeks because I have felt, for a few hours now, the joy of what it feels like to know that I am worthy of my own self-love!!! WHAT A SESSION AND WHAT A GLORIOUS DAY IT'S BEEN SO FAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would appreciate if you would keep me in your prayers as I move into becoming the Dawn that God always knew that I would be!!!
After I did cortices immediately following the session, I broke out into praise to the Lord. Suddenly it entered my mind for the first time in my life that I WILL GET TOTALLY WELL--TOTALLY WELL. That is my birthright and I'm going after it today and every day for the rest of my days on earth. PRAISE THE LORD!!! PRAISE YE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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